The Demons and to Battle

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The dark grueling clouds loomed over ahead. Every few minutes a giant blinding yellow flash of lightning cracked in the sky as the clouds began to swirl over the city of Magnolia. The wind began to become hasty and the animals that still remained around there began to yip and screech.

Slowly walking through Magnolia, the red brick street, and through the buildings was a dark menace of a man. From his bloody red eyes and his slick black clothing, terror screamed all around him. The direction he was slowly walking towards was in the direction of one strongest guilds in Fiore; Fairy Tail.

High above in the dark gray clouds was a simple square island. It looked as if the entire earth had shrunken down in size and been turned into a square. But on top of it was a tall dark castle with throne rooms and dungeons. There stood 9 evil demons, a cloaked human, and a ex magic council member. Tartarus was standing high above as they watched Zeref arrive at the sturdy iron gates of Fairy Tail.

From the tall towers on either side to the multiply flags with the guild symbol flying on all of them. Zeref stood there in front of Fairy Tail with a smile across his face. With that he pushed open the gates and took the few steps that were needed to arrive at the wooden doors of the main hall.

"Now.. shall we start the party?" Zeref asked aloud as he looked up and heard the wind whip around him. His black hair was flapping around and his cloak was going from side to side.

"How could they be above us..?" Natsu muttered as his brain tried to figure out every logical possibility of how the most diabolical dark guild in existent was above them right now. His brain was churning out every answer he could think of as drips of sweat rolled down his face. Natsu's onyx eyes was simply just starring up as his right eyebrow ticked.

"Natsu.." Mirajane whispered lowly as she saw the state Natsu was in by trying to figure out what in the world was going on. So much news was hitting them so fast. They didn't have time to process everything, they hadn't figured everything out yet. But now with the news of Tartarus being just above them, it made them scared and anxious.

"Heh.. I say we just go up there and kick there ass." Gajeel grunted as he pointed up towards where Levy had said Tartarus was at. He was anxious as well but the best thing he knew to do was to fight and worry later.

"I hear something.." Cobra announced from the dark corner of the Fairy Tail building. A few people looked over at him and only thought about what he said or ignored him. The poison dragon slayer that Natsu had asked the Magic Council to keep out of jail was still around, but always silent as he waited to strike or for something fun to happen.

"What do you mean you hear something?" Natsu suddenly asked as he looked over at the ex Oración Seis guild member and thought about it. Normally when he heard something, he would comment on something big that was about to happen.

"I hear talking outside.." Cobra answered as he begun to stand up and prepare himself.

Natsu took a deep breath as he began looking towards the wooden doors of the building. Slowly he took two steps near it when everything changed. Everyone suddenly felt the dark leaking magic swirling around. There stomach began to churn as sweat began to pour down there faces. Now they knew something was outside..

Boom! The front doors and the entire front of the building was suddenly destroyed as a spray of wood was sent at everyone inside. People screamed as they all put there arms in front of there face and began to block the flying debris. A thick cloud of gray dark dust and dirt littered the area in front of them as the heavy noise from the explosion calmed down.

Slowly there vision was cleared as the wind pushed the clouds of dust away. There they saw the demons and there enemy that had arrived at there front door. In front of them stood Zeref with the 9 demons of Taratrus and Jellal standing behind him.

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