Sebastian Stan ; I Love You

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You could not believe how your weekend was going. First, your boss decided to give you Friday off just because you exhausted yourself this entire week. Then your friend was able to get premiere tickets for Beauty and the Beast. And now, your boss sent you an email telling you the journal has accepted your article and you were going to get published...first 17 pages of the first copy of the journal were all yours. How better can this day be?

Deciding you wanted to celebrate, you called Seb to let him know he has to come early today so you could got out and celebrate.

Hearing the keys turning in the front door, you bolted and by the time he shut it, you jumped on him screaming.


"Oh god sorry so sorry I'm just so excited!"

"Wow wow slow down. Why the happy mood all of a sudden?"

You walked him to the couch and started pacing.

"Remember that paper I have been writing for months?"


"Guess what?" You started jumping up and down screaming.



"Omygod darlin congrats!!" He went for a hug and you stayed like that for what felt like minutes.

Finally separating, you kept on telling him about how excited you were for the movie and your plans for the night.

In the middle of all of it, Seb couldn't help but think how adorable you were. Should he tell you now? He has loved for god know how long but how would you feel?

God he loves you so much it hurts.

Suddenly, he noticed that you weren't talking anymore.

Snapping out of his trance, he looked at you. "What? What's wrong?"

You didn't answer and it scared him.

"Y/N what's wrong?"

" love me?"

Fuck did he say that outloud?!

"Y/N wait I can...I don't expect anyth-"

Suddenly, he was thrown back by the weight of you on him. Your lips came crashing on his and your hands tangled in his hair.

It took him a couple of seconds to realize what was happening before he grabbed your hips threw you on your back.

Realizing you both need to breathe at some point, he pulled away, resting his head on yours.

"Thank fucking god because I don't know what I would have done if you ran away!" You started giggling and he kissed you again, more tenderly this time.

Pulling away, you looked into his gray eyes and smiled.

"I mean when I asked god if today could get any better, I didn't know he answers this quickly."

Giving you a quick peck on the lips, he laughed with you.

"Well god does work in mysterious ways."

Today was definitely more than a good day.

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