Run For Cover

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Alison felt sick. She felt weak and hot all over. It suddenly was a task to stand so she slumped her shoulders. A large sob escaped her mouth and the tears were running all down her face. Soon, Spencer and Jason were each at her sides, helping  to hold her up. Hanna let out a sarcastic laugh.
"What the hell is wrong with you people? You really want women barefoot and pregnant!"
"God Hanna!"
Mona glared at Maya.
"You do know your plan will never work... right?"
"Sweet Mona, it already has."
"She will never love you like she loves Alison."
The smile dropped from Maya's face and Mona knew she had struck a nerve. Caleb nodded at Mona, encouraging her to continue as he looked around for Emily.
"In fact, you seemed to learn that really quickly. Right Maya?"
"Shut the FUCK UP!"
Maya's brother slowly approached them and put his arm around his sister.
"Everything okay here sis?"
She sniffled through her tears, glaring from Mona to Alison. Her smirk slowly creeping back to her face.
"How does it feel Alison?"
"How does what feel you bitch?!"
"Knowing I have something that you want so badly and there's nothing you can do about it."
Before she could stop herself, a loud sob shook her body but she still launched herself at Maya. Spencer wrapped her arms around her. Hanna was fed up.
"Maya, this is stupid. Why are you doing this to Em? She will never be happy this way."
Just as she was about to speak, there was a loud noise from the back room. Maya's brother turned his head and Maya pushed him.
"Go check!"
The girls looked around noticed that Caleb was no longer in the room. Mona looked around knew she had to do something. She ran to the wall and snatched a hanging pipe and swung it at the sprinklers on the ceiling. A shrill alarm went off and Maya's eyes looked around the room in panic. Water began to pour down on the, and Maya ran up and punched Alison.
Alison broke free from Spencer and grabbed Maya. The two women wrestled while the other girls tried to pull them apart. The struggle continued a few minutes before a gun went off and a screamed filled the air.
Alison let Maya go and ran down the hall. The girls followed. Caleb was still trying to get his bearings. He pulled himself up and tried to stand up but he couldn't feel the pain in his stomach. Maya's brother is the size of a football player and to have all that weight and muscle stomping you in your ribs was devastating.
Hanna dived on the floor next to him and began feeling around on his body. Alison looked at him and looked around for her wife. She heard the sound of a gun clicking and almost passed out when she saw the big ,an holding her wife against him with a gun pointed at her head.
Emily was slumped against him, not able to hold herself up at all and she looked tired and out of it.
She looked up into the eyes of her wife and gave her a weak smile.
A sob chocked out from Alison through her tears.
"I'm here baby. It's going to be okay."
"What the fuck are you doing?!"
Maya's brother looked around frantically.
"Once again! Here I am tied up in some more of your bullshit! My life is fucked up because of you Maya!"
"I helped you!"
"No! Maya, you didn't! You left me to rot in a jail cell after your friend failed to come through like she said she would!"
"She's dead! How do you think your out now? I'm trying to get you straight!"
"God Maya! I'm tired of trusting you! Now you got me here with this shit! All over some pussy!"
"She's more than that and you know it!"
"I know she doesn't want you! And look at this crazy shit you've caused!"
Maya got tired of listening to her brother and snapped, pulling her own gun out of her pocket.
"Put the fucking gun down and let her go! NOW!"
He smiled at her.
"Maybe I should blow her fucking brains out! Maybe then you'd feel some of the crazy shit you do to people."
"Let her fucking go Junior!"
Alison noticed that Emily's breathing seemed to be coming out harder and she seemed to be slumping more in the man's arms.
She waited for her wife to acknowledge her. Em slowly brought her head up and the two had a silent conversation with their eyes. Emily built up enough strength to slam her eyebrow into the man's face, hitting him squarely in his nose. He let her go out of shock, grabbing his nose. Em dropped to her knees and Maya decided to do something to bring her brother down.
She aimed her gun at his leg and when he saw her aim at his leg, he grabbed Emily quickly and the sound of the gun caused everyone to pause. A loud, ear jerking scream filled the room and Alison ran, coming to her knees in front of Emily. Spencer, Aria and Hanna looked up in horror as they kneeled over Caleb.
Maya dropped her gun and slide to her knees, hard. When she realized what she did, she started rocking back and forth, hitting herself upside the head. Mona looked in shock at Emily and knew she had to do something. Emily needed medical attention immediately. Just then a loud boom sounded in the room.
Maya's brother jerked up and took off running. When the first officer hit the room, he fired off shots from his gun at them. But there was just too many officers. They fired several shots, each hitting him in different parts of his body. Everybody ducked down, Ali gently covering Em's body with hers. She rocked her wife slowly in her arms, singing to her. After the shots stopped, officers soon approached everyone in the room.
"Ma'am, are you okay? Are you hurt?"
Ali wiped the tears from her eyes before answering.
"Please, you got to help her. She's been shot and she-she's pregnant!"
Ali slowly lifted off of Em and noticed the large puddle of blood on her shirt. The officer picked Emily up bridal-style, rushing her out of the room and upstairs to the ER.
"We need a medic! Now!"
Ali looked at the blood covering her arms and face and started sobbing uncontrollably. She noticed Jason run over to her. Spencer and Aria also crowded around her. Officers helped Caleb off the floor, slightly carrying him. Hanna looked between Caleb and Ali, truly conflicted.
"Go with Caleb Hanna. It'll be okay."
She nodded and ran behind her husband. They watched as officers picked up a dazed Maya, putting her in handcuffs.
Spencer rocked Ali.
"Ali, it's going to be okay. Em's strong. There's no way she'll leave you."
Ali cried in Spencer's shoulder. Em had to make it. Because a world with no Emily Catherine Fields was one she could never survive in.

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