chapter 1

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I turned off my alarm before it could wake up my father and siblings, grabbed my clothes and ran to the bathroom. After i locked the door i striped out of my pjs and got in the shower. I stood under the warm water while i shaved my legs and  underarms. Then i washed my hair and body quickly. I turned the water off before my siblings woke up and hopped out of the shower.

I dressed in black sweatpants, a baggy shirt, black sweatshirt, and black converse. I put my hair in a ponytail and grabbed my bag. I walked out of my room and down the stairs as quietly as possible but one of my older brothers walked out of his room as i was walking down the stairs. He looked at me with his eyes narrowed and full of hate. Before he could beat me i ran out of the house and started walking to school.

I don't have a car because my father doesn't think i deserve one. Once I reached school i noticed there wasn't a lot of people there. I leaned against a wall of the school put my earbuds in, pulled my hood up and waited for the doors to open.

When the doors opened i walked in and went to my locker while trying to be invisible. As soon as i reached my locker i took out my earbuds and pulled my hood down Lilith and Brittany the queens of the school walked up wearing mini skirts that barely went below their butts and tight crop tops making their boobs look bigger. Lilith is a blonde whore that has slept with every guy in the school and cakes her face with makeup, and Brittany is the same except her hair is brown. They looked at me with disgust in her eyes.

"oh look the fat slut showed up today." i narrowed my eyes at her but before i could say anything Brittany spoke up. "ugh, why are you so slutty? Just stick to being a nerd" my eyes started turning black,"I'm the fucking slut? I'm not the one wearing clothes too small for me and sleeping with every boy in the school." both of their faces held surprise and anger but before they could say anything i grabbed my books, slammed my locker shut, and walked off to my class.

Before i continue i should probably tell you about my self. My names Luna Armstrong. Im 17 and my father Henry, twin Artemis, and older brothers Sebion and Tyrell abuse me because they blame me for our mothers death, and to be honest i believe them.

I get bullied and beat at school too. I have anger issues and even though talking back at school gets me beat i do it anyways. You can always tell when i get angry because my eyes turn dark grey, almost black. I try not to loose my temper, but when i do, you'll wish you were in hell.

I have long red hair and silver eyes. Even though everyone calls me fat i have an amazing body, with curves in the right places and a toned stomach and muscles. But i never show it, I hide it in baggy clothes because of all the scars. I also have a wolf tattoo coming through ripped skin on my right upper arm and bare trees with a moon above them on my left forearm. My nose, lip and ears are pierced too.

Oh, also I street fight. I could beat my "family" for abusing me but I don't. I don't know why, but every time i get beat i have to hold myself back from beating them. Nobody knows i street fight and i want to keep it that way. I used to street race but they found out about that and nearly killed me, so i quit street racing.

When i got to history i went to the back row and sat in the corner before putting my earbuds in. Now before you get the wrong idea I'm very smart but I'm not a nerd. I have to act like one though, to keep my secret and without music i would beat someone.

The bell rang and everyone rushes in. People were talking, yelling, and walking around class throwing stuff because the teacher wasn't in the classroom yet. I left one earbud in while i waited for the teacher to walk in. Getting bored i started drawing a wolf when i heard our teacher Mrs. Clide say, "why are people out of their seats and yelling? This is a classroom not a circus. Class is started."

Ten minuets in we were taking notes when the door was thrown open. I didn't have to look up to know it was Diesel Lewis, the schools bad boy. Diesel is the clique bad boy with tattoos, smoking, and is a player. But he's not the only one. In his crew are four other bad boys, Ryder Jackson, Tyler Owens, Derek Mitchelle, and Graycon Alexander.

Mrs. Clide turned to Diesel with an annoyed expression on her face, "why are you late?" I looked up just as he was looking around the class with a smirk and said, "I didn't wanna come so I hung out with friends." Mrs. Clide was angry. "well Mr. Lewis you have earned after school detention. "Diesel rolled his eyes and sat by one of Lilith and Brittany's minions.

I zoned out the class thinking of how bad i would get beat today and my opponent tonight. I was brought out of my thoughts as the bell rang.

On my way to my next class i saw Artemis, Sebion, and Tyrell standing by my locker with angry expressions on their faces. I stopped dead in my tracks when they saw me. Cautiously i walked up to them,"what do you guys want?" I asked them with venom dripping from my voice and a deadly glare. Artemis looked at me with anger and gripped my arm digging her nails into it and drug me to an abandoned room, Sebion and Tyrell following behind us.

Once we were all in the room the door was shut and locked so i couldn't get out and no one would see what they were doing. Artemis turned to me and slapped me in the face,"I'm not in the mood for your attitude. I failed a test because you refused to do my work and give me answers so you need a punishment." Sebion and Tyrell punched me in my stomach making me fall to the floor.

They pinned my arms and legs down so i couldn't move and Artemis started punching and kicking me. I fought the urge to beat them all as i grit my teeth and waited for the numbness to come. Soon i was numb and couldn't feel the punches and kicks as i stared at the ceiling with my dead eyes.

In about 30 minutes Artemis became bored she stopped and the boys let me go. When i sat up Artemis said with a smirk, "see ya when we get home." Once they were gone i just sat there thinking of what they had planned until the next bell rang.

Hey guys! I hope you like the first chapter!

My second chapter will be out soon!

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