In Love & War

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Ali was fuming. She kept looking at the clock, her foot stomping aggressively on the floor.
"Ms. D?"
Her attention snapped back as her third period stared back at her. She signed before standing up.
"Guys, tell you what. Use the next 30 minutes of class to study for next week's test. You can work in groups. And make sure you pay extra attention to Chapters 9, 10 and 13."
As she listened to the chairs move as they sat with friends, she picked her phone from her pocket and pulled up her wife's text message.
*Babe* - Baby, I'll be home late tonight. Got a meeting with Paige and Coach Z. Mom will be over to help with the girls and she's bringing dinner. Love you!*
Ali sighed, wanting to punch something. She could feel it deep down in her bones that Paige was up to something. She just couldn't put a finger on what it was. Ali texted back.
*Ok Babe. Be careful*
As much as she wanted to demand that she skip the "meeting" and come home, she knew that would be stupid. This was Emily's job after all. After a few more minutes, the bell finally rung. She smiled at her students as they filed out of her class. When they all left, she turned to erase the board when she felt arms wrap around her waist and lips on her neck. She could smell Emily's perfume and she melted into her wife's arms.
"I'm sorry baby. I'll make it as quick as possible."
Ali sighed as she turned to Emily. She pulled some of Em's hair behind her ear and kissed her.
"Babe, I know it's for work. It's okay."
Em pulled her closer to her chest and laid her cheek on Ali's head. Ali smiled into their embrace.
"Do you want to eat lunch here or do you want to go somewhere?"
"I could use a cup of coffee."
"Let's swing by The Brew then."
When they get there, Jenna is sitting outside sipping coffee. They try to walk by without making much noise but Jenna senses them out anyway.
"Emily? Alison? Is that you?"
They both stop and look at each other before rolling their eyes.
"Hey Jenna."
"I heard through the grapevine that you two got married. Congratulations."
"Be sure not to let the past in."
Emily scoffed before walking off while Ali turned to stare at her.
"What do you mean by that Jenna?"
"Oh, nothing big. I just know that the past always has a way of coming back and wrecking havoc on lives."
She looks back toward the restaurant where Emily is waiting for her with the door open, a questioning look on her face. Ali gives Jenna one last look before catching the door from Em. After they order, they sit at a small table near the back.
"What was that Ali?"
"You paying anything Jenna says any kind! You know how she is."
"But what if what she's saying has some merit?"
Emily looked at Alison. She knew Ali still had some issues with being completely happy but she thought they agreed to at least work through it together. She didn't understand where all this new doubt that Ali is having was coming from but she wanted to nip it in the bud before it got out of hand.
"Ali, you and the girls are my world. I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have you three. Talk to me. What's going on?"
"I just have this feeling Em, this gut feeling that something bad is about to happen."
Em grabbed her hand and brought it to her lips. She kissed the area where her ring sat before rubbing her hand against her cheek.
"Long as we stick together, we can get through anything."
Ali smiled widely for the first time today. To say she loved her wife was an understatement. Looking into those warm brown eyes could always make her feel invincible. But she had a feeling that whatever was brewing, was definitely going to be big. They kissed and finished their coffee and pastries.
*At Dinner*
When Emily sat down at the table, she noticed that an extra placing for a third person was missing. She smiled questioningly at Paige.
"Is Coach Z not joining us anymore?"
"Uh no. Coach Z called and said he couldn't make it."
Emily cleared her thoat and looked around. It's not like Coach Z to cancel, especially when it's about the team.
"Would you like some wine?"
Em turned her attention back to Paige and looked down at her glass.
"Umm Paige, if we can speed dinner up a little. I wanna make it home in time to tuck the girls in."
Paige looked at Emily and gave a tight smile.
"Of course."
As they talked over the roster and ate, a hidden figure snapped a few photos. One showing Emily with her head thrown back laughing at something Paige said. The other showing Paige touching Emily's arm. The third showing Paige staring lovingly at Emily as Emily looked for something in her purse.
"I can't seem to find-"
The moment Emily looked up from her purse, her shocked lips met Paige's. When she realized what was happening, she pushed away from the table, wide eyes locked on Paige. She looked around before lowering her voice.
"What the hell was that Paige!?"
Paige opened her mouth but no words came out. She stared at the table as she tried to force her words out.
"Damn it Paige! You can't do things like this! I'm married! We have to work together for God's sake."
Paige just stared at Emily. Em got up and threw her napkin on the table. She looked at Paige and was getting ready to say something but she thought against it. She shook her head before walking away from the table, running her hands through her hair.
The hidden shadow smiled before hitting send on the message. She knew that the fourth picture would be really interesting to Alison. Her she was, thinking that causing a rift between the couple would take time. She made a mental note to thank Paige McCullers.
"All is fair in love and war."

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