Chapter 25

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Roses POV ***
I am getting out the hospital today I breathe the fresh air as Shawn helps me out the wheel chair .
"U good?" I shake my head and we start to walk to his Jeep. I buckle in
"What happened to jack? And Cameron ?" I turn to Shawn as he leaves the parking lot .
"Well jacks in prison till life cameron is currently in the hospital but will go to prison for a few years." I look down
"What about ... Blake?" Shawn clenches his jaw.
"He's getting therapy." I simply nod we arrive at my house Kathy Christian and my whole family is waiting outside. I get out everyone hugging me.
"Thank god ur okay!" They all hug me and Shawn. I can see it's a bit awkward between my dad and Shawn. Harry hugs me tightly
"The bastard is in jail okay?" I nod and he kisses my forehead .
"We need to have a sleepover!" Kathy tugs on my arm I laugh.
"Sure thing." I turn around and Shawn is there I can't help but to hug him tightly . He does the same and I kiss him forcefully.
"Mine." I whisper I can see I turned him on a bit I laugh. Shawn goes back home hopefully that will go well . And me and Kathy go to her house and just sit on her bed eating ice cream.
"I can't believe with Shawn dude like damn." I shake my head
"I know ."
"You always date the crazies ." She laughs
"I know right !" We both start laughing but she stops and bites her lip.
"Um... Rose? ."
"Hmm?" I look up at her brown eyes.
"Can I tell u something?" She plays with her fingers
"WHO DO U LIKE?!" I scream whenever she does that she likes someone
"How'd u know?" She laughs
"Come on Katherine ur my bff since we were in Pre K."
"Don't ever use my full name." She shoves me playfully
"Tellll meeee." I whine she bites her lip
"Okay But don't make fun of me. " I shake my head and she sighs
"I have a crush on-" My dad runs into the room witch doesn't surprise me cause I don't live far from her she's only five houses down.
"Come hurry someone shot ur brother!" My eyes widen and I run out the room so fast. And rub to my house seeing Harry on the bed.
"Harry are u okay?!"
"Yes I'm fine Rose just something went wrong I'll be fine." He breathes heavy I kiss his hand he smiles as he gets carried away.
"He'll be okay Rose ." My dad kisses my forehead. I go back into Kathy's room and close the door.
"Was everything okay ?" She asked I start crying she gets off the bed and holds me in her arms.
"It's okay shhh." She holds me just like Shawn does and I hug her tightly .
"It'll be okay." She picks my chin up to her face and whips my tears. I sit on the bed she sits next to me.
"Tell me who u like hoe." I sniffle she laughs.
"Fine." She looks at me I'm in shawns sweater and booty shorts and my slippers.
"I like.... you." My heart stops for a second did I hear that correctly?
"Yes I like you actually I love u Rose since day one. But we were best friends and I never wanted to ruin that we're adults now dude like holy shit and I never fully came out to anyone not even Christian . I'm bisexual and i know ur probably confused and everything." Oh my god.
"But I am happy for u and Shawn truly I am." She smiles at me. I get on the bed and just think my back resting on the backboard . She comes next to me caressing my cheek.
"But give me a chance." Her hands go up and down my arms. She gets on top of me
"I can treat u better." She picks my chin up and brings me closer to her. My heart racing and butterflies in my stomach . Her lips lean closer to mine and she places her lips on mine her hand on my cheek bringing us closer. For some reason I kiss her back but it feels weird since she's my best friend but ... i dont know . Her lips move swiftly against mine and her tongue begs for entrance and I let her in . Our soft kiss turns into a intense makeout. And she pulls off shawns hoodie. And lays me on the bed kissing my whole body to much in the pleasure
What about Shawn
Is this cheating?
Yes it is! I can't do this not to him I did it once with Charlie I'm not doing it again.
I open my eyes and push her off. She breathes heavily
"What's wrong ?" She asks me
"I-I can't ." She looks at me and huffs
"No it's not because of that it's just Shawn and our relationship I can't ruin that and our friendship." She looks at me
"Get out ..." my eyes widen
"U heard me get out!!" She screams she throws me my hoodie I put it on and leave her house. I look at her window I can see she's frustrated. I touch my lips and remember hers on mine.
"Why didn't I pull away?" I ask myself I walk down the street it's night time now and my parents aren't home their probably at the hospital I sigh. I unlock the door and someone shoved me inside making me hit my head on the table. I lay on the floor my eyes blurry my head aching.
"Oh my god rose I'm so sorry!" I know that voice I look at the tall figure tying to get my vision back it slowly comes I squint my eyes.
"Shawn?" I ask putting my back against the wall. My vision comes back but holy crap Shawn dyed his hair got piercings and tattoos I see my name with a bloody rose how ironic.
"Jeez u go home and come back like this? Did u turn emo?" I laugh shawn grabs me bridal style and puts me on the bathroom countertop.
"You can say that." Shawn gets out the first aid kit and cleans my head noticing I was dripping blood . It stings making me hiss he puts a band aid and kisses my head then his rough hand travels my body . I couldn't really see his face ass much since it was dark and for some reason he didn't turn the light on. He starts kissing my neck I giggle and push him off me.
"Here." I get off the counter and head for the switch but he pins me on the door.
"Ow shawn." His grip on my wrists start to hurt.
"Shhh baby girl." Something not right here.
"Shawn let go Ur hurting me." I try to move but he presses his body against me and I can feel he's turned on witch makes me sick he lets go of my hands but puts his hand on my head making my face against the wall. I try to push off the door with my hands but shawns grip on my head won't let me move. His hand goes down my side making me shiver . Oh god please not him too he promised he'd never do this to me it doesn't make sense.
"Shawn." He moves his hand from my head to my mouth and grips it he pulls down my shorts with his free hand and i know what his intentions are now. I squirm in his grip put he grabs me and slams me on the door again making my body ache. I elbow him in the face and shove him I open the door running in my underwear and hoodie I don't get far until he shoves me on the ground .
"Damn u Rose!" His nose bleeding his anger in his voice makes me flinch. He comes towards me angry and kicks me so hard and just keeps kicking me . I groan as I can feel stomach ache especially where my bullet WOUND was. He kicks me again only this time in the face by accident and I feel my nose bleed so much. I start coughing he grabs the hoodie right off me I shiver as I lay there only in my undergarments. I turn to my side and try to crawl away only for him to kick me again I stop and groan in so much pain. In the corner of my eye. I see his hand go through his hair. But something isn't right i know it. He gets ontop of me shoving my head on to the ground I yell as he pulls my underwear down.
"Stop!" I yell he slaps my ass making me whimper.
"Shh baby don't wake up the neighbors if u do it will only get worse for u." He whispers into my ear making me so uncomfortable. I realize my underwear are off and I hear his zipper . I start to panic. I try to get up but he pulls my legs and drags me too him.
"Like to play rough huh? Daddy will play rough." He enters me with such force I scream he puts his hand over my mouth.
"Shut up." He whispers to me and thrusts inside me making me hurt so much tears fall down my face as I just face the ground and let everything happen I let my body go weak and my hand turns weak as it was once in a fist. And I just lay there help less as the only person who I loved is raping me. The way he does it makes me hurt so much so aggressive. He reaches his climax and he moans loudly.
"U bruise so easily ." He looks at my wrists and smacks my butt one more time making me flinch. He zips his pants up and slams the front door. I burst into tears I go into the down stairs shower and just sit on the floor letting the hot water hit my back. I look at my wrists he'd never hurt me . He'd never do that he'd never leave a mark on me. I stay there what seemed like for hours and scrub my body wishing everything would wash away .
"UR SUCH A SLUT!" I scream I'm so frustrated. I get out of the shower wrap a towel and run into my room I put on my other pjs. I just lay in bed witch doesn't help since there's shawns cologne on here witch makes me cry u til I fall asleep.
I dont know anymore holy moly. I'm done with myself I need the chancla omfg... I was gonna do that Kathy had a crush on Christian but like i dont know I support lgbt so I'm like there's nothing wrong with that so I put that so yeah of ur against that don't be a homophobic asshole and start commenting oh that's not right or eww that's stupid cause I'll report ur ass thank u

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