Couldn't Bear

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"I will KILL that BITCH!"

Spencer and Aria share a look before Spencer tries to calm Ali down.

"Ali, you've got to calm down."

She snapped.

"I CAN'T Spencer! This is my wife and kids!"

Hanna rolled her eyes.

"Alison, everyone in this car is feeling this is some sort of way. Em and the girls are our family too."

Alison sighed before pushing her head back into the cushions.

"I know. Spence, Ar, I'm sorry. I just-"

Aria spoke up.

"We know, Ali. You don't have to apologize."

Alison was thankful for the warm and comforting tone that Aria was using because other than that, she felt like she was losing her mind. They've been driving for four hours now and they still had another good hour and a half to go.

"Are you guys hungry?"


"What Spencer! We've got to eat! I can feel my freaking stomach groping my back."

Ali rolled her eyes but had to agree.

"As much as I don't want to stop, I am super hungry. I won't be much of anything by the time we get there to do anything for Em."

Spencer pulled out her phone and began searching for somewhere to stop.

"There's a diner like 10 miles ahead. We can stop there."

When they pull up to the diner, they were half expecting it to be almost closed. But, surprising, for almost midnight, it was packed. They went inside and found a spot close to the back. Caleb, Toby and Mona piled into the booth behind them. They all had their heads buried into something. Mona was on her phone, typing away. Caleb was staring at his laptop screen and Toby was talking on his phone to someone.

Toby hung up from the call and ran his hand through his hair.

"Tanner and Lorenzo say they have nothing."

Ali scrunched up her nose.

"Of course not. Tanner's probably more interested in keeping tabs on us!"

"They're still following up on leads about Addison's killer."

Hanna shivered.

"Gosh. I forgot that little demon child was even dead."



Spencer shook her head before looking back at Toby.

"Do they have anything on Maya?"

"No. They actually seemed surprised that I'd even mentioned anything about her since she's reportedly been dead so long."

"Great! How is it that we're always one step ahead of the police department?"

"Because they're incompetent."

Mona looked up at Toby and smiled.

"No offense Toby."

"None taken."

"But that is troubling. Considering how dangerous Maya just may be."

That got the attention of Caleb. He along with all the girls turned to stare at Mona. Aria spoke up.

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