chapter 9

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Turning my head in the direction of the noise i let out a groan. "What the hell do you dumbasses want?", a scream of anger is heard before there is a loud SLAP! My head flies in the other direction and i sigh.

Turning my head back to look at my idiot siblings i glare. "Can i help you your majesties?", Artemis snorts and says, "no we just need to let some anger out". Tyrell and Sebion are standing behind her waiting on her to finish so they can get a few hits in.

I stay sitting down and rock my legs back and forth waiting for artemis. "What are you doing you dip shit?", i look back at her with a blank face, "im waiting so hurry up and get it over with or leave me alone." Tyrell steps forward and starts kicking me in the stomach, then Sebion joins him.




I just lay there and take the abuse because i know it should of been me that died. Everyone would have been so much happier. They wouldn't have to suffer the pain of loosing their mother.

Im not allowed to call her my mother, and im fine with that because if it weren't for me she would still be here. They wouldn't have to deal with a useless sister that kills people, they could have a mother that is an angel.

After all of eternity the lunch bell goes off and they curse, glaring at me as they walk away. I sit up from laying on the floor and stand. For a second i loose balance so i lean on the wall, then i push off and start walking to the nearest bathroom.

The classrooms are pretty much abandoned so i don't have to worry about people seeing me. I hold my stomach to stop the blood that started flowing when they opened up last nights wounds. I grumble and curse under my breath because i have to walk faster.

Picking up my pace i finally see a bathroom. Walking inside i stand in front of the mirrors. Pulling my shirt up i grab some paper towels and wet then before applying them to my stomach.

As im cleaning off the blood i watch as the blood soaks the towel. I get more paper towels and dry off my stomach before pulling bandages out my bag and wrapping my stomach after putting cream on the wounds to stop the bleeding.

Putting everything away before i pull down my shirt and leave the bathroom. Wandering the halls i stop when i hear my phone ring. I pull it out to see who it is and answer it.

L: yes?
J: you have a fight today at 8:00
L: ok, thanks for letting me know
J: no problem but i gotta go now
L:ok, bye

I hang up the phone and wander the halls. I stay away from the cafeteria because i lost my appetite. Wandering to an abandoned room i sit on a desk and put my earbuds in. Closing my eyes i let myself relax and let the music overtake me.

'I cant wait till i can just would be better fir everyone'. I lean my head back and just listen to my music as my mind drifts. Ignoring the annoying pain everywhere i just focus on my breathing.

My whole body goes ridged when i feel a hand in my shoulder and i stand up so quickly i get a little dizzy. Ignoring the dizziness i spin around ready to beat the ever living shit out of someone.......until i saw who it was....



Waking up that morning i grumble to myself about how much a waste of time school is. I take a shower and change into blue jeans,a black muscle shirt, biker boots, my jacket, and my necklace.

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