Happens In Vegas IV

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Emily laid her on the wall next to toilet, willing her head to stop spinning. Her head was killing her and it felt like African drums in her ears. Every time she tried to stand up, her world started spinning so she just sat back down. When she heard everyone's voice getting louder, she tried to get up again.
"Emily. Just stay on the floor."
Spencer knelt down on the floor beside her, pulling her hair behind her ear. She looked at everybody.
"What happened last night?"
Caleb laughed.
"We"re trying to figure that out. Apparently you guys got trashed last night."
Emily went to push her hair back again when Spencer noticed a sparkle on her hand. She grabbed it quickly, her mouth dropping open.
"Holy shit!"
When she pulled Em's hand, one of the most gorgeous rings she'd ever seen was there on Emily's finger. She grabbed Ali's hand and pulled it together. Matching wedding rings and bands. Hanna looked at the rings and at her two best friends.
"You bitches got married last night without me?!"
Her voice seemed to wake Ezra and Aria up. They soon made their way to the bathroom as everyone was looking at the newly weds. Em tried to speak but one look at Ali and her quick movements forced her to turn back around to the toilet.
After cleaning Em up and finally getting her out the bathroom, everyone sat around in the living room, trying to piece together what happened. Spence sat in Toby's lap while Ali sat in a chair with Emily sitting on its arm.  Aria and Ezra sat on the floor and Caleb and Hanna were sitting on the bed.
"How did we end up getting married last night?"
Emily asked the question, looking straight at Ali. Her tone almost accusatory. Ali looked at her, taking offense.
"Well don't sound to thrilled Em."
Emily rolled her eyes and ran a hand through her hair.
"You know what I mean Ali! This was not how this was supposed to happen!"
Em got up and went and looked out the window. Ali looked down at her finger, playing with the ring.
"Guys, let's just calm down. What was the last thing that anyone remembers."
Everyone was quiet for a minute, trying to think back to last night.
"I remember Chelley-"
Hanna looked up confused.
"Wait, who the hell is Chelley?"
"She's a woman I met at the club."
Caleb and Hanna turned to stare at Em. She looked back.
"It wasn't like that. Sheesh!"
"Well, what happened? What do you remember?"
"She was trying to get me to calm down at the bar-"
Aria cut Emily off when a thought entered her head.
"How about we just try to find this Chelley chick?! She might be able to explain! Sorry Em!"
They all shook their heads but didn't know how to begin to look for her. Just then, a knock at the door. They looked at each other before Toby answered the door.
"Hi lovebirds!!!"
There in the flesh was Chelley. Em walked up to her, pulling her in the room.
"Oh thank God! What happened last night?"
"Good morning to you too gorgeous!"
She walked into the living room and greeted everyone inside. She shook hands with Caleb and Hanna.
"Hey guys! I think you two were the only ones I didn't get to meet last night!"
After the greetings and introductions went around, Spencer turned to Chelley.
"Do you remember anything that happened last night?"
She looked around before laughing.
"Holy shit! I knew you guys were fucked up but damn... you don't remember anything?"
"The last thing I remember is heading back to my room."
Chelley smiled and looked at them all. She pulled up a chair.
"Well, I'm going to need a chair. It's a long story. A pretty incredible one too."
They all looked at each other, feeling like this story was about to top everything they've been through in the past. 

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