Placing into Gryffinndor and Meeting James Potter

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Lily Evans:
Finally! My name called!
"Evans, Lily Marie!"
I walked to the stool, and sat down.
I stood up and go down the steps and looked at Severus and smiled and walked towards my table.
When I sat down beside a messy jet black haired boy and a curly black haired boy in the other he saw me and smiled while everyone clapped in my table. The boy held out his hand for me to shake it.
"Hi I'm James!" the boy said.
"Hi I'm Lily!" I said. We shook hands and we smiled and continued to watch the Sorting Ceremony. I wonder which house is Severus in?

James Potter:
This very pretty red-headed girl sat beside me and I held my hand for her to shake it.
"Hi! I'm James!" I said.
"Hi! I'm Lily!" the girl told me. We smiled and continued to watch the Sorting Ceremony. I have this feeling imside my gut tells me I have a crush on her? Nah! I cannot have a crush on her because we just met! Anyways as long as I''m not gonna fall for that...beautiful, stunning....James! Snapped out of it! She is just your friend! What's worse that could happen for the both of us? When Lily looked at me with a worried expression on her face.
"James, are you okay?" she asked me.
"W-what? Oh, um, yeah! I'm fine." I smiled.
She smiled back and she goes back to the Sorting Ceremony. I was so blushy when she asked me if I was okay, well I guess that is the starting of our friendship.

Lily Evans:
James is very friendly and kind. I hope that he will stay that way. Anyways, I hope that Severus is Gryffindor too, if that happens I will be happy. If he is in a different house, I might be a bit disappointed but I will be happy for him.

Until the end + Always=♥ James Potter and Lily Evans♥Where stories live. Discover now