The End of the Dragon Arc

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"Fire Dragon Slayer..?" The dragon on fire in front of Natsu asked as he stood there shocked. From the buildings around him burning and crumbling in the wrecked city of Crocus. Never in a hundred years did he believe he would hear those words. Around him his fire lit up the area brighter than the shinnying red moon above them. In midst of a long battle and war.. some how he had made a new friend.

"Yeah.. that's me!" Natsu laughed a bit as he watched the flame dragon in front of him. Yes.. he was a bit surprised but was he even more surprised when the dragon stopped because of the mention of him being a fire dragon slayer.

"So tell me.. what relationship do you have to my king. The king of the fire dragon's.. Igneel?!" The flame dragon asked as he watched every move of Natsu with his fiery red flaming eyes. He was now curios about it as things were coming together quite weird. First he bit and eat his flames like Igneel. Now he was the same dragon slayer type of his king. Was he close to him? Things were quite weird for him now.

"O.. you mean my dad?" Natsu replied with a huge smile over the mention of his foster father. Natsu was also quite surprised when the huge tower flame dragon standing in front of him said the name of his dad.

"D-dad?! You mean you're the son of Igneel?!" The flame dragon that was completely on red fire asked in shock.

"Yup, Igneel is my dad." Natsu laughed with a huge grin on his face.

"Hm.. I see. My name is Atlas Flame. I am Flame dragon!" Atlas Flame informed Natsu of his name and told Natsu what type of dragon he was to Natsu as he looked at him closely with his fiery eyes.

"Alright.. so tell me. What are you attacking these people and this city?" Natsu asked Atlas flame as he stood there watching the flame dragon quietly. The more information he knew the better. It would give him an easier chance at making a plan to defeat the dragon and send them away. It would also give him a chance to fight an fully defeat Larmin the demon from Tartarus.

"Because we were ordered to.. well its actually mainly for fun." Atlas Flame slightly shucked as he stood tall and listening to Natsu. He was now interested in him.

"Ok.. would there be any way to stop them?" Natsu asked as he looked Atlas Flame in his fiery eyes. Natsu was trying to find a way to stop the dragons from destroying the town and hurting anyone who hadn't made it out yet.

"Sadly no.. the only way is to defeat them or take out the gate I presume." Atlas Flame answered Natsu with a small sigh.

"Alrighty.. then guess were going to have to team up and take out Larmin then." Natsu sighed as he began walking toward Atlas Flame. It was time for him to take flight and push back at Larmin.

"GAH!" a bloody screamed echoed through Crocus as Natsu slowly walked towards Atlas Flame. The voice was someone who he knew. It was someone important to him and it sounded like that person had just gotten severely hurt or worse.

"Damn!" Natsu muttered as he turned around and began to push off toward where the voice originated from. He needed to know what happened and if that person was safe or needed help.

Atlas Flame stood in the same spot as he watched Natsu go running off towards the scream. 'Hm.. well it's fun here..' Atlas Flame sighed and began to follow Natsu as he passed the shocked Fairy Tail wizards and everyone else who had watched Natsu becomes friends with Atlas Flame.

"N-no.. p-please.. wake up!"

Natsu's eyes widened in shock as he ran up to the scene. All around them the black burnt buildings were collapsed and burning and the rode was cracked. The city looked like hell itself as it also no longer looked familiar to the city they had first arrived back at the begging of the Grand Magic Games.

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