The Grand Magic Games Begin!

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"Hey I was here first!"

"Shut the hell up, I was!"

"Just shut it and open the booze! I need a drink..."

"What are you all doing here?" Natsu asked as he yawned. He was coming down the stairs wearing his normal cloths and was tired. For the last two weeks he had been able to sleep in and relax with his two wives. But now it was early in the morning and people were screaming.

"What do you mean? You asked us to be here a week early!" Macao yelled at Natsu.

"O.. Yeah. Damn it! It's already been two weeks?" Natsu asked as he sighed. His break was now over sadly.

"It's alright boy.. being the guild master is always hard. So it sucks to be you!" Master Makarov went up to Natsu and tried to cheer him up. But just made it worse as he ran away to grab a near by barrel of beer.

"Hey.. what's going on?" Erza yawned as she walked into the main area of the bar.



Natsu turned around to see what they were all blabbering about and saw Erza. She was wearing one of his shirts which greatly showed her curves and her breasts while only wearing a pair of panties, or at least so he hoped.

"Erza.. I think you need to go back and grab some clothing." Natsu told Erza as a drip of blood ran out of his nose. Even to this day Erza was smoking hot as anything she wore showed her curves of her hips and breasts.

"Hmm?" Erza looked down and saw what she was wearing.

"Gah! Requip!" Erza yelled as she shriked and changes her clothing.

"Thank you.." Erza replied to Natsu with a slight blush and sat down next to him.

"So.. It looks like everyone is arriving on time. Hopefully in the next day we can pick the teams." Mirajane said aloud as she walked down the stairs and atleast was wearing proper clothing.

"Yeah. That's the goal." Natsu sighed.

"B-but w-we'reee still going t-to kick assssss." Master Makarov yelled as he hiccuped and continued to drink his beer.

Fairy Tails base for the Grand Magic Games was a local bar with a hotel above it. It was called "The Fairy Bar." The bar was your typical bar with a bunch of tables, a bar with lots of beer, and chairs which were easily replaced. But of course once everyone had arrived they had to put up a magic barrier to protect them from spies and people destroying the walls.


"Ahh.. not a bad place.." Gildarts sighed as he looked around and was glad to find the place and not get lost. Crocus was truly a large place.

"Gildarts...!" Mirajane yelled as she looked at Gildarts. Instead of using the door, Gildarts went right through the wall.

"Uhh... Not the balls!" Gildarts squeaked as he covered his balls with his hands and watched a demon stare at him.

"The wood is behind the bar, go get some now and fix it!" Mirajane yelled at Gildarts as she pointed at him then behind her towards the back end of the bar.

"Yes!" Gildarts yelled and ran through another wall as he went to the back of the bar.

"You do relize he's going to cause more damage then he will fix, right?" Natsu asked Mirajane.

"I know... But that's money we would to waste to fix it." Mirajane sighed.

"Sheesh.. my dad's already destroying the place I see." Cana laughed as she peaked her head through the hall Gildarts made into the bar.

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