Jackal and Preparing

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"Heh.. you were lucky the first time you defeated me. But this time. Things are different!" Jackal madly laughed as he stood there in a fighting stance. Now there was a fire in his stomach and it was roaring like a cheetah. His blood was boiling and he was wanting this fight now. This also meant this was going to take longer than expected. But oh well.

"Yeah.. your right. This fight will be different.. things are different." Natsu laughed as he gave Jackal a small smirk. Slowly the wind around them in the dessert they were in began to blow and with it Natsu's wizard Saint Jacket fell to the sand beneath them.

The white fire rolling on his hands and up his wrists was still burning. Natsu's licked his lips and stood there ready. The first person to move would set the fight off. His heart was beating fast, his mind was prepared, and he knew what he had to do.

Natsu was ready for anything. To take Jackal down was what he needed to do and that was what he was going to accomplish. Taking down jackal was necessary. But not just that, he was going to eliminate him and get him out of the question to make sure he wouldn't ever come back.

Natsu's white Fairy Fire continued to burn and crackle. This was his magic, this is what he had been using since the Tenrou group disappeared, the magic he learned while they were gone, and this was the magic he would use to protect his family.


It began. A cracking motion began under Jackal's feet as the ground under him suddenly exploded and Natsu watched as Jackal pushed off straight at Natsu in the air. He was soaring through the air and had his hand out aiming at Natsu's head. Natsu watching as he soared straight at him and smiled.

"To slow.." Natsu whispered and moved his head to the side an inch. He heard the loud wind pass him and watched as Jackal landed on his feet once more staring at Natsu. Both were back in a stalemate. Both were ready to pounce again.

The wind yet again blew and both of their scarves around there necks blew. Jackals's black scarf and Natsu's white scarf. Both flapped back in the air as the dessert's sun continued to rise high into morning cool air.

'Heh.. couldn't even mark him. This is weird though.. he's acting way different from when I first fought him.' Jackal thought to himself as he tryed to think of a plan to attack Natsu. So far.. none. He was first trying to measure his magic and ability.

"Fairy Fire.." Natsu whispered as he raised his left hand to his eye level and it pulsed like crazy. His white hot flames began to drip down as the fire died as soon as it hit the ground.


Astonished could be the word you used of what Jackal was thinking that second. He was gone. The man in front of him was suddenly gone. Where the hell could he have gone?!

"Fairy Fire Dragon's Roar!" Natsu screamed as he appeared above Jackal. Speed beyond the eye could see was how fast Natsu got above him. Play time was over.

Jackal grunted as he pushed off with his left foot and just barely got out of Natsu's attack. He stood there a few feet back waiting for another attack and figuring things out. The man he was fighting had been apparently holding back the first time.. now he was facing a monster. A monster that was pissed, a monster that was going to keep his family safe.

"Landmine Curse!" Jackal yelled as he began fighting back. Silly.. Natsu was standing in the exact place he was just at.. his curse was perfect because of this. Whoever and wherever he touches becomes a target.. with that target he can make that item or person explode sky high.


"I'm a fire dragon slayer.." Natsu muttered as the dust slowly blew away. As it did Jackal noticed that Natsu didn't even have to move.. he was unharmed.

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