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"Does your mom know?" I asked her.
"No. You can't tell anyone. If you do, my father will only beat me more." Allie said nervously.
"Darling, this isn't okay. He shouldn't beat you." I said and rubbed her forearm.
"I didn't give him what he wanted, that's why he beats me." She says quietly.
"What did he want you to do?" I asked.
"He wanted me to date some guy from this rich family in town but I told him no." Allie whimpered.
"Why'd you say no?" I asked.
"I said no because I like you." She said and smiled through her tears.
"I like you, too, Allie." I said and pulled her in for a hug.

Soon, supper was done and Allie and I went upstairs. We ate quietly and when we were finished, a maid came ad picked up our plates. Then, we went outside and sat on the back porch swing.

"Allie, I have a question for you." I said.
"Ask away." She said and smiled.
"I know we haven't known each other for very long, but will you go on an actual date with me?" I asked.
"Of course!! I'd love to!!." Allie said and hugged me.
"Do you want to stay at my house tonight?" I asked.
"I can't. My dad wouldn't like that." She said quietly.
"You need to get away from him." I said.
"I will when I'm 18." Allie said.

We hung out and chatted until her parents got home.

"Allie, this BOY needs to leave." Her dad said as soon as he got into the house.

Allie and I walked towards her parents.

"Mom, dad this is Kyle Lockwood." She introduced.

Her mom smiled softly but her dad pushed right past and went outside to the back porch. I wish I could hit that guy.

"Honey, it getting late. Kyle should probably go home." Her mom said softly before walking out to the back porch.

Allie walked me outside to my truck.

"Allie, tell your parents you're gonna stay at a friend's house. Then, come to my house. I don't want you staying with your father." I whispered as I hugged her.
"I'll see what I can do." She said and kissed my cheek softly.
"Thanks for having me over Allie." I said as I climbed into my truck.

I waved at her as I pulled out of the driveway. The whole way home I couldn't stop thinking about how much I hated her dad. He's such a prick. Soon after I get home, there's a soft knock on the front door. I open it to reveal Allie. Her right eye is swollen shut and she's carrying a duffle bag.

"Can I stay the night?" She asked softly.
"Of course. You can stay in our guest room." I said and led her into the house.

I got a weird look from my parents as I showed Allie to the guest room that's right beside my room. I got her situated and went to talk to my parents. I told her about Allie's situation and they agreed to let her stay for as long as she needed. I just hope Allie's parents don't figure out where she is.

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