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"Good luck tonight babe. I'll see you at the game." Allie said as she gave me a hug and left the school. I got my stuff out of the locker room and got onto the bus. Tonight, the varsity team and I are heading to a rival school for our last game before we go to tournament play. We have to win this game if we want to make it on.

When we get to the school, we head to the locker room and change into our uniforms. During warmup, I see Allie walk in with my parents. I smile at her and she winks at me. When the game starts, my team gets the ball first. I score a couple of three points in the first quarter.

Soon, it's halftime and we go to the locker room. We are leading 50-31. We go back onto the court. During the third quarter, the other team starts to get rough. As I go up for a lay-up, one of the opposing team members body checks me and I fall to the floor. My right wrist breaks my fall and I hear it snap. I scream in pain.

Before I know it, Allie is right by my side and she's comforting me. Someone call the ambulance and 10 minutes later, the EMTs show up.
They stabilize my right arm and put me onto a stretcher. My parents and Allie follow me out of the school and Allie gets into the ambulance with me.

When we get to the hospital, I'm taken to get x-rays so Allie stays in the waiting room to wait for my parents.

The doctor told us that I have a break in my hand and I need to get it casted. There isn't a casting person at the hospital until morning, so I have to stay the night. Allie is going to stay with me.

"Hey handsome." Allie greeted as walked into my room with snacks.
"Hey beautiful." I said as she sat down on the edge of the bed and handed me a package of m&m's.
"How are you feeling?" She asked and put her hand on my thigh.
"I feel better since I have pain meds." I answered and smiled softly.

Allie and I talked for a while until she curled up into my side and fell asleep.

Bright and early in the morning, my parents came back to the hospital. I got my wrist casted and we headed home. Allie was the first one to sign my bright green cast. I hate that I can't play for the rest of the basketball season, but hopefully I'll be healed up just in time for rodeo!

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