Chapter six

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Roses POV ***
I open my eyes as I look at the clock. Great time for hell. I look around and see that I'm alone in I'm guessing Shawn's room. I streatch and go downstairs to see Shawn cooking
"Cooking breakfast?" Shawn nearly drops everything
"Jesus Christ u scared the living muffins outta me." He hold his chest. I laugh.
"Sorry. Hey Ima need to go back to my place for clothes is that fine?" I sit at the table.
"Yeah but I already have clothes here u might like." He protests.
"Okay why do u have all these girl clothes?" I ask heading towards him.
"Umm well.... they belonged to my sister." He bites his lip.
"Oh." Is all I simply say.
"Just go down the hall onto ur right." I nod and do what he says I open the door to see a room with a bed in the middle. Its design so beautiful. I look at the pictures and take one into my hand. Wow His parents genes sure are hella of good ones . I smile I put it down and look into the closet I grab a crop top a red flannel and shorts and dress really quick . I head back out to the kitchen .
"Here." He hands me some waffles. I smile
"Thanks." I head towards the table and eat so does Shawn. I shove the waffle into my mouth.
"So Rose I have a song coming out soon ." He says with waffle in his mouth
"And I'd really like for u too hear it." I look up at him.
"I'd love too." I smile grabbing my plate and putting it In the sink.
"We should probably get going before my parents come back." I nod. After Shawn cleans up we head towards the car and drive off.
She's got a bad reputation she takes the long way ho-
Shawn's quickly turns the radio off.
"Make that sooner than I expected." He laughs.
"Ur voice sounded awesome." I smirk .
"Well thank u ma'am." I laugh
"Ur such a dork." I smile and I see him smirk. We get to school and we hop out of the car.
"Hey man great job on ur new single." A man pats shawn. His phone rings
"Let me take this."
"Hello?" He speaks into the phone . I walk into the school.
"Yeah she went home with Shawn im pretty sure she fucked him."
"God I feel bad for him she's such a slut."
"True but his new song bad reputation says otherwise." Girls pass me talking not giving a shit that I'm passing them. What is it with this new song.
"Hey!" I fall into the ground holding my chest as Shawn laughs his ass off.
"U scared me shitless!" I breathe heavily.
"God I'm sorry mrs scaredy cat." He laughs his eyes that green again he helps me up.
"So what's this song all about people are talking about it non stop" we walk down the hall together.
"Guess ur gonna have to wait." And he sprints down the hall.
"Hey!" I yell running after him. He disappears and I stop dumbfounded tf he like vanished into air. Someone grabs me and pulls me into the dark ale. I look up at Shawn.
"Ur just full of surprises aren't u Mendes ?" I chuckle he laughs his hands on my waist.
"What's wrong couldn't keep up?" He mockingly says. I shake my head
"Whatever." I laugh. His hand caresses my cheek. His full attention on me he pushes a strain of hair behind my ear and leans down. His fore head leaning on mine and all I can hear is our heavy breathing. His hand on my neck his thumb sliding on my cheek. I close my eyes loving the safe feeling he's giving me.
"No one will ever love u! Look at u ur a depressed slut. God ur such a failure Rose." His words repeat in my mind .
"Ur so easy to get with. Any guy could fuck u ur so weak and vulnerable." I shake my head lightly.
"We should go." Shawn looks taken back.
"Yeah ur right come on." We start walking to our second period since we basically skipped first. We sit with Kathy and Christian at the round table in the class.
"Where were u guys ?" Kathy asks
"Yeah! Wait don't tell me u guys fucked in school." Christian rubs his temples .
"No u sick fuck. We where just taking our time." I smile
"Yeah exactly!" Shawn says a bit to hyper . I hit his shoulder. We pay half attention in class half not listening , so what they hardly ever give homework here . The bell rings excusing us to lunch.
"Hey dude come sit with us!" Matt waves at him.
"Go ahead." I smile. Shawn walks over there and gladly shakes hands with matt. Matt was always like a brother towards me.
"Aww we lost the hottest of our members ." Christian pouts . Me and Kathy both punch him. Taylor comes towards us.
"Rose I need to talk to u for a sec." he puts his hand on my shoulder.
"If u think I'm going anywhere with u ur better of thinking u can actually be attractive." I shake my head.
"Please it's important it's about jack." My eyes nearly pop out of my sockets. Kathy shakes her head no. I sigh getting up .
"Fine." Taylor leads me into a empty hall way next to a empty room.
   "What is it?" I cross my arms.
  "U look really hot today." He smirks at he puts his hands on my bare waist. I slap him across the face
  "Don't u ever use a topic so sensitive like that!" I yell.
  "Shut the fuck up! Ur the one who fucked him." He yells at my face.
  "He was the one who raped me!" I can feel tears threatening to fall.
  "Looks like ur gonna get raped again." He shoves me into the room. He slams me on the wall his hand on my head pushing it down.
  "Get off me!" I yell.
  "Stop moving!" I hear his  pants fall. I'm moving so rapidly squirming so hard. He grabs my hair making me arch my neck back and shoves my face against the wall making my nose to bleed and make me feel weak. He pulls down my shorts.
  "Just stop." I say weak and frighten
   "Is that what u told jack?" I can hear his smirk in his voice. I shake my head tears falling down.
   "Better prepare ur self love its all guys want and it's all Shawn would want." He whispers. I close my eye thinking back into that hallway with Shawn. Taylor is probably right I'm stupid for almost falling for a guy. His grip on my wrist start to hurt . Before he does anything I hear the door slams open. And I hear stuff breaking I pull up my shorts and turn around to see Shawn on top of Taylor punching him.
   "Get the fuck off." Taylor roles on top of Shawn trying to hit him. I hit Taylor kicking him but he punches me.
  "U dont fucking hit women u asshole!" Shawn's eyes a dark brown green. As he shoves Taylor on the wall hitting him kicking him.
   "Shawn stop lets go!" I yell I as grab Shawn and we sprint down the hallways.
   "What the fucking hell where u doing with him!" He yells
  "It's my my fault! He tried raping me!" I yell starting to cry.
  "Why would u ever come out here in the first place!" He pushes me a bit.
  "I didn't want to but he started talking about jack and I just had too okay!" I run my hand through my hair.
   "God ur so fucking stupid!" Shawn yells. That's it I grab him by the calur of his shirt and back slap him.
  "Ur such a fucking ass! U probably would have done the same thing in that fucking hallway! I know what ur thinking I'm a slut how can I be that when I'm not doing shit! When I'm the fucking victim why are u so god damn blind Shawn god damn be in my place for a fucking second how would u like people catcalling u forcing themselves on u repeatedly punching u and make u do shit u wouldn't want to do huh?! Stop fucking thinking about ur self for a FUCKInG second." I drop to the floor crying . His jaw clenched his eyes still that green.
"Leave me the fuck alone Shawn ." I get up and  run away. Hearing Shawn yell my name I run out the school into the rainy weather outside and just keep running and running and running and now Im in the woods carefully running away. Rain gets harder mud gets slippery I cry uncontrollably as I still run and I could still hear his voice. I trip and I grunt rolling down the mud of the forest sticks piercing into my skin mud getting all over me my head hit the tree. I feel dizzy I just lay the spread out onto the now flat ground as water comes over me .
  "Rose!" I hear a faint sound as it starts to get closer .  Darkness over me.
  "Rose!" I he's fit so clearly my eyes shot open seeking a stream of water.
  "Rose." I see Shawn's worried face. I sit up all the cuts and scraps on my body.  Shawn hugs me.
  "Im so sorry please talk to me." He grabs my face and I look into his eyes . They are both brown and green. Showing anger saddens and worry. His hair falls onto his face. His scar on his cheek so adorable. His thumb carcasses my cheek. Tears slowly fall down my cheek.
   "Hey it's okay." He hugs me and I start crying
   "I fucking hate u." I say still crying and tightening my grip on him.
   "I would hate me too." He sighs. I pull away and he looks at me.
  "I'm so sorry back there I was just worried and I told myself I wouldn't know what to do if someone did something to u Rose. God u mean so much to me. Don't forget that okay u just gotta hold on for me okay?" His hands slides on my cheek. I nod I try to stand up but my body ages to much. He grabs me bridal style and carries me back up to the street I shiver as I Barry my head into his chest.
   "Hold on hun please just hold on." I can hear pain in his voice . I close my eyes now just hearing everything around me. I hear a door open and gasps.
   "Shawn what happ-"
   "Just help me please go get mom and dad." I hear the door close.
  "Okay!" A female voice panicky says.
  "Mom dad come down hurry!!!!" She screams I hear so many foot steps.
  "Hold on hun." I hear another door open. He puts me down I open my eyes. He start to take my shirt off .
  "No stop!" I yell
  "Hun I have to okay I won't do anything I promise." His voice calm as possible he takes the shirt off and my shorts and shoes . He turns the warm water on.
   "Dear god." I hear another voice but this time male. I just shiver and don't look up. 
   "Get clothes and tell mom to get blankets and all that other crap." Shawn voice yells. He takes his shirt off and shoes and socks.
  "I'm going to have to come in." He steps in and helps me up I grunt and shake.
  "It's okay ." I bury my head into his chest as he hugs me. He shuts the curtain and the water sprays in my back surprisingly warm. I feel Shawn's chest rise and fall.
   "It's okay." His hand goes up and down my back. He washes me not even caring his pants getting soaking wet. I look up at him his eyes looking down at mine finally those chocolate brown eyes I remember. I let my body relax as the warm water hits me. Shawn touches my cheek.
  "I won't let anyone hurt u." He kisses my head.
  "I promise." And he hugs me tightly.
I know i know kinda of an weird chapter i dont know what to say lmao I wish I could go to this school seems they don't care that there student skip school lmao (they probably dont) but anyways probably won't be able to publish this chapter till tomorrow wtf ugh dad turned of wifi I think he has caught up with me fuccckk anyways hope u guys like this chapter I should be more active till mid terms good pray for me (Shawn is god duh)  anyways good night lovies see you guys soon! (Not Shawn's soon I swear to god).


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