Chapter four

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  Roses POV ****
I wake up with my head resting on Shawn's chest. I quickly get up I look at the time
7:02 it's still pretty early I carefully move myself away from Shawn I go to my room half closing the door . I take my clothes off and look for some clothes. I grab my clothes and throw them in the bed still walking around in my room in my bra and underwear. I look for a hat.
  "Ah perfect ." I put it down. Shawn stumbles in.
  "Oh my god I-" he covers his eyes I quickly get a towel and throw it on his head he just on the floor with a towel on his head.
   "My god Shawn what the fuck!" I quickly put my clothes on and straighten my hat. I take the towel off he looks up at me he stands up.
   "I'm so sorry I was looking for u and I saw the door open and clumsy me tripped over my own feet." His face brightens.
  "It's fine. Do u need like new clothes or something u can have some of my brothers clothes." I take him to the next room.
   "Uh yeah actually." He follows me inside I look through his drawers. I grab a black shirt and denim jacket i hand it to him .
   "This would look good." I hand it to him he takes his shirt off in front of me I feel my cheeks heat. He smirks
  "It's only fair." He laughs . He puts the shirt and jacket on.
  "See it looks good." I raise my eyebrows .
   "Yup have to say u have pretty good sense in style he smiles.
  "Ehh." I smirk. He comes towards me. I slowly back up.
  "Uhhh whatcha doing?" I raise my eyebrow and nervously laugh. I back enough to hit the wall. Shhhhiiiitt he puts his hand besides me. He leans down and whispers into my ear.
    "U should be very scared of me Rose. U have no clue what I'm capable off." His eyes glare at me again that different color .
   "U don't scare me." He picks my chin up.
   "But I do . Ur just to scared to accept it." His hand on my arm tightening .
    "I know this is not Shawn ." I glare at him. His face goes blank. The hell all I said was ....
   "Oh umm are u okay ?" Shawn backs away from me.
   "Yeah I'm fine." I look down to the floor all these questions running through my head.
  "U ready for school?" Me and Shawn heads downstairs and into his car.
  "Don't remind me." I roll my eyes. He touches my cheek I slap his hand away.
  "U have something smeared on ur cheek." I grab my phone and check there is something I quickly wipe it off.
  "Thanks...." I quietly say as we get out of my driveway and head towards school.
  "I'm really sorry about Rosita ." He slowly says.
  "It's fine I just wanna know who did it? What kinda person would do that?" I shake my head.
   "Shawnnnn would u like to answer that?" He says in a murmur voice
   "Shut up." He whispers .
   "Umm are u okay?" I look at him.
  "What no yeah im okay." He fake smiles. I just nod my head and look out the window keep hearing him whispering and mumbling to himself. The car stops and I unbuckle my seat belt. I was about to open the door when Shawn caught my wrist.
"Don't let him do it Rose." He tightens his grip on my wrist
"Shawn what are u talk-"
"U should know Rose I mean him ......Me." He looks into my eyes . I look into his beautiful chocolate brown eyes. And i know it's Shawn he's all here right now.
"Okay okay Shawn. But let go ur hurting my wrist." I look down at his hand . His hand trembling from it so tight. He looks down and lets go I rub my wrist now with a bruise.
"I'm sorry I didn't Me-"
"Shawn just stop please stop saying sorry. Ur making it just a word." I get out the car and run towards Kathy but Nash grabs her from behind
"Hey let go of her u asshole!" I run even faster but someone grabs me and twirls me around. I look at him and it's Cameron .
"Hey beautiful." He smirks.
"Stop Cameron I don't have time for this." He holds onto me.
"Hey Nash how about we take them out back ." He winks.
"Hell yeah!" I start squirming in his grip .
"God put me down!!!" Me and Kathy both yell.
"Hey fuckboys !" We all turn around. We see Christian and Shawn.
"That's our girls." Christian glares.
"Go fuck yourselves u guys will make a great gay couple!" Cameron rolls his eyes.
"Listen hear asshole . Put the girls down we don't need u small dick scaring any of them today nude seeking rapist!" Shawn pokes Cameron . Everybody including Nash oooo's
"Whatever ." Cam rolls his eyes . He puts me down and so does Nash with Kathy.
"Thanks guys ." I smirk
"I mean I couldn't do it without this handsome guy right here." Christian leans his arm on Shawn. He laughs.
"Don't push it Christian. I'm at least letting u touch me." Shawn chuckles I look in his eyes and it's that greenish brown. Then quickly goes to brown again and Shawn smiles.
"Okay angel oh I mean dad-"
"Christian!" Kathy hits his shoulder.
"Okay okay." Christian puts his hands up. Shawn laughs and rolls his eyes . Shawn kisses Christian on the cheek. Christian squeals and passes out and lands on top of Kathy.
"Oh my god Christian ur heavy!" She pushes him of her.
"Wow u made our friend faint." I cross my arms.
"Would u like to faint too?" Before I knew what he said he slowly kisses my cheek.
"Bitch I think the fuck not those are only my cheek kisses bitch!" Christian slaps my ass.
"Christian now share." Kathy crosses her arms.
"Ugh fine. Lucky hoe." He glares at me I raise my hands.
"Wanna head to class?" He holds his hand out for me to take.
"Yes but no hand ...... well at least not yet." I smirk as his face gets red .
That's all folks ! Kinda short chapter I wanted to put more in it but I think I need to dial it down a bit but oh well love ya fam👌🏻
Christian; James Charles
Kathy: Bella Thorne
Rose: You
Shawn: himself
Cameron : himself

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