Beware Of Her

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*One Week Later*

Emily rolled her eyes as she once again followed behind Hanna. The two were at the mall, looking for something to wear to the gala that Caleb and Lucas were throwing. The two were celebrating their new venture as the creators of Rosewood's new website for the city.

"I need something that's mysterious and chic but not too dramatic."

"Han, why didn't you just make your own dress?"

"I wanted to but I got a little distracted."

"You? Distracted from fashion? Ok, this I gotta hear!"

Hanna turned around and looked at her best friend. Out of all the girls, Emily and Hanna had the closest bond. They were able to understand each other and easily feel out their moods better than anyone else.

"I went to the doctor last week..."


To say Emily was feeling impatient was an understatement. She knew that if something kept Hanna from making her own clothing- something was definitely wrong.

"And... I'm pregnant!"

Emily couldn't stop the smile that spread across her face and she hugged her friend.

"Oh Hanna Banana!"

When she pulled back, she saw the tears welling up in Hanna's eyes. She knew that they were happy tears. Hanna and Caleb had been trying to have a baby for months now. She was so happy for her friend.

"No wonder you've actually told me no to going out for drinks!"

"I know! I can't wait to tell Caleb!"

"So he doesn't know yet?"

"Nope, I wanted to wait until after the party. I want it to be special when I finally tell him he's going to be a father."


The two friends walked into the store, arm and arm, chatting excitedly about their new bundle of joy. As they were skimming through a rack, Paige walked by.


When she looked up, she smiled at Paige.

"Hey Paige. How are you?"

"I'm good. Listen, I was wondering if you'd like to get together to talk about Hackett's proposal?"

Hanna looked between the two, her eyes stretching as she waited on her friend's response.

"Uhmmmm, I have to check in with Alison first. But I don't think it should be an issue."

"Well, great. Let me know! See you at work. Bye Hanna!"

"Yeah, uh, bye Paige."

Hanna watched Paige walk out of the store before she turned back to Emily. She could feel the blue eyes burning a hole in the side of her face.

"You know that isn't going to sit well with Ali right?"

Emily sighed before turning to Hanna.

"We all work together. She's the assistant coach. I can't avoid her."

"Well, you better nip it in the bud. I'd hate for Ali to resort back to her old ways. You know how she is about you."

Emily smiled and giggled a little when she thought about the last time Ali had went toe to toe with a woman vying for her attention.

"That wasn't my fault! How was I to know the babysitter had feels?"

"Oh Em! Come on! She practically drooled and followed you around like a puppy. You're lucky she didn't hump your leg and mark her territory."

Emily stood there for a minute, staring at Hanna before they both burst out laughing. They found three dresses that Hanna liked and headed to the dressing room.

*With Ali*

Her and Aria were sharing lunch at Applebees. The two were chatting about the party when Aria turned to Ali.

"Ali, I have a big favor to ask you!"

"What's up?"

"You're one of the best writers I know and I need you desperately!"

Ali laughed a bit before cracking a joke.

"Aria, oh my. Don't let Em hear you say that."

"Don't let Em hear her say what?"

Just then, Emily and Hanna walked into the restaurant and up to their table. Em planted a kiss on Ali's lips while Aria moved over in the booth to make room for Hanna.

"I was just about to ask Ali to be the copy editor for our new book."

Ali looked over at Aria with an eyebrow raised.

"Wow! That's amazing! What do you think babe?"

Ali smiled over at Em before grabbing her hand and looking back at Aria.

"I'd be honored to serve as your copy editor."

"Yes! Thanks Ali!"

The four friends chatted away before Ali facetimed Spencer. They talked for about 45 minutes with her before hanging up, finishing their meal and getting up to go. Ali and Em walked out of the restaurant holding hands.

"Do you have to go back to school for practice baby?"

"Nope, I'm free for the rest of the day. Paige is still sorting out the roster so we decided to let the girls take a break."

"That's awfully nice of you all."

As they walked to the car, Em noticed how quiet her wife was being. She knew that Paige is still a touchy subject for her.

"Heyy, what's with all the silence?"

Ali looked over at her wife before answering. She still didn't completely trust Paige.

"Be careful with her babe. I know you think she's harmless now. But we both know what she's capable of."

Em stopped walking to turn in front of Ali. She faced her wife, putting a kiss on her lips.

"Babe, trust me. I'm well aware of Paige and I promise you. There is nothing she can do to affect us."

Raising Our Family *Emison*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin