Soon My Love

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Ali couldn't stop smiling. As she opened her eyes, she thought it was the best Monday she'd woken up to in a long time. She tucked some strands of Emily's hair behind her ear before leaning in to lightly kiss her lips. She felt Em smile in their kiss before she leaned back out.
"Good morning."
"Morning babe."
"I love you."
"I love you too."
They giggled and stared at each other with silly smiles. Soon, they heard cries coming from the twins room so they pecked each other on the lips before getting up. Ali went to get the girls ready while Em took a shower and got dressed. When she finished, they switched and Em took the girls into the kitchen for breakfast. As she fed the girls, the local news came on. After the weather, the sports guy came on excitedly.
"Biiiiiigggg news Rosewood! Guess who's moving back to the city, hoping to open her own Sports complex and work as Assistant swim coach at Rosewood High? You guessed it!! Paige McCullers is back! She'll work along side Coach Emily Fields. She says, she's hopeful to get Fields on board with the complex as well. We'll keep you posted."
Emily couldn't believe her ears. Paige was back? And Assistant Coach at Rosewood? Since when did that position open up. She looked down at her phone as it dinged. It was Sean, the other Assistant Coach.
*Sean* - Since when did Paige come back.
- I saw her the other day. I thought she was acting as a scout for Ohio State.
*Sean* - We all did. We'll, good for us!
- yeah lol
Em took a deep breath while mixing the girls baby food in a bowl. Ali walked into the kitchen and noticed the look on Em's face.
"What's going on?"
"Paige is back."
Ali laughed, brushing if off.
"Yeah, we saw her the other night. Swim meet, remember?"
"No. I mean she's back in Rosewood. As in, back here to stay."
Ali tried to shrug it off and had Em been someone else, she wouldn't have paid it any mind. But she could read her wife better than anyone.
Ali shook her head and put on a big smile before walking up to the twins. She bent down to their levels, kissing each girl on the cheek before grabbing a bowl and taking some of the food out of the bowl Em had to feed one of the girls.
"It's no big deal. I'm not worried about Paige."
Em smiled but she knew Ali was lying. She decided to table the discussion for a later time.
They finished feeding and cleaning the girls and headed out. They dropped them off to the daycare and headed to work. When they got there, the several members of the team was waiting on Ali when she arrived.
"Coach Fields! Congratulations!!!"
"Congrats Ms. D! Well, Mrs. Fields!"
Everybody laughed and passed the happy couple balloons and flowers. Several teachers also joined in, congratulating them. Including Ali's "teacher crew." Rebecca walked up with her arms folded.
"So, you head off to Vegas... and don't tell me anything about getting married! I'm hurt!"
Ali hugged her friends.
"It was as much of a surprise to us too guys."
"We want details!"
After a few minutes, the bell began ringing and they all walked off. Em kissed Ali and began walking off and a few of the girls on the swim team gushed.
"The two Misses Fields, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"
They giggled and Emily couldn't help but shake her head and laugh.
"So Coach, why didn't you tell us that Coach P was coming back?"
"Unfortunately ladies, I had no idea she was coming back either!"
"This is going to be so lit! Two of the best swimmers is going to be working with us! We definitely about to shine now!"
All the girls were hype. Em smiled at their excitement.
"Alright. Alright. I know you're hype but class ladies!"
The girls bid Emily a final goodbye before running off to class. She smiled at the antics of her team.
"Emily! May I have a word?"
She looked up, running into Principal Hackett.
"Uh yeah, sure Mr. Hackett."
They went into his office and he smiled widely at Emily.
"Coach Fields! I'm so excited and I'm pretty sure you've heard that Paige McCullers will be rejoining us."
"Yes sir. I've heard."
"Just so you know, Paige will only be assisting you. You have strengthen our program so much and are a true asset to the school. I feel that with Paige, you two will take this program to the absolute top and put us number one in the state. You make a wonderful team."
"I think so as well Mr. Hackett."
The two looked at the person standing in the doorway.
"Good morning sir."
Emily gave a small smile as she watched the two hug. Paige looked at Emily and winked.
"Hello Emily."
"Hi Paige."
"Great! While the two of you are together, I want to speak with you about some opportunities that I think both of you will take advantage of."
"Yes sir."
*Lunch Time*
Ali was getting ready to go for her lunch break. Her and Emily decided to go out for lunch so she was making her way to Emily's office. As she got closer, she heard laughter. When she walked in, Paige was sitting in the chair in front of Emily's desk while she sat behind it as they laughed. Ali walked in the doorway and leaned against it, enjoying the smile on her wife's face.
"Well, hello Mrs. Fields."
Em greeted Ali and held her arms out to her. Ali smiled and walked over to her and sat in her lap, wrapping her arms around her. She leaned in and kissed her.
"Hello Ali. Congratulations."
Ali turned and looked at Paige. The two had never been friendly as kids but now that they were adults and Ali had changed her ways, she was trying to be nicer to the woman.
"Thank you Paige."
There was an awkward silence that fell over the group and Paige decided to excuse herself.
"Well, Em. I'll take a look at the roster and the stats and let you know about Hackett's proposal."
"Ok, sounds good Paige."
"Always nice seeing you Ali."
"You too Paige."
Ali gave a small smile as she walked out, holding her head to the side. Em took her finger and gently turned Ali's face toward her. She pouted before smiling and kissing her lips. They made out for a few more seconds, Ali turning her body so that she was straddling Em's lap. Em broke the kiss, laying her forehead on Ali's.
"Babe, as much as I'd love to continue this, I'm starving!"
"Fine. Let's go Fields."
"Lead the way Fields."
They smiled at each other before getting up and headed out the door. When they got in the car, Ali let her suspicion of Paige take over.
"What was so funny before I walked in?"
"Oh. Paige was just reminding me about the time we got stuck on campus during a storm."
Ali turned to look out the window. It bothered her that the two women had so much history. They had consecutive years worth of memories together while Ali knew her and Emily only had bits and pieces. Em looked over at Ali.
"Hey, why so quiet?"
"It just bugs me with the history you two have."
"Ali, we've talked about this before. What Paige and I had is nothing compared to what we have."
"I know. I just hate thinking that someone else made you happy at some point other than me."
"No one can ever make me as happy as you do. I love you so much and you've given me Lily and Grace. You are my happiness."
Ali looked over and smiled at Em. She picked up her hand and kissed it and they drove to The Grille in comfortable silence. When the two got there, they went to their normal spot and ordered lunch. They talked and laughed, genuinely enjoying the other's company. Never noticing the person watching them from the corner.
"Oh Emily. Still so beautiful. What I wouldn't give to kiss those lips again. Soon my love."

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