Lets Get Married

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Chelley's POV
I want to fix things between these two. It's weird since normally I would be selfish and sleep with Emily, giving her a night she won't forget. But these two deserve to be together. I'll suppress my urge to sleep with Emily. Her and Ali are total goals.
"Em, go to your girl. Talk."
She looked at me and tossed her drink back, raising an eyebrow. Just as she was walking up to her, Ali grabbed her and pulled her to the corner. I was being nosey so I grabbed a drink and slid into the seat at the table across from them. Close but not too close.
"Em, why don't you want to marry me?"
I heard Em sigh before placing a piece of hair behind her ear.
"It's not that I don't want to marry you. I just like the way things are right now."
"Why Em? I want to get married!"
"I'm scared Ali..."
She said it so low that I leaned a little closer in their direction. One of my friends came up and plopped down beside me, trying to get my attention.
"Shussshhh! Chill Marion! I'm trying to hear!"
"Em, scared of what?"
"I'm scared that you'll change your mind! That one day you'll decide that you don't want me, Lily and Grace... and, you'll... leave."
Ali's head bounced back and I could tell she was hurt by the words.
"Really Em? Just like that? You think I could leave you just like that?!"
"You've done it before!"
By now the two were quiet. I could see the tears pouring out of the blonde's eyes as she got up, walking off quickly with her head down. She went to the bar and sat down, ordering another drink. Their dark head friend rushing to her side.
Their other friend took the seat at the table that Ali just got up from. She stared at Em, trying to figure out what to say. I could tell from her looks that she's probably the thinker, the leader of the group of friends. She passed Em one of the drinks she had in her hand and Em tossed it back.
"Whoa Em. Take it easy."
"I told her Spence. I told her how I feel."
The girl named Spence sat there and looked towards the bar. She then looked back at Em.
I heard a sob come from Em and it was one of the most heartbreaking things I'd heard.
"I can't pretend like I'm not scared Spence. I love her so much. Lily and Grace adore her! I don't know what we'd do if she left us."
"Why are you so sure she'll leave?"
"It's Ali Spence."
She looked over to Ali at the bar.
"She always leaves me."
At that, Spence slid over and wrapped her arm around Em. Em laid her head on Spence's shoulder. I decided to go talk to Ali. She's now sitting with 5 glasses in front of her. Their friend, rubbing her back.
"Ali, maybe you shou-"
"I love her so much Aria. So much."
"If you love her so much, why don't you show her."
Their heads swung around to me and I could tell the girl named Aria was wondering who I was. I held my hand out to her.
"Chelley. A friend of blonde bombshells and that dreamy goddess over there."
We shook hands and she looked at Ali and back at me. Ali laid her head down.
"Why won't she just trust me?"
"Like I said, you need to show her."
I smiled. A thought finally popped into my mind.
"Follow me."
They looked at each other before following me. We walked past Emily and their other friend who looked at us questioningly.
When we made our way to the side room of the club, I lead them in. I went to a safe in the corner and took a deep breath. I entered the code and when it swung open, I grinned.
I pulled out a tray of jewelry and pulled off the wedding rings I kept there. I showed them the rings and heard them both gasp.
"Oh my"
"They're beautiful."
I smiled. I remember getting these rings at a silent auction. I couldn't take my eyes off of the, and when I heard the story behind them, I knew I had to have them.
"These rings belonged to a couple from Barcelona. They had just gotten married. They had ran away from home after their parents forbid them to see each other. They wed and spent the next 48 years together. He died of cancer and she passed away days later of a broken heart, vowing to be with her love."
They both had tears in their eyes as they looked at the rings. Ali looked at me questionably. I laughed.
"They're yours blonde bombshell. Take them."
I heard her gasp before shaking her head.
"I can't!"
"You can and you will."
I didn't give her and choice as I placed them in her hand and closed them.  I can tell she was still tipsy because her balance was off.
"Whoa Ali!"
Her friend caught her and steadied her on her feet.
"But she doesn't want to marry me."
I shook my head. How dense could they be?
"She does but you have some convincing to do. Come on."
We went back in the club and I went and pulled up a chair at the table beside Em. She was slumped over and Spence was sitting back in her chair.
"Hello again gorgeous."
"Hi Chelley."
I noticed that Em looked at Ali as if she wanted to say something but the words never came out. Ali looked at Em but turned her head to the side, staring at the ground. I smiled wider. Looks like they need something that won't have them so shy around each other.
"Bartender... can I get a bottle of Hennessy and a pitcher of coke with four cups please?"
"Coming right up Ms. Chelley."
"Don't worry new friends. We'll work this out before the night ends."

*Two Hours Later*
They were fuuuuucccckkkked! Even Spencer was out of her mind. But the thing that gave me peace was that Ali and Em were talking. They were holding hands with their foreheads together, talking.
"Hey lovebirds! What we doing!?"
I smiled when they all giggled. It's now 3:45 in the morning but this is Vegas, the city that never sleeps. I was about to signal the waiter when Emily stood up and grabbed the blonde's hand.
"Let's get married!"
At this time they all jumped up a little shaky but excited. I paused. They were really drunk. I laughed.
"Guys, maybe we should wait until you all sober up."
"No. Drunk or sober, I know what I want. And I don't wait to waste anymore time."
They smiled at each. Who am I to deny a heart in love? So that explains why we're now in a chapel waiting on Emily and Alison.
"You guys, what are we going to do for rings?"
I looked at Spencer who had her arm thrown around Aria's waist.
"I have them."
Ali pulled the rings out of her pocket and showed the rings. They all looked at the rings in awe once again when our party was called.
They smiled at each other took a deep breathe before standing up and making their way to the room they were called to. They almost fell a couple of times but they held each other up giggling.
"Yes sir. That us."
"Are you all ready?"
All the friends looked at each other before turning around and answering together.
When they stood in front of the chapel, I gasped. They looked so happy. Aria had tears in her eyes while Spencer had a goofy smile.
"Do you all have vows?"
"I'll just speak from my heart."
Emily turned to Ali.
"Ali, you've always been love to me. You were the first person I ever loved and no matter how much I tried to move on, I compared everyone to you. I love you more than any thing else in this world. You Lily and Grace make up my whole heart. As long as you're by my side, I'll never be alone. I never want to be without you again. May you always be my best friend, my rock, my love."
How beautiful was that? Right when I was getting ready to clap, Ali began talking.
"Emily, there is no one else for me but you. I tried to deny my feelings for you not realizing I was only making us both miserable in the process. Even when I was away, you were always on my mind. Your sweetness fills my heart with so much joy and I hope our children share your attitude and outlook on life. I know you're scared, so am I. But I promise to never leave your side and fight every battle with you. I love you Emily Catherine Fields. Always and forever."
At this point, the liquor mixed with those sweet words had us all in tears. Shortly, they slid the rings on each other's hands, kissing the spot.
"I now present to you Mrs. Alison and Emily Fields!"
I touched my heart and watched as they ran through the rice being thrown at them. Aria and Spencer on each side of them. I stopped on the steps and couldn't help as my tears fell. At least they had the courage to follow their heart. I cried a little at the thought of the woman I loved so.
They deserved to be happy. I couldn't just stand by and watch them self destruct. Hopefully, they never feel the pain I felt.

Raising Our Family *Emison*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang