Pick Up

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Alison had barely slept. She was on her third cup of coffee by the time her and Em would be getting ready for work. Emily. Her vision clouded once again as she thought about what happened last night. The pictures. The argument. Her putting Em out the house. Crying herself to sleep. How could this be happening right? They were so happy this time yesterday. How could things go song wrong so quickly?
She decided that she would act as normally as possible when she saw Emily today. She wouldn't let her wife see how broken she was.  As she sighed and pushed back from the chair, she heard the girls cry. As she went up the stairs to calm them, she realized she'd. Ever had to get the girls ready on her own. How the hell was she going to get them both ready?
It took her about 40 minutes longer, but she managed to dress and feed the girls. To say she was exhausted was an understatement. As she dropped the girls off to the daycare, she couldn't help but push out a breath of relief.
When she got to school, she looked around the parking lot, seeing if she could spot Em's car. Good. She wasn't at work yet and she could slide by without having to look in her face. Oh how she missed waking up to that gorgeous face.
"Snap out of it Alison!"
She scolded herself as she walked to her classroom, just as the bell rang.
*Lunch Time*
She was getting ready to walk out her classroom when Drew, one of Emily's friends, walked in her classroom.
"Hey Ali! Have you seen Em today?"
"She's not here?"
"No and from what I'm hearing, she didn't call in either. A no call, no show."
He stared at her for a few minutes.
"Ali? Is everything okay?"
Just as she was getting ready to come up with an excuse, Rebecca walked into the classroom.
"Hey girlfriend! Are you ready for this weekend?"
Shoot! She had forgot about their trip this weekend. And now that she had put Emily out, it was going to be awkward asking her to stay in their home with the girls.
"No Ali! NO! Don't tell me you forgot?"
"No! I just-"
"Oh my gosh Drew! I didn't realize you were standing there. Hi!"
"Hi Rebecca. I'll leave you two to it. When you hear from Em Ali, tell her to call me."
"Will do Drew."
He walked out and she shook her head to turn back to Rebecca.
"What's going on? Emily's not here?"
Alison sighed. She wanted to talk to someone and she knew Rebecca was her best choice. Their other friends would not be good to talk to about this.
"Long story. Can we go somewhere?"
"Yeah sure. Let me go get my purse."
They ended up at a small diner on the other side of town. Ali decided to start from the beginning and when she was done, Rebecca's mouth was hanging open.
"Wait, Ali. You just put Em out?"
"Yes I put her out! Pictures don't lie!"
"But come on Ali! Think about what you've told me! A picture can definitely be misleading."
Ali looked down, knowing she was right.
"And Ali. Come on! Emily is crazy about you! There's just no way!"
"I can't believe you're taking her side. You're MY friend. When did you become Team Emily?"
"You're right Ali. I am your friend. But let's be honest, it's kind of hard not to be Team Emily. She treats you like a Queen."
"And Paige out of all people? Consuela from the science lab has been hitting on Em for a while now-"
"... and she's not one taken the bait."
"What the fuck? And you've never told me?!"
"I've never seen the point. Emily pays her no mind."
"That doesn't matter right now Ali. What matters is that you've kicked your wife out the house."
Ali winced at how it sounded.
"She kissed someone else Becca."
"Yeah but you should have heard her out. Plus, I've been hearing some things about McCullers. She's a little crazy."
"A little? She tried to drown Emily for fucks sake!"
"Damn. Em might have a little freak if she still-"
She looked at Ali before throwing up her hands. She changed the subject.
"Have you tried getting a hold of Em? It's not like her to not tie up loose ends and just not show up to work."
Ali knew she was right. Emily would have at least called in and said she was sick. But she figured Em was probably somewhere drunk. For some reason, whenever they argued before, Emily would always tried to drown out her feelings with alcohol.
"She's okay. And I don't want to talk to her right now."
"Alison, that would've been okay a few weeks ago. But now, that's your wife."
Ali sighed. She didn't want to deal with this right now. Just then, her phone started ringing. It was Hanna.
"Yes Hanna?"
"Is Emily ignoring me?!"
"Not that I know of."
"Tell her to answer her damn phone!"
Alison mumbled "Yeah. Not."
"Where is she? Is she sitting right there beside you, ignoring my freaking texts?"
"No she's not. I haven't seen her all day."
"Wait what?"
Alison realized what she had just said and groaned.
"How have you not seen her? You lived together Ali?"
"She left last night okay?! I haven't seen her since."
"She left? What the hell is going on Ali?"
"Can we not do this right now? I still have to finish my food!"
"Don't worry. I'll be at your house when you get there."
Alison sighed and hung up her phone. Rebecca looked at her amused.
"Just wait until the girls find out you put Em out."
Ali threw at fry at her, knowing that she was right. This was going to be a long evening.
*After Work*
The rest of the day went by in a blur. Still no Em.  When she got home, she saw Hanna sitting on the porch in a rocking chair. When she walked up, she saw the scowl that Hanna had.
"That bitch has ignored me all day! I need her!"
"Hanna... I'm sure Spencer could have helped you."
"No! I need Em. Where is she? Where did she go?"
"I don't know!"
Ali palmed her face, not meaning to snap on Hanna. She knew the blonde was pregnant and sensitive. But it seems the sensitivity had left her right now.
"How do you not know?! And she left last night? Where the hell did she have to go so bad."
"I don't know."
Hanna didn't say anything else and Ali could feel her glare as she focused on a twig on the ground.
"What's going on Alison? Where's Em?"
"I don't know okay! I haven't seen her since I..."
"Since you what Ali?!"
"Since I put her out!"
Ali rolled her eyes before walking into the kitchen. She pulled out the boneless chicken breasts and vegetables she planned to cook for dinner. Hanna never stopped staring.
"Why would you put Em out Ali?"
Ali sighed.
"She kissed Paige."
She saw Hanna sit down and decided to just tell her everything.
"She was supposed to be having a work dinner with Paige and Coach Z. Some kind of way it ended up only being her and Paige. And someone sent me a photo of Em and Paige... kissing. We argued and I put her out."
"I just couldn't take it Hanna! I love her more than I love myself! And to see her kissing someone else, especially Paige..."
"Ali, I understand. I get it. But to put her out..."
"What would you have done Hanna? If that were a picture of Caleb kissing someone else, what would you have done?"
She looked up from the table to meet Hanna's eyes as tears fell down her face. Hanna got up from her seat and walked around the table to wrap Ali in her arms. She rubbed her back as she kissed her forehead.
"Shhhh love. I know, I'm sorry. Shhh."
They hugged for a few minutes before they went and sat on the sofa.
"Why Han? How could Em do this?"
"I don't know Ali. But I will kick her ass until she explains."
Ali cried a little longer before she fell asleep. Hanna sighed before she got up, deciding to go get the girls while Ali slept. She headed to the daycare, dialing Em one again. She decided to leave a voicemail.
"Emily, you idiot! How could you?! (Sighs) Look, I don't know the whole story but I love you. Ali loves you and well she's just hurting right now. She said she put you out but come home. You can stay with me and Caleb until y'all figure out. Just come home!"
She put her phone in the seat beside her.
"Paige sure knows how to fuck shit up."
When she got to the daycare, she walked up ready to see her beautiful Goddies. She smiled at the receptionist.
"Hi! I'm here for Lily and Grace Fields?"
"Ummmm... the girls have already been picked up."
"Oh! I had no idea Mama Fields was coming for them."
"No uhh. It says they were picked up by an Aunt. And they had permission by Ms. Emily."
"Oh, okay. Was it Spencer?"
"No, no it wasn't her. Let's see. They just gave us initials. M.F."
"Yes, and they were picked up around 11 this morning. Oh! Ms. Highman! Sorry Mrs. Rivers. I need to catch up to her! Tell Mrs. Fields hello!"
Hanna was confused but decided to make her way back to Ali's house. When she got there, Ali was in the kitchen.
"Hey Han! Where did you go?"
"Well, I went to the daycare to get the girls for you, but they're already gone."
"Hun? Oh, did Pam already get them? Let me call her."
"Uhhh Ali?"
"Yeah, what's Han?"
"Mama Fields didn't pick up the girls."
By this time Ali was looking just as confused as Hanna felt.
"Did Emily get them? I didn't even think-"
"No, it wasn't Em. But the lady said Em gave someone permission."
"She must didn't want to answer any questions so she sent someone to get them."
"Yeah, she said someone named M.F."
When Alison heard that, she immediately stopped stirring the food. She took a step back, dropping the spoon in the process. Hanna looked at her alarmed.
"No! No! NOOOOO!"
Ali?! What is going on?!"

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