What Family Is For

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"Unfreaking believable!"
"My freaking phone is stuck on this Apple screen!"
"How long has it been that way?"
"A few hours. I swear every time Apple releases a new iPhone, mines flips its shit."
Spencer and Hanna giggled before Hanna's phone rings. Hanna answers while Spence checks on Alison. She's barely said a word since they left the house.
"Hanna, I think we should get a room and regroup for the night. So we can be fresh and focused in the morning."
She looks at Alison, knowing this won't go over well with the blonde. Caleb already figured what she was thinking.
"Look Hanna. We need a plan and we need rest. We will find Em but we can't power through in this condition. We need to talk this through."
"Fine! I wish I could make you tell Ali this."
Alison looked up at the mention of her name.
"Tell Ali what?"
Hanna exhaled and blew out a breath before speaking.
"Caleb suggests that we get a hotel for the night to-"
"NO! No, no, no!"
Spencer touches her arm before turning around to look at the clock.
"Ali, they are probably right. We need to be in the best shape to help Em and we can't do that if we're all tired and stumbling with our thoughts."
Ali went to speak again but Aria grabbed her hand.
"It'll be okay Ali. We need to talk this through and you need rest."
She reluctant agreed and they made their way to a hotel. They got one big suite since they planned to be together. When they got in the room, Hanna sat on the couch and pulled Ali into her arms.
"So, what do we know?"
"Right now, I have the general area where her phone is but not a real address. We can keep an eye on it and see where it leads us."
"Guys, I'm going to use the phone to check in with Ezra."
Aria went and dialed Ezra's number. He picked up on the fourth ring.
"Hi babe."
"Hi. Where are you guys? Did you find anything at CeCe's?"
"Well, we found Em's wedding ring and the girls clothes before the house blew up."
"Oh my God! Are you alright? Is everyone okay?"
"Yeah, we're fine. I'm just really worried about Ali."
"She probably can't wait to get back to Rosewood huh?"
"Yeah. Hopefully it'll all be over soon. And we'll find Em and the girls."
"The girls? Babe, did you not get my message?"
"No. My phone has been freaking out all day."
"Aria, I have the girls. I got them from Paige?"
"Wait... Lily and Grace??! You have them?!"
"Yeah, the craziest thing. I ran into Paige at a gas station and she had them."
"Wow! I've got to tell Ali."
"I'm actually right down the road from Pam's house. I'm taking them to her.'
"Oh my God. Babe! This is really good news."
"They're sleeping now. I'm going to take them inside. Call me back with an update."
Aria ran into the living room to see Alison sleep in Hanna's arms. She smiled wildly while everybody looked at her.
"Ezra has the girls. He's taking them to Em's mom's house as we speak."
Everybody spoke at once before looking at each other happily.
"Apparently Paige had them and he ran into them at a gas station. She gave them to him."
Hanna shook Ali awake, smoothing out her hair. Ali looked so exhausted but Hanna wanted to give her the good news.
"Ali, Lily and Grace are safe. Ezra found them and are taking them to Pam's."
Alison sat up quickly, tears forming in her eyes.
"My babies are okay?"
Spencer held up her phone and smiled at Ali.
"See for yourself."
On the screen, Pam was kissing each girl's cheek as Veronica filmed them on FaceTime. Ali grabbed the phone and smiled through her tears. Pam smiled and pointed to the camera.
"Girrrrlls! Look at who it is!"
When they saw Ali they lunged for the phone.
Alison cried her heart out while holding the phone.
"I love you! Mommy loves you!! So much."
Everybody in the room watched the scene with tears of their own. Each coming to the conclusion that the Ali that they knew in high school was no more. This Alison was a woman completely in love with her family.
Alison saw Ezra out the corner of her eye and she called to him.
"Ezra, thank you! Thank you so much!"
He smiled.
"No problem Ali. This is what family is for."

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