Grand Magic Games Day 2

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"It's time! Let's bring out our participants and begin the first event!" Chapati yelled in excitement.

"Hm.. let's see who the guilds will send out." Yajima thought aloud as he looked at the teams.

"So who do you think will be sent out Mira?" Lisanna asked Mirajane as she looked down at the arena with the rest of Fairy Tail who weren't in the Grand Magic Games.

"Don't know, it's all up to the teams. But hopefully it's someone strong." Mirajane replied to Lisanna with a smile as she stood next to Natsu who she was leaning her head against.

"Hmm.. team b wouldn't send their strongest person in so I believe Gray will be it. For team A it's gonna be Rogue, that would be the smartest thing." Natsu said aloud as he thought about the teams.

"And why's that?" Laki asked Natsu as she was curious.

"Because you don't want to put your strongest out in the first match, also Rogue can use the shadows to hide. So whatever this event is, Rogue should be able to compete in it." Natsu answered Laki.

"And here they come out!" Mato yelled as everyone watched as the participants started walking towards the middle of the arena.

"Gray from Fairy Tail Team B! Beth from Team Mermaid Heel! Jäger from team Quatro Cerberus! Nullpudding from Team Raven Tail! Eve from Team Blue Pegasus! Rufus from Team Sabertooth! Lyon from Team Lamia Scale! And last but not least Rogue from Team Fairy Tail A!" Mato yelled as he informed everyone of the participants coming towards him in the middle of the arena.

Everyone in the crowd stated to cheer as the participants walked and waved.

"Now it's time to explain how the days of the Grand Magic Games will proceed. The first thing that'll happen each day will be an event followed by five battles." Chapati explained to everyone.

"The teams will earn points depending on how they performed in the event. For each event the team may pick 1 person to participate. In the by battle the sponsers will have a right to choose fighting pairs. The losing fighter will earn 0 points, whilst the winner gets 10. If it ends I a draw there will be 5 points distributed to each. Now Mato would you announce and explain our first event?" Yajima informed everyone and asked Mato a question.

"Of course, the first event is called hide and seek!" Mato announced and a massive spell appeared above everyone's head.

"What the.." Erza muttered as she looked above her. Above the arena was a massive spell starting to glow red now.

"The first event will take place in the city." Mato informed everyone as they watched the arena become a miniature city.

"What the..." Gray muttered as he disappeared and appeared one second later in the city.

"All wizards, the rules are that each member must find their opponents and hit them, but nobody knows where the others are. Whoever launches an attack first gains one point and the one who is hit loses one point, thus the game becomes hide and seek. To make matters harder, numerous clones of each contestant will walk around the city to confuse everyone. Attacking a clone will result in a one point deduction. Now that the rules have been explained, let the game begin!" Mato said as he explained the rules to the cheering crowd and 8 participants through his magic.

"3!" Mato yelled.

"2!" Yajima announced

"1!" Chapati excitingly announced

"Go! Mato yelled as the first event officially began.

"Alright, let's see how to find people.." Gray muttered as he started running off in between buildings.

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