Revealing What's Done

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Her angel appeared before her, looking down at her. She was hazy but she could still make out the love of her life.
"Good morning baby. Would you like pancakes?"
"Yes. I'd love some."
She tried to lift herself up for a kiss but for some reason, she felt like she couldn't move. She twisted and turned, the same result.
"Ali, why can't I move?"
She looked in the direction where Ali went but she was no longer there. She stretched her eyes and realized she was in a cold, dark room, tied to a hospital before. She began to move frantically, trying to break free so she could go find Ali. A doctor and two nurses entered the room followed by Maya. She made eye contact with her before she suddenly felt paralyzed and tired at the same time.
"How did the procedure go?!'
The doctor looked up into the cold face of Maya. He wanted to give a sarcastic comment and sneer but knew that would not be wise considering the big man that was sitting just outside the door. So he smiled in his head, knowing that he had one up on her. Little did she know, the procedure was more than successful and she would definitely be furious with the outcome.
"Yes, Mrs. Fields. The procedure was a success."
"Good. How long before she is discharged?"
"Well, she needs to stay here for at least another 24 hours-"
"No! We need to leave tonight!"
"With all due respect, the procedure is pretty risky-"
"Fine. But we need more privacy."
"I can see what we have available."
He quickly left the room, refusing to meet her gaze. As he walked down the corridor, he noticed a group of people walking in the hospital. His eyes widened as he recognized one of the people.
"Jason! To what do we owe the pleasure?!"
He shook hands with the wealthy son of Kenneth DiLaurentis. The family was very known and well linked in the medical community. Jason had recently came to the hospital, hoping to have his sperm frozen so that he could conserve it. Jason had recently learned that he would probably never have kids in the traditional way since his sperm count was so low. He knew he wanted kids in the future and a friend of his referred him to the hospital.
"I just wanted to make sure that everything is okay."
"Yes. It was extremely successful."
"So how does this work? You know, how long will it last?"
"Oh, there's no limit but we were hoping you'd be open to the idea of being a donor. We have lots of women coming here in dire want of a donor with your characteristics. Blonde hair, blue eyes, strong chin, tall..."
"You know, I've never thought about that. Being a donor. Hell, five years ago the thought of having a child never would have crossed my mind."
Jason laughed but the thought of having a child had been weighing on him a lot recently. Especially since Ali had the girls.
"I'll think about that doc."
He smiled before walking down the hall.
"Oh don't worry Jason. It's definitely going to good use."
Jason was deep in thought but he saw a group of people approaching. He had to do a double take when he saw Hanna and he began looking for his sister. He saw her and she looked out of it and anxious.
They all stopped and looked at Jason.
Before she thought about what she was doing, Ali took off running to him. He scooped her up and hugged her tightly. He noticed she was crying and he rubbed her back before pulling back, looking at her.
"Alison, what's going on?"
"Maya. She took Em."
Spencer noticed how shaken Ali is and decided to explain it to Jason.
"Maya took Em and the girls but Ezra was able to get them from Paige and take them back to Rosewood."
"Wow. This keeps getting weirder and weirder."
Hanna looked at him confused.
"Jason, what are you doing here?"
"I just came to tie up some loose ends. Why exactly are you guys here at the hospital?"
"I got a call from a friend that says she saw Em here."
Mona walked up typing on her phone.
"Speaking of your wifey Ali, she's definitely here."
Hanna looked at her.
"How do you know?"
"One of the attendants owes me a few favors and he looked up a few files for me. It seems an E. Fields just got out of surgery."
"Oh God! Em!"
Jason hugged her before pulling her hand towards the hospital. Everyone else followed. Jason walked back up the receptionist.
"May I speak to Dr. Wellington?"
"Yes sir Mr. DiLaurentis."
Alison was trying to calm down but the thought of Em having surgery didn't sit right with her.
"What kind of surgery? I hope she's not hurt!"
"We're going to get you some answers Al."
Dr. Wellington walked back to the reception area and gave Jason a confused smile.
"Jason. Is everything okay?"
"I know it's against policy doc, but my sister is looking for her wife and was told by a friend that she was here."
"Oh? What's her name and what is she here for?"
"See that's what we were hoping you can help us out with. Her name is Emily Fields and she was kidnapped. We're not exactly sure why she's here."
"Di-did you say Fields?"
"Yeah. Do you know her?"
Just as he was getting ready to answer, Chelley walked up to them, limping.
"She's here guys and you have to hurry. That bitch she's with is fucking crazy!"
Jason looked her up and down, clearly interested but a sound caught all their attention. Maya's brother stood in front of them with a gun pointed at Hanna's head.
"Make one wrong move and she's dead."
Caleb took a step back and shared a look with Mona. She looked around, scoping the area. She saw a figure running, pushing a bed. She looked back at Caleb and nodded in the direction. He looked and saw that it was indeed Maya. He looked back at Mona and then at Hanna. She nodded before taking her foot and stomping on the man's foot as hard as she could. The gun went off as he crouched down, grabbing his foot.
Screams sounded and people began running. Caleb grabbed Hanna's hand and ran behind Mona. The others followed them.
As they ran over a glass corridor bridge, Mona looked down and saw Maya opening a room.
"Down there!"
They could hear Maya's brother behind them. He aimed his gun and fired off a shot. The bullet grazed Caleb's ear and he cringed in pain.
"Oh my God, Caleb are you okay?"
"I'm okay! Go!"
They reach the room they saw Maya go into. Mona looked back at the. Before pushing the door open. The room was pitch dark and they slowly walked inside. Spencer peeked around a corner and saw that the room led to another room. Just as they were about to walk in that directions, they heard the door lock.
"How nice of you to join us. Nice to see you again Spencer."
"In the flesh."
Alison took a step toward her but Jason held her back.
"Why are you doing this?"
"Ahhh, Alison DiLaurentis."
"I prefer Alison Fields."
"No! No! No!"
She took a gun out of her sweater and knocked up the side of her head. Spencer spoke up.
"Maya, you don't have to do this."
"Oh but I do! I have so much more to be thankful for now."
Hanna laughed sarcastically.
"Really? Like what?"
"A new bundle of joy."
She smiled creepily and everyone suddenly felt uneasy.
"You're pregnant?"
Relief swam through everyone in the room. They knew how Lily and Grace came to be.
"I'm not. But Emily is."

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