chapter 6

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As I wait for the announcer to call my name I look around at the familiar fighting ring. For a while the fighting ring was just people forming a circle around the fighters. But a few years ago we got an actual boxing ring. As I look around I see people who are drunk holding cans of beer, screaming and yelling at the fighters who are fighting right now.

I notice girls in short dresses, hooker heels, and a face caked with makeup walking around trying to get some extra money. I look at them in disgust and shake my head. Street fighting is one thing but selling your body for cash is just stupid and disturbing.

Looking at the fighters I see a guy that looks like he's on steroids grinning like crazy. He probably had a few drinks before the fight seeing as he's swaying a little but only a few small bruises decorate his skin. The other guy is a small scrawny looking teen, he's got a lot of bruises all over his body, and he's wobbling around the ring meaning he's about to pass out.

He has a bloody nose and mouth, with a cut on his left eyebrow that's forming a nasty bruise. The guy on steroids swings a heavy punch to the kids face making him fall to the ground and pass out. Looking at the rest of the bruises on his body, I'm surprised he lasted that long. While the crowd cheers and exchanges money, I think of the perfect ways to murder people. What? I told you I was crazy, its not my fault if you didn't believe me.

Finally the crowd settles down and isn't yelling as much and the announcer goes back into the middle of the ring. Looking at him he has a plain white shirt and black pant. He has brown hair cut short and stubble on his chin, he looks like he's in his thirty's.

He holds up his hand waiting for everyone to stop talking. in a minute the crowd is so silent you could here a cricket chirp. Satisfied with the silence, the announcer starts, "Ladies and gentleman, the next fight involves someone this arena knows very well."

The crowd tenses in excitement guessing who it is. "We have two skilled fighters in this round tonight.." Huh. I guess this guy is good because people look like their about to start jumping on their toes out of excitement.

"One fighter is bulky and while the other is swift." I smirk 'finally, I thought he'd never introduce us'. " in one corner we have Skull Crusher-" the crowd started cheering, cutting him off. I watch my opponent enter the ring and hold his arms in the air walking around then went to his corner. Once again he held his hand up after a minute.

"And in the other corner we have the one, the only, Queen of Darkness!!" and just like that everyone started screaming and betting. I walk out and climb into the ring. I look around and smile evilly. I look at my opponent and fear flashes through his eyes for a second then its gone.


I walk to the area with the fighting ring and look around, I see guys and girls with beers and other drinks in their hand drinking with screaming at the fighters. I also see chicks in stripper outfits with a lot of makeup on. But I'm too busy to flirt with them, I'm busy worrying and getting hyped up for my match. At first I thought she was one of those fighters who just got lucky with their wins or something, I thought I could beat her easily. But after watching her warm up both times I'm not so sure now.

One fighter finally won and the announcer silenced everyone. When he announced me I walk out and got a bunch of cheers. I hold my arms up in the air for a minute then lower them. The announcer waits and then silences them. While i wait i think about my fight, i mean she's never lost a fight in all of her time here...

I am brought out of my thoughts by the sound of the announcers voice. "And in the other corner we have the one, the only, Queen of Darkness!!" I watch as she jumps up and into the ring. She looks around before turning back to me. I look over her to try and find a weakness. i look at her face again and see her smile sadistically, a dangerous glint in her eyes.

I see her smile grow even more sadistic when she looks me over, 'she's gonna kill me...'. Once all the bets are made the announcer comes back to the middle of the ring. "Are you ready?!" Everyone starts screaming, "3........2.......1........FIGHT!!!"

We start to circle around each other. I know she wont attack first so i do. I lunge forward aiming a punch to her right side, but she dodges. I throw a kick to her shin, and she moves her leg back before spinning on the ball of her foot kicking me in the stomach.


I spin and kick him in the stomach sending him back. He goes to punch me in the face but i block and kick his leg making him fall on one knee. He lands a punch on my stomach and i fight back a wince. I kick him in the stomach and punch him in the face.

His face holds pain as he grunts and stands up. He lunges at me and i side step before kneeing him in the gut. He winces and quickly standing he punches me in the stomach. I grit my teeth and loose some control and stop playing around. It goes like this...

Punch him in the stomach, kick him in the back of the knee, grab the back of his head and slam his face into my knee, punch him until he passes out. In that time, he got a couple hits on me. My face, another on my stomach, and a kick to the shin. Anyway, back to the unconscious idiot. I let go of his head and let him drop to the ground.

The announcer walks up to me and grabs my wrist, holding it up in the air. I get out of the ring and go to my dressing room. Yeah when you win a lot of fights you get your own dressing room. I walk in and sit down on a chair, waiting for someone to bring me my money. I lean back in the chair and close my eyes.

After around five minutes, i hear a knock on my door. "What?", i hear my door open and someone in a shaky voice says, "well u-um i uh i h-have your m-money". I get annoyed with the stuttering and open my eyes. I see a scrawny guy that i haven't seen around here before holding my money. i raise an eyebrow, "i haven't seen you here before....hope you don't get killed". The guys eyes widen and he looks like he wants to pee himself. I hold out my hand, and as fast as he can he hands me the money and runs out of the room. I make sure he closes the door before counting my money.

After counting all the money it sums up to around $5,000, that was a good fight. So after saving most of the money i earn I'm street fighting and dancing i have around $250,000. oh, did i forget to tell you i street dance?....... um, yeah so let me just tell you what i do or used to do.

street fighting

street dancing

street racing- used to

tattooing- used to

piercing- used to

I think that's all of them.... Oh, nope. I also used to race dirt bikes. Now I'm sure that's all of them. I stopped racing because they somehow found out and nearly killed me so I stopped. I quit tattooing and piercing when I stopped racing. I get my tattoos and piercings for free because I used to do them.

Anyways, I get up and get ready to go back to my prison....oops, I meant house. Yeah I totally meant house. I put my money in my bag and re wrap my stomach. Josh walks in as im getting ready to leave. "Leaving?", "yeah, i gotta get home before they get suspicious." Josh shakes his head and walks closer.

As i turn around to finish getting everything ready he turns me back around and hugs me. I tense for a minute then pat his back. "Why don't you just come live with me?". I sigh, "we've been over this, they'd hunt me down and you'd be in danger.

He shakes his head and lets go of me. I grab my bag and walk to the door. "Anyways i gotta go, see ya later", as im walking down the hall i hear him yell, "bye dork!". I roll my eyes and smirk, he is so going to regret saying that.


I wake up to see im in the car with the guys. "How bad was it?", they all look at me and at the same time said, "it was fucking bad". I sigh and get comfortable in my seat. Sometime later i fall back asleep.

I get woken up to see that were back at the house, so i get out and walk to my room. After taking a quick shower i go downstairs to get some food. All the guys were messing around but i ignored them as i ate. After i ate i went straight to bed dreading tomorrow.

Hey, im finally done with this chapter, it took a while because wattpad kept deleting it.

Have you ever been in a fight, if so comment about it.

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