chapter 17

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"Come on! Do you wanna look like a bitch or do you wanna do it again!"


"Alright, stop."

I drop to the ground in exhaustion. I've been doing the same thing over and over again. Lay on the floor, jump up, punch the punching bag, and drop down into a push up. My breathing is uneven as i lay on the floor trying to get my breath back. "Why am I doing this again?" "Because you need to get into shape before we can even start. If we don't start here, then you will get snapped in half out there." 

"Yeah, well i feel like im getting snapped in half right now." "Thats exactly why we're doing this." I look over at the guy who is training me. I just started today and im already regretting this. All i want is to go lay on my so called bed and never move again.

I hate this. I hate that i most likely look like a lazy person because i can barely do this exercise. All thanks to those bastards called my family. I get up off of the ground and go to the bathroom. I lock the door and walk up to one of the mirrors.

Pulling up my shirt i unwrap my stomach to see how bad the damage is. Grimacing i look at the bruises that vary from green and purple to black and blue. Turning to look at my right side i see a trail of blood coming from the stiches i pulled.

Rubbing my finger on the skin around the gash in my side i wince. Grabbing some paper towels from the dispenser I put them under cold water then wring them out. Taking a deep breath I hesitate, "fuck it." Placing the paper towel on the gash my breath hitches. Sharply inhaling I take a deep breath I wipe the blood away. Pausing in cleaning the wound I close my eyes, the pain being very intense. 

I finish wiping the blood away and wet a new towel. Holding the new towel to my cut I focus on going through the morning. First I woke up, made breakfast, then got beat for not making the breakfast they wanted. They laughed as they punched, kicked, hit, slapped, and cut me. Then they sent me to my room because they had guests over and I had the bright idea of sneaking out through my window.

From there I walked to the gas station and bought a snack, some beef jerky. While I was walking around eating my jerky I stumbled apron a building with a sign reading, "COME LEARN TO FIGHT! YOU WON'T REGRET IT!" I figured that learning to fight properly would be a good skill and if I was good I could fight for money.

I used most of my money the other day to restock on medicinal supplies. So I need a way to earn money and if I do this I might be able to resist the pain some more. Walking out I find the trainer whos name I can't remember sitting on the floor. When he sees me he stands up and stretches. "Lets go again." Groaning i trudge my way to the punching bag and start the exercise all over again.


I woke up to someone pulling me out of bed by my hair. The surprise caused me to let out a yelp as I felt the burn on my scalp. Opening my eyes I saw it was my sperm donor who kept pulling my hair like he was trying to scalp me with just his hands. 

"Wake up you useless fuck. I want breakfast and if i dont get food soon im gonna take it out in you!!" "Sorry to burst your bubble but you already are. You have to let go of my hair in order for me to cook you something."

....Yeah... He didnt like that very much considering the punch he delivered to my stomach in a spot he new was severely bruised.

Groaning when he pushed me to the floor i slowly get back up and go downstairs to make the ungratelful bastards some food. I open the cabinets to see what i could make when i suddenly remembered we had eggs, ham, and cheese. I'm gonna go for an easy omlet today.

After i finish cooking and washing the dishes i go upstairs to dress my wounds. Checking the bruises i got a numbing cream and basically covered my entire stomach because of the amount of bruises i have. After that dries i get put gauze on some bleeding wounds and then re-wrap my stomach.

Getting dressed in baggy sweatpants and t-shirt i throw on my shoes and a hoodie before walking diwnstairs as quitely as possible and slipping out the door. Beginning my walk to school i was able to relax. I pull out my phone and earbuds and start listening to music as i enjoy my little nature walk.


It's now lunch time and i was able to successfully avoid my siblings and the queen bees. Currently i am hiding out on the roof of the school listening to music. My stomach growls and i sigh. I cant get food at school because my sperm donor called the school and told them i was on a special diet and would bring my own food, but then proceeded to beat me for trying to take food ti school while calling me a fat pig.

Ignoring my stomach i lean against the...wall of the roof?, that doesn't sound right...and close my eyes. Taking deep breathes i only slightly wince at the sting and dull thumping pain of the bruises.

I feel drowsiness start to kick in due to lack of sleep and insomnia. Slowly the pull of sleep free of pain draws me in and im out like a light.


Im bored to death and loosing my mind in class when i get a text from Artemis. I've been avoiding her lately but my restrain is wearing thin. The tempation of having a little fun with one of the biggest sluts in the school is very hard to fight off.

Looking at the text my restraint weakens even more.

'Come to the stairs leading to the roof, we can have some fun up. Dont you wanna have fun while under the threat of getting caught. 😘'

Bouncing my leg uo and down i try to calm myself and stregthen ny resolve when i get another text.

'I'm waiting. But i wont wait forever.'

Getting up i dont even acknowledge the teacher and leave class. Finding her waiting in a skimpy skirt and crop top i smirk and pull her close to me. We make our way up the stairs and i open the door but as soon as i do my eyes widen and i pull it shut again.

"What was that for?" Asks Artemis very confused. Thank god i closed the door fast enough to stop her from seeing her sister. That was a mood killer.

Looking at her coldly i let go of her waist and say, "Nothing i just changed my mind. Maybe some other time." I watch as she opens and closes her mouth like a fish before scowling and stomping down the stairs. I wait a few minutes before opening the door again and walking up to Luna.

As i get closer i see her with her earbuds in and her eyes closed, she was fast asleep.


Im so incredibly sorry not updating. Things didnt go as planned and i wasng able to write chapters. But now in back and i will try to update around five chapters next month to make up for the missing months but no promises. Thank you for being patient and again, im so sorry!!!

But, how did you guys like the chapter? Remember to tell me if any mistakes or something you liked about the chapter.

See ya in the next chapter!!!!

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