Shooting Star

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So I'm back. I should have been writing before. I've been busy talking to Kansas. Now that I can't... I have to write. I just have to. It helps me channel all my emotions. I hate feeling like I ditched him. I was so happy when Kansas surprised me by making an early appearance yesterday. I couldn't stop laughing at the picture I got either. Well, let me get to the point of this story. Its inspired by: Greatest Day by Take That. Kansas showed me this song. I think it'll start out sad and build to a certain happiness. Happy reading!

Thomas sits out on the lawn of his house off the coast of England. He stares up at the stars. A shooting star passes overhead and he can only wish for one thing. I wish I'll see her again. I wish Tex will come home safely.
A toddler makes his way out the open sliding glass doors. He takes his tiny steps until he reaches his father. The little boy sits down next to Thomas, leaning on him and sleepily rubbing his eyes.
"Hello Leo."
"When is Mommy coming home?"
"She'll be home soon. Don't you worry."
"You said that last night too."
"Because I mean it Leo."
"Okay Daddy."
Thomas stands up and picks up his son. "Let's get you back inside and in bed."
"But I'm not tired." Leo protests before a yawn contradicts him.
Thomas rubs little Leo's back as he carries him inside their big beautiful home. Leo is already asleep by the time Thomas gets upstairs to his bedroom.
"Allison probably misses you more than you miss her buddy." Thomas tucks in his son. He leaves the door open before heading to his own room.
He notices he left on his radio when he enters the room. Thomas walks over to turn it off. Static emits from the radio while he stares at it. He reaches for the switch.
"T- Tho-Thomas."
He jumps back.
"Tommy. To- mmy, is this w- king?"
He sits down in front of the radio, and grabs its speaker box.
"Thomas, if y- getting this, please ans- me."
There's no mistaking the fact that it's Tex on the other end. He presses the button.
"How'd you get this to work?"
"I'm crafty. The signal is terrible in certain spots."
"I don't care."
"I miss you guys."
"Leo keeps asking for you."
Silence follows on Tex's side. Then a sob fills the air.
"I'm sorry."
"You have nothing to be sorry for. The day you come back will be the greatest day of our lives."
"I love you Thomas Matthews."
"I love you too Allison Matthews."
In the distance someone calls her name.
"I have to go."
"Be safe dear."
"I will. I promise."
And she never broke that promise.

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