Left Brain Right Brain

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A/N: Whoa two updates that are only a couple days apart??? Who am I???

Anyways, This one-shot is based on Bo Burnham's "Left Brain Right Brain." Where Regina is the Left Brain and Robin is the Right Brain. I'm gonna use myself as the owner of these two parts of the brain because I literally only think in OutlawQueen so it makes sense. (I tweaked it a little bit to fit my personality.)


"Hello, patient 24602." The metallic voice echoes.

"Um-" I sit down on a stool in a dark room, "I'm sorry- Hello, how are-"

"How are you feeling?" The voice asks cutting me off before I could finish answering. "Um... Uh...not great?" I respond twiddling my fingers in nervousness.

"Has the treatment been working?"

"Uh, I don't think so, no."

"What are your remaining symptoms?"

"I-I just- I internalize my feelings a lot. I have trouble articulating how I'm feeling to other people. I feel like I just-"

"So basically you're still a little bitch." The voice says monotonously, cutting me off again.

"Yes, very mature of you disembodied voice way up there." I roll my eyes. I was getting tired of this.

"I was just joking"

"Okay, whatever just let's get to the point. What's wrong with me, please? Please." I beg, I just wanted to get this over with. Why did I feel this way?

"Your emotions and your logic are at war."

"Okay" I nod, fidgeting in my chair,

"Your creativity and your analysis are at war. And most simply, your left and right brain are at war."

"My... My left and my-?"

"To fix the problem we must separate them from each other-" Buttons start to flash as the procedure begins.

"Sep- Excuse me?" I blink, waves of panic and nausea wash over me.

"-Splitting your neurological functions in 5... 4..."

"Ca-Can we book an appointment or something?" I stand up, panicking.


"You just don't start counting down to major medical procedures-"

"2... 1... This may hurt a bit."

"I don't even know what 'it' is!" I yell grasping the golden doorknob trying to get out... But it was locked.


"J-Just tell me what you're-!" There's a large zap and an electric shock runs through me.

"Isolation complete." The robotic voice states, as a ebony haired woman in a white blouse, black pencil skirt, and high heels begins to appear. "This is Rebecca's Left Brain: objective, logical, cold, analytical, aware of patterns, aware of trends, She's efficient-" The Ebony haired woman straightens her posture and clipboard that she was holding; Clicking her pen against it. "-And a prick."

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