Chapter 16

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Me and Carlo are fucking around when I remember I have a fight. "Shit what time is it?!" Carlo pulls out his phone and shows me. It's 7:30. "Fuck!" I run over to the toolbox my phone is laying on and grab it before turning to leave. Coincidentally my phone goes off at that exact moment.

(L=Luna J=James)

L: hello?
J: hey
L: what's up?
J: just calling to let you know your opponent cancelled the fight so your off the hook tonight
L: ok thanks for telling me
J: no problem

After James hangs up i turn back around and sit down in my original spot like i didn't just freak the fuck out. They both looked at me like I just smiled at a spider.

I grimace at the thought of spiders. I hate them to heaven and back. They're creepy little fuckers, not to mention evil. Their main purpose in their creepy lives is to jump at people, try to eat people, and to make mini creepy fucker juniors. Once at school a spider crawled out in front of me and when i went to smash it like one-thousand baby spiders jumped off of it and crawled everywhere..... Yeah... i didn't go to school for two days after that. But not because i was scared that i would be eaten alive by baby spiders in math class..... Not at all......

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by Diesel, "what the fuck was that?", deciding to play it innocent I reply with, "what was what?"..... That gets me the 'don't try to be innocent or I'll expose all of your murder plans to your enemy' look from Carlo. My eyes narrow on Carlo, "don't you dare Carlo", of course he feels the need to be a sassy fucker, "Quit reading my mind you red-haired devil child", that triggers myself to be a sassy fucker, "well then don't give me that look i know you too well dumb ass."

Carlo just huffs like a diva that got called pretty instead of gorgeous. I throw him a smug look before going over to a mini-fridge and opened the door. Looking at whats in it i was very tempted to grab a beer because frankly, i need a drink. I turn around to ask they guys a question when i see Carlo making a weird face that i think is supposed to be a mad pout but looks like hes dying while being constipated. Right as i'm about to say something about it he notices me looking and stops with a sheepish look. Rolling my eyes i look at both of them, "what do you want to drink?" 

Carlo immediately shout, "BEER!...please?" As soon as he yells he immediately hides behind Diesel and says a pathetic please. "Whats with you two and hiding behind me? oh, and ill have a beer too." I nod and turn back around thinking about what i should drink, water or beer. One is good for you while the other one is great. But, if i drink a beer in front of Diesel he will get more suspicious than he already is. He has already seen my tattoos and my body because i forgot i was wearing a tank top and jeans.

 As far as he's concerned i'm a nerd that just happens to have a mouth, but now he will be questioning why a nerd has tattoos and the body of someone who works out a lot. Sadly i cant work out as much as i'd like to, mainly because half the time i can barely move let alone workout. I know my body is fine the way it is but i like working out because it allows me to blow off steam, that way i don't snap and hurt my "family". Any whore, back on track. I don't need him getting curious and start snooping only to find something he will regret looking for.

As i think i grab two beers and a water before walking back to the guys. I toss Carlo his and he barely catches it. Giving him a look i toss Diesel his, and like a normal person he catches it. Opening my water i take a dink and look around. "I'm hungry, i'm gonna go and get something to eat, later." I go to turn around but they both shout over each other that they'll come with me. Again i roll my eyes and keep walking while the guys run to catch up with me. 


We decided on going to McDonlds, only because the boys wouldn't stop arguing so i chose. Carlos wanted taco bell and Diesel wanted olive garden.

When he said he wanted olive garden i spun around and said, "boy this ain't no goddamn vacation. We are gonna get something cheap cause your the only one out of all of us that can pay for how much food you get. Carlo would want around three different meals and me....i don't know...the point is WE BROKE BITCH!!"

After i said that he decided he wanted Applebees and Carlo wouldn't change his mind about taco bell so i slapped both of them upside the head and chose McDonald's.

When we got there Carlo got 2 quarter pounders, 2 large fries, 2 cookies, and a large Pepsi. Diesel got 1 McDouble, 1 large fry, 4 cookies, and a large Dr. Pepper. I got a 10 piece nugget, 2 cheeseburgers, a large fry, and a large sprite.

After eating we went back to the garage and listened to music while goofing around. Around 30 minutes later i noticed it was almost 9:30 so i got ready to leave. I ended up leaving at 10:00 because the boys wouldn't let me leave, if i would've been any slower they would have locked the doors and kept me in there with them all night.

It took around 20 minutes to get home because i was procrastinating for as long as i could. Sneaking inside was no problem at all because they are dumb enough to leave windows-mine in specific-unlocked so i climbed up the side of the house and crawled in through my window.

Going to the bathroom i undress and turn the shower on. I was able to take a long hot shower because everyone else was asleep so after washing my hair and body I stood under the hot water relaxing my muscles. Making sure my wounds were clean I got out and dressed in a baggy shirt and sweat pants before wrapping my stomach and laying in my bed. I don't know how long I layed there but eventually I fell asleep.

I'm so sorry it took so long for this chapter. I was having issues with wattpad on top of school and packing to move.

I'm going to go through the chapters and delete some of the authors notes that are no longer needed. i would have sooner but i was too lazy to.

I hope you liked it and hopefully the next chapter will be out soon.


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