The Demon Plan

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Could a demon be cold? Hell, with the heat radiating off of his opponent he didn't know how he was. A shiver made goosebumps appear on his arms as he eyes widened. All of this time.. he was trying to break him out, yet here he was. There in front of him was his opponent, but above him showed a demon with dark black chains wrapped around his wrists and ankles. The book that he had hit had made the demon appear, but already it was now fading. But just the shock of seeing him blew him away. This only meant.. that the book of E.N.D didn't haven't the physical body of the most powerful demon in existence. It was just a simple key, as the body of the dragon slayer in front of him held the real demon.

A demonic smile crossed his lips. He shivered in happiness, this information wasn't just useful. It changed everything, hell maybe he could even ditch his plan of using the Face weapon. Maybe.. he just had to rip a large hole in this human to let the demon inside of him out. 'E.N.D.. you'll soon be released, I promise you that!' Mard Geer thought to himself as he practically began to laugh aloud.

"So.. what are you laughing out loud about?" Natsu asked as he stood there waiting for his opponent. His body still was a bit numb where he attempted to hit the book. He wanted to know why it had sent him own attack back.. or that was what he was thinking after he kept playing the scene inside his head. Either this book was a protection for the demon he was fighting or it had a defense part for itself. What was it? And what did those 3 letters stand for.

"Hmm.. I guess my plans have changed." Mard Geer began to explain, "originally I thought I needed Face to release E.N.D from this book. But now.. maybe I could use something else." He explained after with a wicked smile smeared across his face. How wonderful it was, things were going better then planned then ever. The pieces of the puzzle were litterly falling right in front of him to use. But.. now.. he needed to unlock the demon that was harbored inside the human he was fighting.

'I do wonder.. does the human even know it's inside of him?' Mard Geer began to think about.. what were the probabilities that he did? He couldn't really tell, it was frightening, and exciting to say the least. Crack. The king of the under world began to crack his knuckles, he licked his lips, and prepared to pounce like a cheetah. No more going slow, he had to figure out how to get the master of Tartarus out of the human. Also at the same time he had to make sure he wouldn't be defeated and would not kill his opponent.

He wasn't sure what was going through the demons mind, but had a gut wrenching feeling that it wouldn't be good. If the plans had changed, how would the others work against it. Face.. it hadn't even be stopped yet and now the demon that was controlling everything couldn't care about it. Natsu snarled, his onyx eyes focused on his opponent and locked onto him. At once his muscles began to push forward and work, his legs pushed his muscular body forward, and went off towards the demon with a flaming fist. 'Change of plans? Who cares, I'll just bring him down before he could make it start!' Natsu thought to himself.

His body swayed to the right as his curse powered up. He could feel the vines running through the ground as the bits of gravel on the stone floor began to shake. Boom! Green vines with sharp spikes on every end bursted through the ground as it rushed straight in front of him.

His instincts told him to dodge. Natsu's muscled obeyed as he pulled his body to the left just as a spiky thorny vein bursted from the ground towards him. He grabbed hold of one of the thorns and let it take him up towards the top of the room. Once up he placed a foot on top of the roof and ignited. His red fiery flames began to char everything, leaving scorch marks on the roof as he used it to propel him off towards the demon. "Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!" Natsu yelled as his opponent looked up just in time to see his fist.

'He's pushing his magic now..' Mard Geer thought as he was forced to take the punch to his face. He was knocked back as he slid back and tried to stop his momentum by digging his toes into the ground. It worked as he stopped and looked at the dragon slayer as if the hit didn't even affect him. Suddenly he raised his hands and vines from all over opened the floor under neither both of them as they bursted sky high. The went right through the roof and began to crack the room as dust began to fill all around them and consume them both.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2019 ⏰

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