Chapter 14

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    Rose POV ***
  I slowly open my eyes my head pounding and slowly remembering what happened yesterday .
     "How you feeling?" I see Shawn come into the room with coffee.
    "Shitty." I sit up and take a sip from the warm beverage.
"The fam made breakfast if u wanna come down?" I nod going towards the door he grabs me I raise my eyebrow
"Unless u want everyone to see that ur wearing black laced underwear I suggest to put pants on." My face gets red as he laughs and walks downstairs I grab my jeans but I really don't want to jump everywhere trying to get them back on so I grab on of Shawn's shorts and slide them on there kinda lose but i don't care I shrug and go downstairs
"Hi sweetie." Karen smiles
"Hey." I give a weak smile.
Manny almost bumps into me
"Sweet baby Jesus u scared the crap outta me." He holds his chest I laugh.
"Sorry sir." I smile
"Ur fine sweetie." He pats me on the back. I head to the table Shawn sits me down and he does the same and stares at me .
"Jeez Shawn give the girl a rest ur staring at her like Aaliyah is gonna eat the last muffin." Karen chuckles.
"I can't help that the most beautiful woman is right infront of me." I can feel my face heat up.
"Oh so what am I? A sausage ?" I start laughing so hard at Karen's comment .
"Mom!" Shawn's face turns red I start to eat .
"Hey Rose!" Aaliyah hugs me.
"Hey girly." I smile. She sits and eat her food as well.
"So any boyfriends yet Aaliyah?" I take a bite of eggs her face gets red and Shawn drops everything
"There better be not I'll beat that white crackers as-"
"Shawn!" Aaliyah yells
"No I'm only twelve and according to Shawn I'm not allowed to ever have a boyfriend ." She rolls her eyes.
"True facts." He says with a mouth full
"I'll help u." I whisper to her.
"BISH wha?" Shawn glares at me. I chuckle I finish everything and put the dish in the sink and I help Karen
"Oh dear no I got this." Karen takes the plate from my hand.
"Are u sure it wouldn't bother me to help." I look at her.
"Yes I'm sure u and Shawn go have fun I'll do this AALIYAH GET UR TUSH OVER HERE." Aaliyah groans. I laugh and I head to Shawn's room.i pick my clothes from the floor. I slid Into my jeans flopping everywhere like a fish I get them on and I wonder the upstairs a bit. I see this kinda dusty room I open the door jeez this is pretty old.
    I bump into something
   "Ow shit." I hold my leg and pick up the papers. But I see a paper that catches my eye.
    The Mendes family are dealing with difficult circumstances with there son Shawn as he had supposedly a brother inside him like a conscious . Karen the mother of the boy had a miscarriage leaving her unborn twin son dead but somehow still attached to Shawn they keep calling him bla-
   The newspaper was torn what the hell? Is this real I try to find the date on this or what state I look for other papers .
   "Hey hun?" I jump and feel my heart beating outta my chest. I turn around and Shawn is looking everywhere and looking back to me with anger and confusion in his eyes i dont know why but right now I'm fucking scared shitless by him.
    "What the hell are u doing in here?" He arches his eyebrow .
   "I uh." I quickly see a paper and it has an address. I stumble towards it
   "I'm sorry babe I just wanted to explore the place a bit more." I quickly grab it from behind and put it into my pocket.
   "Okay ." He yanks my arm and closes the door.
  "This room is absolutely off limits and I'm not gonna tell u again got it?" He pins me on the door I shake my head he's about to say something when his mom calls him he goes away. Holy shit what was that I take the paper out of my pocket I look at it
Therapy session for Shawn Peter Raul Mendes
   Reason: Personality disorder
    Date: 7/23/15
Holy shit this was three days ago what the hell.
    "Hey!" Holy shit I see Aaliyah my heart drops she grabs the paper and reads it and I try to yank it from her.
  "Shawn disorder ?" She asks confused I sigh in relief she doesn't know either.
   "Have u noticed ?" I ask Folding the paper .
   "No well he has his mood swings but that's not with his personality issues." She says confused
    "How bout me and u find out." I point to the address.
   "Deal." We quickly change phone numbers. I grab my clothes and head out the door to my house. I open my front door.
   "Hey hunny." My mom smiles.
   "Hey." I quickly go up to my room and slam the door shut. I quickly change into something more comfy like a lose skirt and shirt . I check the time holy shit what time did I wake up at? It's already 4:30 okay even this isn't healthy. I need to think is this other "him" that green eyed dude I mean it would make sense I guess all those mood swings and crap no it can't be listen to urself but it was on the news.
    "What the hell is going on!" I groan and flop on my bed my phone rings . I scream into my pillow then look at the text from Charlie hell no thats the last thing I need right now . Then my phone keep vibrating telling me Charlie is calling me I finally answered
"What the hell do u want?" I ask
    "Rose im so sorry I was drunk as hell shit i couldn't even remember what happened until one of my boys told me. Rose I'm deeply sorry I would have never done that especially since ... jack." I sigh why do I love people more than I should.
    "Ur forgiven." I sigh
   "Oh my god thank god Rose but I am truly deeply am sorry rose I mean it." He sighs in relief .
   "Yeah yeah." I roll my eyes
   "Gotta go have stuff to do." And I hang up
    I'm such a push over. I sigh I change again into black clothing. I put the address into my phone. I get out of the house and into my car then I put the address in there as well. It starting to get dark so we are gonna have to break in. I text Aaliyah
   To Aaliyah
   Ready im out.
  From Aaliyah
I see her jump from her window jesus. She opens the car door and gets in Im also glad she wore black clothes . We start driving it was kinda far. The gravel crunches as my wheel stops in front of the building.
    "Ready ?" I ask
    "Ready" we head out with our flashes we got to the door and she's picks the lock damn this kid is smart. We get in and I quickly go to he office trying to see if I can find anything.
  "Keep watch." I yell.
  "Okay." I look through drawers and drawers I'm about to give up until I see the S I look through it clearly seeing
Shawn Peter Raul Mendes
   "Bingo." I take the files out and look trough them.
Case one Shawn Mendes
   Date: 7/3/10
  Age 12 serval bruises and mental disorders.
Crime breaking a girls arm
   Reason for not paying attention/ catching feelings.
"Oh my god." I say allowed .
   "What is it?"  I don't respond.
Case Karen Mendes
  Problem miscarriage
  Death son
One alive.
Case Shawn Mendes
   Explains how there's a boy in his head named Blake and make him do stuff he doesn't want to making him kill love ones.
   "No." It can't be
Case Shawn Mendes
  Date 7/25/15
   Confession killing woman
   Blake made me do things takes over me
    "Rosita..." no no no
    "What is it?" Aaliyah asks
  "U have another brother." I say almost speechless
   "Oh my god." She stays silent. I take pictures
    "Oh crap someone's coming!" Fuck.
    "Hold on!" I put the stuff back . A part falls
I pick it up
   Case Shawn Mendes
  Fallen in love with Rosemary Elizabeth Dawson probably cure if killed and Mendes is broken .
  Having thoughts of killing or sexually assaulting her.
    "Holy shit." I put my hand over my mouth. I hear someone come in I drop to the ground I put my hand over my mouth. It's a man he's built and has curly hair almost like Shawn well exactly like Shawn. I quickly get up and tip toe to the door then run like there's nothing holding me back . I get in the car and start it I see the other car. A Black jeep ....Shawn's jeep
     I stop for a moment trying to piece stuff together. Then I hear shooting and my back shield is shattered Aaliyah screams I look in the mirror theres a man wearing a skeleton mask. I step on it. And drive down the road I turn to Aaliyah
  "Holy shit." We both say. I drive back to her house and drop her off I go back to mine it is now pitch black. I go to my tree and climb inside my room. I look at the paper
   Me? Why me?
My head spins I lay down in my bed . What if all he said to me was an act ? To kill me? What was his name his damn name that unforgettable name ..

OHHHHHHH SNAAP BTW HAPPY BIRTHDAY SISTER IN LAW AALIYAH MENDES GIRLY UR 14 oh fuck someone pass me a tish don't grow up to fast kiddo anyways ARE U HOES SHOOKETH ABUT THSI CHAPTER LMAO I'm tired they fucking made me run up the bleachers so many fucking times for pe like no botch exercise ? More like extra fries bitch but I'm tired hope u guys liked it❤️

Rose: u
Kathy : Bella Thorne
Christian:James Charles
Shawn : himself
Blake: Shawn Mendes
Jack g: himself
Cameron: himself
Taylor : himself
Nash: himself
Aaron :himself

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