Because Of You

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Well, I have a few hours to finish this story. Today is my second anniversary with my boyfriend. I wanted to finish it for him today. Maybe he'll let me tell you who he is since he gets to read all my stuff. Summer sucks. I want to talk to him. In case you were wondering, the song that inspired this is: Because Of You by Nickelback. Yep, another one where the title came from the inspiration. O'Malley is in this one though! I hate him. There's a kid in my school, he hates me and the feeling's mutual, that I call O'Malley. He always messes up my nicknames. My friend Trevor called me Elleon, the name of my OC, because he saw me writing Elleon Grif all the time. I tried to get it to stick Sophomore year and it didn't work. Junior year he calls me Elleon. What the hell?! My real nickname is Tex. A lot of people knew it was my nickname or they actually called me it. Some of my really good friends that did or do know my real name call me Tex. My friend that I call Carolina, she's never seen the show and just goes with it, forgot my real name at one point! She was so used to calling me Tex! I found her on messenger one night. She asked who I was. I got so scared because she was pissed. I had to tell her it was Tex. Then she was friendly. I'm like, woah C, calm down. I'm way off topic but I like to talk. Even when no one is listening. This one gets interesting at the end. AgentKansas632, I hope you like my little twist. My mind travels far. I know that in our actual storyline O'Malley is gone before they get together. I think the Director knowing would be a fascinating little detail. I made this story end so it leads right up to our rp when Tex and Thomas escape the project. Actually part of the beginning of that is at the end of this short story. Happy reading!

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