Chapter 11

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After a few hours I still didn't feel any better and now I was starting to throwing up. I ran to the bathroom, throwing up all my food again. "Alice. When you're done, I'm taking you to the hospital" Niall said firmly. "Ni, not yet. It's just morning sickness" I told him. I really did not want to go to the hospital. Niall turned me to face him. "Alice. This is more than morning sickness. You are past the first trimester" His tone was very serious. I nodded, holding out my hand for him to help me up. My hands were shaking as he pulled me up. I leaned against him, his skin was cool against my own. Niall put his arm around me to help me walk. "No, Niall" I moaned crumbling to my knees again in front of the toilet. "Alice, honey. We need to go" Niall said urgently. "Ni. I can't" I looked at him with tears in my eyes. "Princess. If something is wrong with the baby we need to know" Niall cradled me in his arms. I nodded and let him pull me up. The whole time in the car I made Niall leave the air up even though I was shaking. "Come on" He said. We walked slowly into the elevator, then up to where I would be cared for.

Niall POV

I watched my sleeping wife who was hooked up to more IVs then I could count. I knew I should have kept my distance when I was sick, but at least her and our baby were okay. I layed my head down next to her 4 month old baby belly on the bed, just barely touching it. I closed my eyes exhausted from a) being sick myself only a few days ago b) from taking care of Alice and being up with her forever. I fell asleep listening to the beep monitoring the baby's heart rate.

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