Chapter 7

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The song is 'Monsterifik'



"Luna come here!", I look up as my name is called. "Coming Mamma!", getting up I run from my room trying to find her. I find her in the kitchen making lunch. "Yes Mamma?", looking up at the sound of my voice she smiles and beckons me forward. I walk forward with a large smile on my face. As I reach her she picks my up and sets me on her hip.

"Do you know where your brothers and sister are?", a thoughtful look crosses my face for a second before I smile and nod. " Ty and Seb are in the backyard and sissy is in our room". Mamma sets me down on a chair and turns to the stove. After checking the food she turns back to me. "Can you go get your siblings sweetie?", "Yes Mamma".

Getting up I went to get my sister, "Sissy, Mamma wants us!". Artemis turns to me and gets up, "Ok sissy lets go get Ty and Seb". Running downstairs we race out to the backyard, "Mamma wants us!". The boys stop throwing the football and run over to us, "Lets go then!" running inside we all stop when we see Mamma and Daddy setting out the food. We all smile and race to our chairs.

My smile fades when they finish setting the plates and start eating, "Mamma?", she looks up at me, "yes?", "where's my food?". An annoyed look crosses her face as she puts down her fork, "Your food is in the trash." Confused I look at Daddy, "what?", angered Mamma and Daddy stand up and walk over to me. "it means you don't deserve to eat", "why would you say that Mamma, you're scaring me"

My breathing starts getting heavier as my entire family stand up and corner me in the kitchen, "guys? What are you doing?". "What we should have done a long time ago", with that Daddy, Tyrell, Sebion, and Artemis start hitting me, "Mamma! Help me!", I scream with tears falling down my face. Mamma just starts laughing and spitting insults at me along with the rest.

"You deserve this!"

"You were a mistake!"

"I wish I was never a twin!"

"You're weak and stupid!"

"You're just a waste of space!"

Slowly their voices were killing me and driving me insane. "Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!", i scream going a little crazy from their constant insults and hits. "What did I ever do to you guys!", I plead looking up at them, "you were born and ruined 5 years of our lives!". As the hits and insults kept coming till I was driven past the brink of insanity.


I shoot up from bed covered in a cold sweat panting. With frantic eyes I look around only to realize I'm in my room and that I almost smashed my alarm clock. I take deep breaths to calm myself before I get up and go to the bathroom. After going to the bathroom I strip and jump in the shower. Washing my long hair I think back to my nightmare. 'the nightmares keep getting worse and worse..... their starting to replace my good memories with bad ones....'. After washing my hair I wash my body then get out. I dress in my usual baggy sweatpants and baggy shirt and hoodie. Brushing my hair i throw it up into a ponytail and walk downstairs.

Me being the lazy person I am, I ended up making 20 pancakes, 10 eggs, and 10 pieces of toast. looking at the food I deem it good enough and clean the kitchen. Grabbing a granola bar and my bag I leave the house and eat my granola bar on the way to school.


Finally making it to school I look at the sky and guess its only 6:00, so I walk over to a big tree and climb up, sitting on a high branch. Closing my eyes and relaxing I enjoy the quiet while I can. Eventually I open my eyes and just stare at the sky watching it turn brighter as time passes.

At around 7:15 I climb down and make my way up to the doors of the school. Walking in I go straight to the library. When I get there I look through the shelves trying to find something that will interest me. As I'm walking a book catches my eye, grabbing it off of the shelf I look at the title, Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief.

I've always liked mythology, for instance there is Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and Norse mythology, those are my favorite ones. Walking over to a chair in the back corner of the library I start to read. I'm so distracted by my reading I am brought back to the real world by the sound of the 10 minute bell. Checking out the book I make my way to my first class ignoring everyone sprouting insults at me.

Reaching class I sit at the back, like usual and start to read again. Once the bell rings I keep reading until I'm forced to put the book down.

Let hell begin........


so sorry it took this long to update the book, I've been busy with school. Anyway I hope you enjoy the book and feel free to leave comments

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