Come Through Chelley

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She felt weak. Her arms felt as though they're being restrained. Her legs too. She tried to move again but there was no use. She gulped and looked around. She was lying in a bed that felt so hard against her back. The room she was in was all white. If she didn't feel so scared, she'd be impressed by just how white they were. There was an IV drip in her arm and a heart monitor attached to her. She saw blood samples sitting near the monitor and she tried once again to move.
"It's okay beautiful. You're okay?"
"Maya... where am I?"
"That's something you don't need to concern yourself with love. Just know, we'll be in paradise really soon."
She looked confused and became enraged by Maya's smile.
"My paradise is in Rosewood!"
The smile quickly vanished. Maya got up and glared at Emily, while walking out the door.
"Give her more of it!"
"What?! Mrs. Fields..."
The doctor gulped. He knew he had to do what she asked or his life would be over. She knew so much as it is, he couldn't let her expose him. As he walked into the room, he heard sniffling. He went to the refrigerator and got the medication. When he turned around, he nearly dropped everything.
He thought she was pretty when she was asleep. But to see her awake, she nearly stole his breath away. She has the most gorgeous set of brown eyes that he'd ever seen. The bone structure in her face was simply a work of art. Her lips, my God, so plump and pink. Her eyebrows... she's simply a masterpiece.
But those beautiful brown eyes were clouded with fear and tears. Not the look he was expecting from a woman who wanted to start a family with her wife.
"Ms. Fields... you're awake."
She looked at him, her lips moving as if she wanted to say something. She looked around again before turning to look back at him.
"Where am I?"
"In good hands."
The answer frustrated her so she began to shake her head and wildly thrash her body. Being restrained and not knowing where she was began to take its toll on her. Not to mention the dull headache. Then she began to scream, causing the doctor to panic. He heard people running to the room, and even though he knew this could end badly, it was his only way to calm her down. He stuck her with the needle and watched as her body slowly went limp.
"What's wrong?! What's going on!?"
The doctor turned to Maya.
"Nothing. She freaked out when she saw the needle."
Maya glared at him before walking over to the bed and running her hands through Emily's hair.
"It'll all be okay soon Love."
She turned back to the doctor.
"I want the procedure done tonight."
He gasped in horror.
"Tonight?! But there's so much that must-"
"TONIGHT! And you better not hurt her!"
He gulped before quickly walking out of the room.
"Ginger, she wants the procedure done tonight."
"No! You can't be serious!"
"She is and we have no choice right now but to do it."
He turned to see Maya's brother sitting beside Emily's room with a gun in his hand.
"The quicker we do this, the quicker we can get them the hell out of here."
*Two Hours Later*
Two women rolled Emily out. She was knocked out still. Maya and her brother walked behind the stretcher. At the same time, a woman not watching where she was going, walked right into the side of the stretcher.
She was an amazon-like woman so the force caused on of the women to fall and almost tipped the stretcher over. The woman was preparing to apologize when she met the furious glare on Maya's face.
"Jeez ice princess, I'm sorry."
"Don't be sorry! Be careful!"
Maya's brother lifted his gun and flashed it at her. She laughed while shaking her head. She began talking under her breath.
"You Americans are crazy..."
She looked down at the stretcher and had to do a double take. Holy mother of God. She'd know that beautiful creature anywhere! But where was blonde bombshell? Who were these people with her? Why was she knocked out like that?
She hadn't spoken to the women since they left. But she knew, something about this didn't feel right.
"Mrs. Fields, we're going to ask that you wait in the waiting area."
Mrs. Fields? That definitely is not Mrs. Fields. A funny feeling began to develop in her stomach. She gave a fake smile to the woman before going and sitting down. The woman and the man with her slowly did the same.
Chelley casually scrolled through her phone, trying to find Alison's number. When she'd given Ali the ring, they'd exchanged phone numbers so that whenever she was in the states she could stop by and say hi to her favorite couple. She got up and walked off to the restroom, dialing Alison's number.
"Blonde bombshell... is that you?"
"... Chelley?"
"Yeah! What's up?"
"Ummm, I'm having a really tough time right now. Can I call you back?"
"Would this happen to have anything to do with Gorgeous?"
"Uhhh, yeah, it does."
"Well, I think you should come down to the hospital in east Manhattan. I just saw her being wheeled back in a stretcher."
"Hospital? Stretcher? Oh my God!"
"Yeah, and if I was you, I'd hurry Blonde Bombshell."
She turned around and gasped.
"You bitch!"
Before Chelley could realize what happened, she was falling to the ground and being dragged into a stall.
"Nosey bitches get stitches."
Maya took her head and slammed it onto a toilet seat. Blood began to pour down Chelley's face. When she was satisfied, she left the woman in the stall before taking her phone. She ended the call and knew they would have to get a move on by the end of the day. She figured the Scooby gang would be on their way now. But she wouldn't let them interrupt.
She's so close to getting everything she wants. Emily and a family of her own. She'd be damned if they took it from her again

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