Chapter 11

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As Luna walks away i smirk, there's something about her that gives her a different vibe. Its like she is way more dangerous than just cussing in every sentence and glares. I get the feeling there's so much more than she lets on, that she is more violent than most people. For example when she talks there is an underlying threat in every sentence.

It seems like she isn't even trying, yet I got the sense that she was like an angry wolf in a cage. Like she's just waiting for the right moment to attack anyone who is on her shit list. Not to mention her eyes are always either looking around like she's waiting for an attack, or they are dead and cold. Most of the time its both.

I know this because I have her in a couple classes and I sit near her sometimes. For some reason every time I catch a glance at her those are the things I pick up on. I would notice how tense she was, or how she would glare at anyone she saw, or how she never stayed longer than needed, I also noticed that she cant stay still for long. I never really thought much about it, just on the fact that every time we talked.........ok every time I forced her to talk to me, she never relaxed, never let the hostile tone go, never stopped glaring or flat out looking annoyed.

When my teacher called me out I was so pissed off and embarrassed that when I barely noticed a sinister smile crossing Luna's face before she went back to expressionless. Thinking back on it now, I noticed that she was trying to hold back laughter when everyone else was scared for their lives. She was holding her breath so she wouldn't start laughing. But now that I am looking at that smile in my head, most people would be deeply disturbed, me?

I was only a little confused and I had a moment of fear. I was too pissed to really notice at the time, but when the teacher fainted i went back to my seat and looked around i couldn't find Luna, meaning she left through the door next to her seat. Normally nerds don't try to hold in laughter at violence, or gain a sinister smile from violence, or sneak out of class. She's so different that i cant help but be curious about her.

Realizing this is the third time walking away from me, Diesel Jackson, bad boy of the school, hottest guy in the school my blood boils. No one has ever walked away from me before. I'm always the one who walks away from them, leaving them in a nervous stuttering mess. I can't believe she has the guts to walk away from me. I stand there in the parking lot angry for a few minutes before pulling out a cigarette and lighting it.

Letting the nicotine flow through my body and calm my nerves i lean against my car. Looking at the time i inhale the cigarette one more time before throwing it on the ground and crushing it. I walk back into the school and walk around the halls aimlessly before someone knocks into me. I glare down at the person before i realise it's Artemis. I drop my glare and smirk at her when she looks at me and flirtingly touches my abs saying sorry. I'm the kind of guy that takes only a few minutes to get distracted by a chick. "Why don't we go somewhere private so i can apologize?", still smirking i answer, "That sounds like a good idea but it will take a lot of apologizing to be forgiven."

Once me and Artemis were done i left her alone and looked at the time. 2:45. Shrugging i leave the school building and go to my car. Getting in i drive to my house.


Pulling into the driveway of my house i get out of my car and go inside. Looking around i notice my mom isn't home yet which is good. Walking to my room i lay on my bed and play games on my phone until i get bored. An alarm on my phone goes off showing that i had to go to the garage.

Getting up and grabbing a can of pepsi and a snack i walk out of the house and get in my car. Pulling out of my driveway i start driving to the garage. Turning on the radio i listen to music and eat my snack on the way there.


Sorry for the wait guys. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you didn't tell me why so i can improve my story, and don't feel bad about criticism. I can handle it.

Until next time here's some pictures..........

Until next time here's some pictures

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See ya!

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.....See ya!

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