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Quinn is now 5 and it's her first day of kindergarten. Allie's an emotional mess and I don't blame her. Quinn is already a beautiful girl. She has dark hair and she's tan from spending the summer outside riding horses. She's wearing a dress with cowboy boots(there's no doubt that she's my child). Allie and I get her into the truck and I drive into town. I drive to the elementary school and park in a spot. We all get out and walk Quinn into the school. We find her classroom and help her get comfortable.

"Have a good day Quinn. We'll see you in a couple hours sweetie." Allie says and hugs her.
"We love you Quinn." I said and hugged her.

As soon as we left the room, Allie began to cry.

"What's wrong honey?" I asked.
"Our baby is growing up." She cried.

We got back to the house and Allie curled up into my lap on the couch. She cried for an hour straight.

"Allie, is everything okay?" I asked.
"No." She bawled.
"What's going on baby?" I asked.
"I'm pregnant." Allie announced and smiled.
"Are you serious?" I asked excitedly.
"Yes. I was a couple weeks late, so I took a test and there were two lines, Kyle. I got to see a doctor next week." She said happily.
"That's amazing, Allie." I said and kissed her.
"I hope we have a boy." She said and smiled.

A couple hours later, we picked Quinn up from school. She talked about her new friends and stuff she did the whole way home. I think it's safe to say that she had a great time. When we got home, she went inside to change into her riding clothes. When she cane back out, we all tacked up horses and went for a trail ride.

"Mommy, daddy, I have a new friend." Quinn said happily.
"Who is it?" I asked.
"Taylor." Quinn answered.
"Is she nice?" Allie asked.
"Taylor is a boy, mom." Quinn said.

Oh shit! She's already liking boys. This isn't good.

"Maybe we can have Taylor over sometime." Allie suggested and I glared at her.
"Maybe we can have one of your other friends over." I suggested.
"But Taylor is my best friend and he said we are gonna get married someday." Quinn said softly.
"I need to meet Taylor before you can marry him." I said.
"Can he come over sometime with his parents?" Quinn asked.
"Sure thing sweetie." Allie said and smiled.

When we got back to the house, Allie made supper while Quinn and I watched PBR on the tv.

"Daddy, is that you?" She asked.
"Yes sweetie." I said and smiled.

They were showing old highlight videos. This one was from the NFR a couple years ago when I beat my person record.

"Daddy, you're really good." Quinn said and cuddled into my side.
"Thanks sweetie." I said and kissed the top of her tiny head.

"Supper's ready." Allie called from the kitchen.

Quinn and I got up and went into the dining room. We sat down in our spots and put food on our plates. Allie had made grilled chicken and Mac and cheese. After supper, we put Quinn to bed and then Allie and I went to our room. Allie cuddled into my side on the bed and we soon fell asleep.

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