Do You Remember?

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Ali laid her head on Em's chest and snuggled as close as she could in her wife's neck without bothering her other side. It'd been one heck of a day at the hospital yesterday. A highly-pissed Pam Fields and outraged Kenneth DiLaurentis made their way to the hospital and sent everyone running for cover. Ken called the most prominent attorneys in the city of New York and had them at the hospital within an hour of his arrival.
To say the execs and managers of the facility had been more than accommodating was an understatement. They gave Emily the most elaborate room they had. It was spacious and contained a big screen TV, a couch and a mini fridge. They had rolled in a baby crib for Lily and Grace. They also set up two cots for Spencer and Aria.
Hanna had been sleeping in the room with Caleb. He was set to be discharged later in the day. Ali slept in the bed with Emily. She'd refused to leave her side so the staff found the widest bed they could to accommodate them comfortably.
She pulled her head up to look at the person who just walked through the door. She'd just put the girls to sleep and wanted to spend some time cuddling with Em. She wished she'd just open her eyes and say something to her.
"Hi Dad."
Pam walked in beside Kenneth with a plate of food and bottle of water.
"Alison sweetheart, I want you to eat something."
She smiled at her mother-in-law.
"I had a breakfast bar and some juice earlier from Aria."
"I know sweetie. Just a few bites so you can have your strength."
Ali took the food from Pam and closed her eyes as she kissed her cheek.
"Sweetheart, I spoke with the lead doctor. He's going to come in and tell us a little bit more of what's going on and what we can expect."
"Thanks dad."
"How are my grand babies?"
"They're fine dad. I just put them to sleep."
He took a seat on the couch as Pam walked over to the bed and rubbed her hand down the side of Em's cheek.
"She's so beautiful. So peaceful."
Ali looked at her wife and had to agree. Her sleeping beauty. Ali's dad cleared his voice to get her attention.
"Ali. About the baby. What do you want to do?"
She looked at her father with a confused expression.
"What do you mean?"
He cleared his throat and looked at Pam who rubbed her hands on her jeans and looked around the room before back at the two of them.
"Well, once we were informed about the situation, Pam and I talked about the pregnancy. And we just wanted to make sure that you're okay with this. Because we could-"
"No daddy."
"I said no dad!"
She stared at Ken, her eyes beginning to tear up. She looked down at her hands before looking at Em and back to her dad.
"I could never- I- I could never do that."
She looked at the twins and smiled.
"This baby... is a part of Em. And well, it's a part of me too. My blood will actually run through his or her veins. They will share some of my DNA, thanks to Jason. That's just an added bonus. This baby will be a Fields and I couldn't ask for anything more."
She looked at Pam who smiled back at her.
"Hey, and at least with our new addition, we know who the parents are."
Ali chuckled but Ken nor Pam joined in with her. She played with her hands as she thought back to when she found out about the girls.
"God, I was so scared when I found out I was pregnant. I thought it was Archer's and that terrified me. But Emily was there and made me feel like I could do it. She made me feel like I could be a pretty decent mother with her by my side.
"And sweetie you are!"
Pam grabbed her hand and squeezed it.
"You and Emily are doing a wonderful job with those two cutie pies. They're so well mannered and caring and oh so loving!"
"And I have you to thank for that. It's because of your daughter that they are that way."
"And you too. I always noticed how you were with Emmy. I knew that I could always count on you to keep her safe and protect her."
That made a sob rush through her body.
"But I failed Pam! Look!"
Before she knew it, Pam had her wrapped in her arms and was rocking her side to side. When she calmed down, Pam pulled her chin up.
"Alison, this is not your fault. You've protected and been there for Emmy at times when Wayne and I couldn't. It's because of you that she is even here today. There's no one else that I trust with my daughter more than you."
Ali smiled at her and Ken enveloped both women into a hug.
"Well, I guess our family will be getting another ray of sunshine soon."
"Oops! Family moment!"
"Get in here Hanna!"
They all laughed as Hanna ran into the circle. Spencer and Aria also being engulfed in the family hug. Jason soon walked into the room too.
"Aww shucks. Spence and Ali, give big bro some love."
They hugged and enjoyed each other's company. All wishing that Emily could be in on their special moment too. They all sat around talking.
"Remember that time Em was in the talent show and was supposed to be singing a love song but ended up rapping?"
"Oh my God! She was so nervous. It was supposed to be dedicated to Ali but she freaked out so she did LL Cool J's song "I Need Love" instead."
"She gained sooo many fans after that!"
Pam smiled at the memory.
"That was one of the rare times her dad was home. We listened to her rehearse that all night long!"
"Oooohh! Remember that time at the sleepover when Ali got mad at Em for giving that boy at the mall her number?"
"First of all, she told me he wasn't all that cute! And he was too clingy! He texted her that whole night and she was practically ignoring me!"
The girls giggled.
"You hated when Em did that!"
"Remember that night at the skating rink when Em forgot to tell you that Stephen was coming and she pretty much skated with him the whole night?"
Aria laughed.
"God Ali. You had steam coming from you that night!"
"I've never been able to accept her giving anyone else the same attention she gave me."
Ken smirked.
"Don't we know it. You came home pouting so much one night that I had to take you out for ice cream to cheer you up!"
As they calmed down from their laughter, silence filled the room. Each person thinking about all the full memories they had with Em. Hoping that she will wake up soon and put them all out of their misery.
There was a knock at the door and the doctor walked in. Ali stood up and Pam put a hand on Ali's back.
"Mrs. Fields, I'm going to be direct with you. Emily is in a pretty deep coma and we're looking into ways to keep the baby alive. We are hoping that she wakes up soon but if it goes past 4 months, then we will start to worry. Typically, the baby should progress normally until then but we worry that the fetus could suffer from lack of movement by your wife."
Pam rubbed Ali's back and spoke to the doctor.
"Is there anything else we need to be aware of?"
"There could be some issues when she awakens but those are all minor. We can deal with them should the time arrive. But now, the big things are getting her to wake up and making sure the baby is safe and healthy."
"Thank you doctor."
Jason went up to Ali and took her into his arms.
"Hey, it's going to be okay. Em is strong and that baby has DiLaurentis blood in him."
"Jason, I'm sorry-"
He pulled back and looked at her confused.
"Why are you telling me that?"
"You were hoping to save that for your own child!"
He smiled at her.
"Baby sis, I couldn't ask for a better outcome. There's no better people I could have asked to have this than you and Em."
Ali smiled and couldn't hold back her joy. Hanna couldn't help but ask.
"Wait. You said him. How do you know it's a boy?"
"Let's just say, I got a feeling he's going to be one hell of a kid when he gets here."

Raising Our Family *Emison*Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя