12: Risk (Jack+Mark)

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A/N: Alright, now we start doubles! They'll be mixed in from here on out, and Matpat will start showing up too. Enjoy! :D

There was a second voice in the house. It sounded... different. You had gotten used to the giant in this house: Mark. Some came over often, but left at night. Unlike this one. He'd been here for 3 days so far. You could see Mark and the new person with green hair in his work room sitting in front of the game box from your spot hidden away on the shelf next to a plant. Looked like an aloe plant, but not being able to see the top of it wasn't helping.

"Hey!" You heard the green haired man shout as he smacked Mark on the arm, grinning. You had to find out who he was, while not being seen... stealth mode activate. Climbing from your current shelf and on to the one below it, you heard more shouting behind you, though the new guy's yell was much higher than Mark's. You dropped to the ground and ran behind the couch, checking to make sure no one was coming, and ran behind the wall that lead to Mark's room as you peeked around the wall, readying to run.

"One more round and then we'll start Soccer Physics." You heard Mark say.

"Mark godammit! That means I can't beat you!" You heard the other person shout angrily, mixed with laughter.

"Sure you can, this one's for all the beans."

"All the beans?"

"Every, single, one."

"You're on."

The trash talk continued as the two played their game, giving you time to sprint into the room. You hugged the wall, panting. It took a moment to notice that you were still in plain sight. Still trying to catch your breath, you ran to the basket to your left, not before tripping and landing on your face, making a solid thud before sliding yourself into hiding.

"Uhh, did you hear that?" Green said to Mark.

"You losing? Yeah I did!" Mark grinned mockingly.

"No, no, there was a noise!" He shoved Mark, looking closer in your direction.

"Alright, alright, go hunt for your ghost, I can cut this out." Mark smiled, looking mock inquisitively around the room.

"Screw off..." Green trailed off, making his way to your corner of the room, scanning the floor and walls. He was getting scarily close. Revert to plan O (Standing for Oh god I'm gonna be seen.)

You let yourself go limp. The giant would assume you were a doll and set you somewhere, giving you time you time to run back home. Granted there were some flaws, but that was the plan in theory. You let your eyes shut lightly, but you could feel your shoulders go tense. The giant was going to see you. That was... terrifying, but thrilling in another way. You heard the basket in front of you skid to the right as it was pushed away.

"Hey!" You heard Green exclaim as he saw you. Your arms tensed.

"Wait, you actually found something?" You heard a distant remark from Mark.

"It's a doll... where did it come from? Maaaark?" You felt his hand wrap around your body, two fingers around your waist, one on your shoulders, and one around your legs. Immobilized.

"I have no clue how it got there, seriously." Mark said honestly as you were brought over to him, and Green set you on his leg after he most likely sat down. Not to plan.

"I have this doubt that it's a doll Jack." Mark said pretty confidently, poking your arm.

"Then what is it?" Green asked the obvious question.

"How am I supposed to know?" Mark replied, grabbing you in his hand and lifting you up. You tried not to look as terrified as you were. That was a hard thing to accomplish, and you could feel your body shake lightly.

"Hey, hey, it's okay." Mark said softly. How did he figure you out?

"Mark, you think it's alive?" Green asked, sounding incredibly confused.

"You must have a name. I'm not going to hurt you, okay?" Mark continued, bringing you closer to him. You could feel his breath on your hair as he gently rubbed your head. You couldn't decide if he could be trusted, but there really was no way out of this. You opened your eyes and timidly looked up at Mark, and he lightly smiled, mussing your hair.

"That's better. Are you okay?" He asked softly.

"Wait, Mark, it's actually alive?" Green said, moving into your line of sight, and his jaw dropped when you glanced over at him before looking back at the ground.

"I-I'm fine." You answered quietly, and Green's face instantly softened.

"What's your name?" Green asked. You could ask the same thing.

"My name's Y/N." You answered quickly. It was probably better that Mark held you restrained, or else you would be curled up in a ball.

"Have I ever, heard you before? In the house?" Mark asked questioningly, setting you on the desk carefully.

"Maybe..." You said shyly, bringing your knees closer to your chest.

"Hey, what happened to soccer physics?" Green asked.

"Can I ask one question before you start?" You asked Green, who was surprised at your courage. He nodded.

"What's your name?"

"Yeah, it's Jack." He said, smiling warmly before turning back to Mark.


"Let's go."

A/N: First double! Hope everyone likes it, because I definitely enjoyed writing it. Hope everyone is having a great summer!

Thanks for reading!

PJO out.

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