chapter 10

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After the whole Diesel in the classroom ordeal i go outside the school and walk to the bleachers. Looking out at the field i see a gym class playing soccer outside. I walk in front of the field and go under the bleachers. 

Sitting down on the ground i dig through my bag and pull out a cigarette. Holding it up to my mouth i pull out a lighter and cup my hands around the cigarette to light it. Inhaling i lean my head up and breath out, watching the smoke curl and make random designs before disappearing.

As i smoke i can feel my body relax. Letting out a sigh i pull up my shirt and unwrap my stomach. Looking at the bruises and blood i sigh again and re-wrap my stomach, then pull my shirt down before someone sees it. I put on my headphones and listen to 'Metallica- enter sandman'. Again i inhale and let the smoke out watching it make different shapes.

'I wonder who i'm fighting tonight.....'
'Who cares? They'll probably be some weak ass wannabee.'
'Probably. But i love the thrill of trying to figure out who i'm fighting and what their fighting style is.'
'Whatever weirdo.'
'......You just called yourself weird'
'Shut the hell up. UGHHH, why am i stuck with such a dumbass?'
'...You are really bad at insulting. You know that?'
'Nah.....ok, maybe a little.'

I roll my eyes and smirk.

I'm not that crazy...everyone has voices in their head right?..No, wait that's just me..I should probably take my meds...

'But if you did that you wouldn't be able to talk to us. You'd be so bored'

I shake my head and smoke until the cigarette burns away. I throw the cigarette on the ground and stomp on it. I take a deep breath and hear the bell ring.

Shrugging i start walking off school grounds. Too bad i didn't get that far. "Where are you going?" , stopping i turn around to face Diesel. "why does it matter?", seeing my glare he holds his hands up with a smirk. "Just curious, don't get your panties in a wad.", i send him another glare then smirk," oh mine aren't in a wad. In fact you'd think that someone who got embarrassed in front of a whole class would have their panties in a wad more than i would."

Suddenly he's not smirking. "How'd you know that happened? And i wasn't embarrassed. Besides I don't wear panties i wear boxers.", "Uh-hu sure, whatever floats your boat". I turn around and start walking again. Only im stopped again. "I thought nerds didn't skip school.", spinning around i sigh, "why does everyone think im a nerd? What nerd has a nose and lip piercing, not to mention-" shit. I stop mid sentence and stand there for a second.

"Not to mention what? What were you going to say?", now Diesel has a glint in his eyes, its like he's trying to either scare or persuade me into telling him and neither of those are working. "Nothing, anyway name one nerd who has dyed hair and piercings." He looks interested in me now...fuck..

"ok, you got me there. But you never get in trouble, you always have good grades and you keep to yourself.", "so? Just because i don't like people im automatically a nerd? Bull-mother fucking-shit", sighing i turn back around and walk away, "see ya".

Ignoring his calls of protest i keep waking. Unconsciously my feet go towards the garage.

When i arrive at the garage i walk in and go straight to the back. "Yo Carlo! You back here?", as i wait i hear someone drop a tool and smirk. "Luna?!", all of the sudden i'm almost tackled to the ground by Carlo hugging me.

 "Luna?!", all of the sudden i'm almost tackled to the ground by Carlo hugging me

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