Calming The Babies

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"Please. Just let me go to them and calm them down."
Lily and Grace had been crying for the last 30 minutes. Maya was pacing back and forth. She looked at Emily.
"It's been hours Maya. I know they're hungry."
"Go to them. But don't try any funny stuff. There's baby food in the cabinet above the fridge."
"Thank you."
Emily heated up the food that she knew the girls would eat and pushed out a sarcastic laugh. Maya was thorough. Not only did she have the girls favorite foods, she had plenty of formula. She was planning this for a while.
When she entered the room and saw her girls, happiness washed over her. She'd missed them terribly. Since they had been born, she'd never gone long without contact with them. Even when they had gone on their trip, she'd face timed with them.
She picked them both up and kissed their foreheads. Each girl leaned into their mom's chest. She sat them on the bed, their backs supported by the headboard, and fed them. Maya leaned on the door frame watching them. Although it hurt her that she was not the mother of the babies, knowing that they were in her possession now was all that she needed.
"You're so good with them Emily."
Hearing her voice sent a chill down her spine. There was nothing sexual about it. Just fear and disgust.
"Yeah. They're my princesses."
"Our princesses."
"I can't wait for us to have more."
Emily heard the tone of her voice and knew she should be quiet. She didn't want to upset the woman. She turned back around and fed the girls the rest of their food, occasionally playing with them and tickling their bellies. All the while trying to figure out a way to get them out of there. She knew in her heart that even if Ali was mad at her, she'd at least look for the girls.
A short while later, she walked back into the room where Maya was. She'd just put the girls to sleep and decided to scope out the room. She noticed that Maya was typing quickly on her phone and tried to peak and see what the woman was up to. Maya turned around, and looked at her. She pretended to be reaching for something off the living room table before sitting down on the coach. Maya stared at her and smiled.
"Your friends are looking for you."
Emily just looked at her, not knowing what to say.
"Too bad they won't find you that easy."
Maya smiled before locking the phone and putting it in her pocket.
"So tell me Emily. What made you come back to Rosewood? How did you end up back in that bitch's spell?"
Emily cleared her throat.
"Alison asked us to come back to help out her sister. Charlotte ended up dead and we were asked to stay until the investigation was complete."
"Charlotte. She was a real piece of work wasn't she?"
"You knew Charlotte?"
"Oh I more than knew her. She's part of the reason I "died."
Maya was sitting outside of the Kahn cabin about 2 weeks after the party and run in with Lyndon. She was writing in her journal when she noticed a blonde woman get out of a car and met Noel in front of the cabin. She ducked down because technically she was still in hiding.
The blonde walked up to Noel with her hands in her pocket.
"CeCe. To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"Cut the crap Kahn. Where's Ali?"
Maya's ears perked up. Could they be talking about Alison? Emily's Alison?
"I don't know. You tell me. I told her to stay away from Rosewood but she can't. Like a lovesick puppy."
"Gosh! Why doesn't she listen?! She'd do anything for those girls and they are so not loyal!"
"If she gets caught, I'm out. I'm done."
"Oh don't get your panties in a wad. I'm planning something big for those girls. She'll never see them again."
"Hey! We didn't say anything about killing anyone!"
"I'm not going to kill them. Just place them on a shelf for a while."
Maya missed and dropped her book, causing them both to look around. Noel looked over to where she was sitting and smirked. CeCe followed his vision and saw Maya.
"What's she doing here?"
"She's just hanging out for a bit."
"Isn't that the girl who finally pushed Em out the closet?"
"If you're referring to gorgeous' girlfriend, then yes. I'm still trying to talk them into a threesome."
"You're a fucking pig Kahn."
Maya noticed CeCe walking over towards her.
"So you're the girl that finally got Em to come out of her closet..."
"You can say that."
"Mmmm. I'm CeCe."
"Well Maya, my little sister would freak if she knew I'd talk to you."
Maya looked at her confused.
"Ali. You know Alison, the love of Emily's life."
Maya's eyes widened. From what she knew of Alison, she'd only heard she had a brother.
"Yeah, don't feel like going into all of that right now. Listen, what's your deal?"
"Pardon me?"
"You come into town, force Emily out of the closet, get sent away, come back and you're acting shady. What gives?"
Maya looked at the blonde and couldn't believe her nerve. She had no deal. The last thing she was expecting was to come to Rosewood and fall in love with someone like Emily.
"I have no deal. Things just happen."
"Are you even gay? I saw a guy at the party pull you outside. Are you cheating on Em?"
"What?! No!"
"Hey! Just asking questions. Scoping out the competition."
CeCe looked her over smirking, before turning back to Noel.
"Look, I have to go. If you find Ali, tell her I'm looking for her."
"Will do sexy."
"Ugh. Goodbye Kahn."
Noel watched her walk away with a smirk.
"Gosh those blonde sisters are totally fucking hot!"
"Is the Ali she's talking about the one from Rosewood? The one's whose body was supposed to have been taken out of my basement in a body bag?"
Noel looked at her with a curious smirk, knowing he shouldn't give her too much information.
"As cool as we are sweet thing, if I tell you that, I'd have to kill you."

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