Truth About The Baby

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The next few hours were chaotic. The crew was learning new details about what actually happened as the day went along.
Turns out, Toby had stayed back while everyone else went into the room. He was in constant contact with Tanner and when they decided to get the FBI involved, he had been an instrumental part in everything going as smoothly as it did. It could have been a lot worse.
He'd had Mona put an app on his phone that allowed Tanner to attach his signal to the database so the FBI knew exactly where they were.
The FBI wanted to talk to Maya because they felt that she may be connected to the murder that her brother was behind bars for. They hadn't found him yet but they had a general idea of the area they felt he'd go.
Toby also had a sneaking suspicion that Maya is also the person behind Addison's death. They wouldn't know for sure however until Maya snapped out of her daze, whenever that finally was. For now, she's undergoing a mental evaluation and will be on lock down for the next 72 hours.
Doctors were still performing surgery on Emily so there was no word on her condition yet. All they knew was that a bullet hit her in the chest and in her arm.
Caleb is currently doped up on pain meds and his abdomen was wrapped up. He has 3 broken ribs and a fractured wrist.
Alison has been crying for hours, alternating between Spencer, Aria and Hanna's laps. None of them wanted to leave the other's side. The fear of losing Emily was on all their minds and they just wanted to know that she was okay. They didn't want to think about what they'd do if she wasn't.
Spencer had called and broke the news to Pam. Her mother as well as Ashley and Ella promised not to leave her side. Mona's mom even agreed to come over and keep an eye on the twins while they tried to console Pam.
"God, what's taking so freaking long?!"
"Try and be cool Hanna."
They looked at each other and she nodded towards Ali who was currently being rocked back and forth in Aria's arms.
Mona walked up to Ali and took her hand in hers. Ali looked at their hands for a moment before sniffling and looking up into Mona's eyes.
"Ali, I know that in an alternate universe, I'm probably scoffing at myself right now. I never thought that I'd get over what you did to me. How you treated me. And I know you must hate me for all of the things that I did. Really all of you."
She looked around at them all quickly before looking down at Ali's hands. She took a big, shaky breath before continuing.
"But seeing the love you have for Em and how much you've grown as a woman, mother, wife, friend... I-I never would have imagined I'd see the day that Alison DiLaurentis wouldn't be a bitch and an actual good person."
Ali stared at Mona before giving a little smile. She wiped at her tears before squeezing Mona's hand. Mona got up and smiled as she passed Hanna. It faltered slightly. She missed her Hanna so much. Hanna took a deep breath and reached out and grabbed Mona's hand. Mona looked down at it and looked up at Hanna, her smile spreading across her face. Hanna brought her into a hug and they held onto each other.
Aria and Spencer smiled at the interaction. Spencer wiped her eyes and tried to get herself together but the thought of Emily not being at her side or a call away made her heart hurt. She'd never allowed herself to think about Em not being there. She looked around and could tell that no one else seemed to think about that either.
Toby saw the inner turmoil play out over Spencer"s face and he walked over and enveloped her in a hug. A deep sob came out her mouth and she laid her head on his shoulder, silently crying.
Tears escaped Toby's eyes as well. Emily had been the first real friend he had in Rosewood. He thanked God for her because if it hadn't been for her, he'd probably never known what it's like to love and be loved by Spencer.
After a few more hours of torture, a doctor approached them.
Alison jerked her head up before hurrying to her feet towards him. Everyone else crowded around her.
"Yes doctor! I'm her wife."
"Well, the good news is that we were able to extract the bullets before they did any major damage."
Relief swam through the group as they verbally let go of shaky breaths.
"I'm afraid the bad news is that Ms. Fields has slipped into a coma."
Alison's knees buckled and she almost hit the ground but Toby and Aria helped hold her up. Spencer visibly flinched as she took a seat in a chair. Tears spilled down Hanna's face but she just had to ask.
"What about the-.... the-"
The doctor patted her hand before grabbing it and giving it a quick squeeze.
"For right now, the fetus seems to be doing fine. It seems to be in very early stage. In fact I had to do some extensive testing when I pulled her file. Ms. Fields is quite the trooper. We normally like for women who have that specific type of surgery to be on bed rest at lease two days after."
"So it's true? She's really pregnant?"
The doctor turned to Alison.
"Yes Mrs. Fields. I as well as my colleagues will do everything in our power to keep the baby as safe as we can. Thank goodness for all of the technological advances, we should be able to keep the baby stable and with proper nutrition as long as mama fights to hang on."
Ali whimpered and buried her face in Aria's neck. Then out of nowhere, they heard a loud noise come from down the hall. Jason pushed the doctor who performed Emily"s surgery towards the group.
"Tell 'em! Tell them exactly what you just told me!"
Jason glared at the doctor and he coward under the icy blue eyes. He looked around at all of the other people staring at him and gulped. Ali stood up fully, still clinging onto Aria.
"Jason, what's going on?"
He looked at his little sister before leaning in closer to the doctor, getting in his face.
"Tell. Her."
The doctor closed his eyes before looking down.
"I met Maya about a year ago through a mutual friend. She told me that she and her girlfriend were looking to get pregnant. I told her that I would do the procedure but only if the price was right. Needless to say, she came to me with the money about 6 months ago and threw in an extra $10,000 to keep quiet-"
"And that didn't seem odd to you? Against your professional ethics?"
The doctor looked at Spencer and scoffed.
"Hey, with that type of money, it's kinda hard to think about ethics, right?"
He looked around at the icy stares and decided to just finish telling his story so he could leave unharmed.
"So we set a date and the rest was history."
Jason waited for him to finish but the man just stood there. Jason cleared his throat.
"There's a little bit more to the story asshole!"
He flinched at the name before rubbing his neck and looking around.
"Okay, Okay. Mr. DiLaurentis here came about two months ago looking to freeze his sperm. It was discovered that his count is low-"
Jason cleared his throat and looked around uncomfortably.
"Get to the point."
"Ummm right. Long story short, Mr. DiLaurentis had sperm in storage. Well, Maya and I had a brief spat where she failed to pay me $3,000 of the money she owed me and well, she was a bitch so I decided to get her back."
Everyone looked around at each other and Ali had finally had enough of the games. She was tired of hearing him talk and she just wanted to go see her wife.
"What the fuck did you do? Spit it out!"
"I might have injected Emily Fields with Mr. DiLaurentis' sperm instead of the ones provided by Mr. St. Germain."
"Might have?"
"Ok. I did. There. That's my confession."
No one said anything for a moment before Ali burst out laughing. It wasn't a happy type of laughter but a evil one. Kind of like the one Alison would get back in high school before she ripped someone to shreds.
Spencer looked around, clearly uncomfortable. She almost felt sorry for the doctor. Suddenly the laughter stopped and Ali had the doctor lifted up into the air by his shirt.
"Listen here you little shit! I could kill you right now but that would take me away from my wife. And that would truly be the end of me. But you are going to do everything in your power to help my wife or I will sue this got damn hospital for every penny that it has and I will own it! Just like I will own you! You will never have a peaceful day if you don't make sure that my wife and my child are okay! Do I make myself clear?!"
The doctor was shaking and could barely breathe since her thumb was slightly tightening his tie.
He began nodding his head the best that he could. She stared at him through red icy eyes. Aria looked at her with wide eyes.
"Okay Ali, you've got to let him go."
She held on a little longer before dropping him to the floor. He laid there taking deep breaths that sounded more like gasps. Everybody looked at her uneasy. Mona spoke up.
"And just when I thought the old Ali was gone, she showed up and showed out."

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