Happens In Vegas

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Ali pulled her shades over her eyes as she followed behind Emily. They just got off the plane and were walking through the airport. Ali gave Em another sly look as she shook her head at what she was wearing. Emily seemed to have some of the shortest shorts Ali had ever seen. Em had already turned the head of several men and women on the plane and all Ali could do was roll her eyes. One woman even worked up the nerve to approach Em.
"Wow, you are insanely gorgeous."
Just as Emily smiled and was about to thank the woman, Ali walked up and kissed Em. She then turned to the woman.
"She is, isn't she?"
Ali stared the woman down before she got the picture and walked off. Emily laughed before Hanna walked up, looping her arms with Em.
"How is it that when we finally get to Vegas, I'm with child."
"No turn up for you."
"Hey, just because I can't drink, doesn't' mean I can't dance."
"Yes it does."
She stopped walking and looked at the six people who had just spoke up. Caleb then walked up to her, giving her a kiss.
"Nice try Han, but the most action you're going to see this weekend is a bench alongside the pool."
She pouted while everyone else laughed. They'd managed to all get rooms on the same floor so they rented a big van from the airport and headed to the hotel.
*Later That Night*
They all met up at the restaurant and were talking about what's going on in their lives. Everyone excitedly asking about Lily and Grace.
"They're doing good. Getting really busy learning to crawl and get into things."
Aria couldn't help but gush over their godchildren.
"Lily is so much like you Em. And Grace is the spitting image of Ali."
Which was true. The girls each had their own personality. Lily was the more laid back and fun loving one. She laughed a lot and was more friendly. Grace was the leader of the two. And while she was also fun-loving, she was more serious. Em smiled with pride.
"I love it! I can't wait to see them grow. Especially with little Jake on the way."
Caleb and Hanna smiled. They'd recently learned that they'd be having a boy and had already picked out a name for him. Jacob Michael Rivers.
The happiness among the group of friends was obvious. The conversation the turned towards Ali and Emily's wedding.
"So, have you guys picked a place yet?"
They looked at each other and smiled.
"No, not yet. We just want to make sure we're picking the perfect place."
"That's understandable. Ezra and I had a hard time picking a place too."
They spent the next two hours talking and laughing. Like one big family.
"I know Han can't go to the club, so we'll just hang out in the casino part while you guys get loose!"
Em looked at Caleb, concerned.
"Are you sure? We can do something else..."
Hanna spoke up, batting away her concern.
"Definitely. Besides, we just may hit the jackpot and make us all rich!"
They all laughed before heading up to their rooms to change. When Em got a look at Ali's outfit, she was not amused.
"Umm, where do you think you're going like that!?"
Ali looked at herself in the mirror. After having the girls, she worked hard to ditch the baby weight and was now back down to her pre-pregnancy weight. She'd even toned up in some of the areas she'd wanted to so she was feeling extra confident in herself.
"What's wrong with this?"
"Other than the fact that you're a married woman showing off all your-"
"Tread light Em. And I'm not married yet."
Emily looked at her with wild eyes while giving her head a little shake.
"What's that supposed to mean Ali?"
"Nothing. Forget about it."
"No, I don't want to forget about it. What did you-"
"I mean that we have yet to really talk about the wedding! Sure, we've got colors but every time I try to talk to you, you get distracted!"
They looked into each other's eyes. Emily wanted to say something but deep down, she knew Ali was right. She looked down before Ali wiped at the tear that fell on her cheek. As much as she didn't want to hear it, she felt like she had to ask.
"Don't you want to marry me Em?"
Emily couldn't believe that Alison would ask her that! She wanted nothing more. But she was also covering up her nervousness. As much as she wanted to marry Ali, she was scared.
"I just want to take things slow-"
Ali laughed at that.
"How much more slowly can we go? I proposed to you 4 months ago and we've yet to talk about it! Not seriously!"
Emily really didn't want to talk about this. She tilted her head to the side, looking straight ahead but not at Ali.
"Now, you're shutting me out again! Great!"
Emily rolled her eyes.
"Ali, let's just talk about this when we get home?"
Ali chuckled while walking around Em. Just as she'd gone to open the door, Spencer was about to knock when she snatched it open. Spence tripped a little before gaining her balance. She looked up at Ali.
"Whoa! Where's the fire?"
She looked at Ali, who had a stubborn tilt of her chin to Em who wouldn't look directly at her.
"Everything okay?"
She said looking back and forth between two of her best friends. She looked at Ali and saw a heartbroken look pass across her face before she regained her composure.
"Everything's fine."
She turned and went to grab her purse. Em grabbed her wrist and made an attempt to say something but Ali quickly snatched her arm away, turning to walk out.
"I'll be downstairs."
After she walked out, Spencer watched her before walking more into the room, closing the door. She looked at Emily who was biting her lip and running a hand through her hair.
"What was that?"
Emily rolled her eyes before sitting down on the hotel's chair.
"She's pissed with me."
"The wedding."
Spencer had noticed a strain in the conversation earlier at dinner when the subject of their wedding came up. She knew the two were anxious to finally get married but she sensed some hesitation on Em's part.
"Hey. What's going on?"
Emily tried to downplay Spencer's question.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean that whenever anyone mentions the two of you getting married, you act and look as if someone's asking when World War III will start."
Emily knew she couldn't hide anything from Spencer. She sighed.
"I'm scared Spence."
Those three words captured Spencer's attention. She knew Emily loved the ground Ali walked on. She also knew that Em couldn't wait to spend the rest of her life with Ali. She couldn't figure out why she would be scared.
Em could tell Spence was waiting for her to go on.
"I love Ali. I love her so much that it hurts. I don't want anyone else but I just-. What if, the wedding, makes things more official for her and freaks her out?"
Spencer stayed quiet. Now that she had Em talking, she wanted her to just get her feelings out.
"I mean yeah, we have Lily and Grace and yes, we've been a family, but what if she decides she doesn't want this- want us?"
Em held her head down, playing with her fingers.
"I just don't think I could take that type of rejection, that type of hurt again. I'm too invested in us, in our family to be hurt again."
They sat there with each other in silence. Spencer went and wrapped her arms around Em. She didn't know how else to comfort her friend but to give her support.

Raising Our Family *Emison*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora