Wine Moms

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Pam looked through her photo album and couldn't help but smile. She ran her fingers over a photo she would never forget. Her, Wayne and Emily on top her father's shoulders at Disney World. Emily had the biggest smile on her face as she looked down at Wayne and he looked back up at her with pure adoration in his eyes. She stood off to the side looking at them both, laughing. Those two goofs always knew how to make her laugh.
She swiped at the tears that fell down her cheeks. She never thought she'd have to live this long without seeing Wayne or at least hearing his voice. Even when he had been deployed, he'd made it his mission to at least write her.
Now her daughter and grand children were missing. It was so hurtful. The girls came along when she thought Emily was her only family left. When she found out Alison was pregnant and that the baby would be her biological grandchild, she'd cried for hours and held onto Ali and Em tightly. When she found out they were twins, she'd been so filled with joy.
Now the thought of something happening to them made her sick. She held her stomach as she made her way to the bathroom. When she finished throwing up, she heard the faint sound of the phone ringing. She ran to it, hoping it was word on her family.
"Veronica... hi."
"We heard about Emily and the girls. Would you like some company?"
"Too bad we're not asking. Open the door Pam!"
"Ashley, we can't just-"
"Oh you two, stop it. You're going to drop the wine."
"Hey Pam. Can you open the door?"
She shook her head and chuckled as she made her way to the door. She opened and there stood her friends, Veronica Hastings, Ashley Marin and Ella Montgomery.
"We come bearing gifts!"
She led them to the living room while she went and got plates and glasses from the kitchen. When she sat down, all eyes were on her.
"How are you holding up?"
She sighed.
"I'm okay. I just wish I knew something."
Veronica squeezed her hand and gave her a sympathetic look. She smiled and looked around at the food.
"I said I would never drink wine with you all again... but with the recent events, I need it."
Ella was already pouring her a cup.
"Here ya go!"
Just as she took a few good sips of her wine, her cell phone rung. It was Ezra.
"Hi Pam. I just wanted to let you know, I'll be making it back to town later on tonight. I'll be with you tomorrow."
"Ezra, you don't-"
"I won't hear it! I know Em would want me to and you're family. I will be by your side."
"Thank you Ezra."
"Hi Ezra!"
"You're mother-in-law says hi."
"Tell her hello and I will catch up with her tomorrow as well."
"Will do. Goodnight."
*With Ezra*
His plane had landed in Connecticut and instead of taking another flight to Rosewood, he'd rented a car to just drive there and get there by tonight. Ezra pulled up to a gas station to get something to eat.
He decided to call Aria.
"Hi babe."
"Hello gorgeous. Any news?"
"No. We went to CeCe's old house and they were gone."
"How's Ali?"
"She's not doing too good. She found the girl's clothes and Em's ring."
As he was rounding the counter with the hot dogs, something by the restrooms caught his eye. Paige was exiting the bathroom with a crying baby that he immediately recognized as Grace. Lily was running off in front of her.
He couldn't believe his eyes and decided to hang up with Aria.
"Umm, babe. I'll call you back."
Without giving her time to respond, he walked over to her.
She turned around quickly and almost looked relieved. But that relief quickly turned to fear as she looked around.
"Yeah. What's going on Paige?"
"Look! Not here! When you get outside, walk to the side of the building."
"Yeah! Okay."
He quickly paid for his stuff while looking around. He quickly walked to the side of the building. When Lily saw him, she took off running to him with her arms held out.
He picked her up and kissed her cheek, while closing his eyes. He said a silent prayer before turning his attention to Paige.
"What the hell is going on Paige? What is this?!"
"Maya. She's freaking insane."
"Why do you have the girls? Where's Em?"
"Maya still has Em. At first, she wanted Em and them so they could be a family. But her brother offered to be a sperm donor so she's hoping to use it to impregnate Emily so they can start their own family."
"Oh my God!"
"She told me to take them and wait for directions on where to take them but I can't do this to Emily. She'd die if something happened to them and I promised I would get them to her mom."
"When did she say she was going to to contact you?"
"I don't know. She didn't say. I want to contact Mrs. Fields so bad but she's bugged my phone.., and my car."
"Listen, I'll take them. I'll take them home. Just make sure that when she contacts you, make it seem like you still have them."
"How will I do that?"
Ezra told Paige to pull out her phone and he made the girls make noises while playing with them so she could have when Maya called. Ezra got Lily and Grace from Paige and put them in the backseat of his car. He looked back at Paige.
"You've done good Paige. Emily would be proud."
She smiled at him but looked scared as she looked from side to side. She then ran to her car, jumping in and driving off. Ezra called Aria back. It went to voicemail.
"Hi babe. Long story short, I've got the girls and I'm taking them back to Rosewood. I'll call you when we make it back safely. Love you."
*Back with the Wine Moms*
They were all laughing and reminiscing about the old days.
"Oh my God. Remember that day we had to go get Emily and Hanna from the mall? Hanna got caught stealing and poor Emily looked so embarrassed!"
"Poor Emmy. She looked like if she could disappear, she would have."
"No! Remember the time Aria dragged all the girls with her to meet up with Ezra and they ended up getting flats tire and couldn't reach Ezra?"
They all chuckled. Their girls were always into something. But no matter what, they stuck together. The couldn't help but smile. In times just like now, they always had each other's back.
"I just can't get over the fact of Emily and Alison actually being together and having kids."
They all looked at Ella. Veronica smiled.
"I kinda always figured."
Ella looked at her.
"How? Every time I saw Alison, she was always chasing after some older boy."
"I don't know. I just figured she was using them as cover ups. Sometimes, when we were actually home during one of their sleepovers, Alison would always be cuddled up to Emily. And Emily would always have her arms protectively holding Alison."
There was a moment of silence before Pam spoke.
"I just hope Emmy is okay. Not only for my sake... but for Ali's too.'
"They will be Pam. They will be."
Pam's cell phone rung and she quickly wiped her face before answering the call.
"Pam, I'm on my way home. I've got two little people dying to see you."
At first she didn't really understand. That fourth glass of wine had her feeling loopy.
"Who are you talking about Ezra? What little people? Are you bringing home midgets?"
He laughed.
"No Pam. You're granddaughters. I have Lily and Grace and I'm bringing them home to you."
Pam dropped her phone as she let out an excited squeal. The tears were coming but she couldn't seem to control them.
The other moms looked at her. Ashley came to her side.
"What's going on Pam?"
"My grand babies. They're coming home."

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