chapter 15

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Me and Carlos sang the entire song  while Diesel just looked at us in shock. It was honestly hilarious to see the look on his face, he was so surprised that we were singing that kind of song. I take this time to have just a little fun for once in my life.

When the song ends Carlos holds his hand up for a high five, which I trick him by pulling my hand back at the last second. Childish, I know. But when an opportunity like that presents itself you have to take it. I look at his face and burst out laughing, I mean he looked so betrayed by a simple little trick.

As I laugh I notice his expression morph from shock and betrayal to devious and full of misheif. I stop laughing and jump down from the tool box going behind it. "Whatever you're thinking, don't." He smirks at me, "aww, you didn't even let me say it", "yeah, cause I know it will be bad for me."

His smirk grows, "that it is." He slowly starts walking around the toolbox making me go around it too. He keeps moving making me move to keep him a full circle away. I look around for something to help me and see Diesel watching us in amusement, " think you could help your good friend out?..." He just looks at me with a glimmer in his eyes, "no?...ok then...that's rude..."

As soon as I say those words Carlos suddenly runs around the toolbox making me run around and away from him as he chases me. "Carlos! No! Stop!" He just laughs and keeps chasing me. "You are a rude human being you fucker!" While i'm being chased by a mentally unstable person who can't control their childish urges to sing disney songs while using a wrench as a microphone, Diesel is just sitting there laughing at us.

In a desperate attempt to be rescued by this crazy psychopath, I bolt across the shop to diesel and hide behind him. He tries to move out of the way laughing but I move with him so he is a shield between me and crazy Carlos. "Why are you hiding behind me?" "Because I'm desperate, the last time he caught me he tried putting me in pink! Pink dress! Pink leggings! Pink heels! Pink jacket! Pink makeup! Pink everything! It was terrifying!"

I smacked Diesel upside the head for laughing at me, "hey! What was that for?!" "That's for laughing at me!" He spins around and grabs my arms, "ya know I was gonna help you but now I don't think so." I let out a shriek as I'm suddenly lifed off the ground and thrown over Carlos's shoulder. "Diesel you asshole! Carlos put me down!"

Carlos and Diesel laugh at me as Carlos carries me over to the front of the store. I hit his back over and over again, "put -punch- me -punch- down!" "Ow! Would you stop hitting me?!" "Not until you put me down!" Diesel is laughing at us while he follows Carlos, so like any sane person I grab a wrench off a toolbox we pass and throw it at him.

Sadly he moved out of the way....

Anywhore....moving on....

I pinch Carlos in the side and he finally drops me, granted he drops me on the floor and I didn't catch myself in time, but at least he wasn't carrying me to my death...yet...

I groan and turn off my stomach and push myself off of the floor. "You are a dick Carlos." They laugh at my words such makes me pout. Carlos looks at my face and laughs even more while Diesel looks for like 10 seconds before laughing too. "Quit laughing at me!"

Carlos stops laughing and pinches my cheeks while saying, "awww, you're so adorable when you pout." Slapping his hands away I cross my arms and mumble, "I'm not adorable", this time Diesel answers, "yeah you are" I look at them and say, "how rude".


I'm still processing the fact that Luna is actually kind of fun to be around. She's definitely better than her sister. I just found out she's hot, has piercings and tattoos, she's a smartass, works on cars, and listens to awesome music. Basically she's the perfect chick.

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