Fairy Tail Reborn

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A year. It can go so fast or it can be so slow. But for Natsu it was fast. The first year without the core members of Fairy Tail was tough. People cried, looked down, and Fairy Tail's spirit went down. But a few good things came out of it.

After the first year people finally stepped over the crack and started moving again. For the first year without the core Fairy Tail members the remaining members left. They didn't leave Fairy Tail, but they just needed some time to relax and let it sit in. Half of there family was no longer with them.

The first two people to understand this was Bisca and Alzack. It was a rainy day so Natsu, Mirajane, and Erza decided to take a break that day to let there sore muscles recover. A day like this was rare but was nice as all three of them had been training for so far a year. But on this day the first two people came back.

The rain hit the window as Natsu heard footsteps outside; he then looked towardes the door as they came closer.

"What wrong?" Mirajane asked Natsu as she cleaned a beer glass behind the bar.

"I smell someone familiar coming.." Natsu explained to Mirajane as he continued to look towards the wooden door.

A few seconds later Bisca and Alzack opened the door and came in.

"Bisca.. Alzack.." Erza whispered as she saw the cowboy and cowgirl enter Fairy Tail.

"Wow.. this place hasn't changed.." Alzack sighed as he looked around.

"Yeah.. we don't plan to change this place till everyone returns from training." Mirajane replied to Alzack's comment.

"You two look like your doing good." Natsu said as he looked at Bisca and then at Alzack.

They were both smiling and happy.

"Yeah we are." Bisca happily replied and rested her head on Alazack shoulder. They both sat down at a bench near Erza and Natsu. They wanted to talk to him a bit more private as a few remaining members of Fairy Tail were around. They were just the random people not the people they all knew.

"So..." Erza started to say.

"When did you two finally get together?" Natsu asked as he cut off Erza.

"H-how did you know?" Bisca nervously asked as she looked surprise that Natsu had figured her and Alzack out already.

"Took you two long enough." Mirajane cried out of happiness. She had been trying to get them two together for a long time.

"Easy, your scents." Natsu replied and tapped his dragon slayer nose.

"Lucky.." Bisca pouted.

"So how did you two start dating? Tell me!" Mirajane exclaimed; she wanted to know the details.

"Well both of us were just thinking a lot. Mainly about the people we lost. The first few days were tough, I basically cried all day. But that was until Alzack came up to me and hugged me. After that we talked some and just started being together more. It wasn't probably for another month till we both helped each other get over it. Then we started training, but during the training we ran into something we shouldn't of. I had almost died and Alzack saved me. After that we were so scared that Alazack told me that he loved me in case anything happens." Bisca explained what happened and how her and Alzack started dating.

"Aww that so sweet!" Mirajane exclaimed and hugged Bisca.

"That's good.. so now what's your plan?" Natsu asked Bisca and Alzack.

"Well were hoping to stay around Fairy Tail and train some. Also were going to probably take a few jobs here and there to help out." Alazack told Natsu and answered his question.

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