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Natsu's ears perked up as his name was whispered into the cold night sky air. The sky was pitch black with the glowing white moon and its stars dazzling. It was a beautiful sight to see and he was glad that he had his wives to watch it with him. But as he smiled and was looking up at the night sky.. his name was whispered by a soft voice.

He looked to the right where the beginning of the forest began.. and there he was. There at the edge was a man, no a boy wearing black robes, and tears rolling down his face out of his red eyes. His black hair was blowing in the wind slightly and he looked shocked without belief.

"Natsu.." Zeref whispered again as he waited to be sure. There... there he was. The boy, no.. now a man that was soon to able relieve him of his dark magic and to finally kill him. Natsu, the child he watched grow up in front of them and who he had traveled with. Finally, the first meeting of fate was happening.

"Hmm..?" Mirajane whispered as she looked up at Natsu and saw him staring off at something. She moved her head and looked at where his eyes were staring at. At the edge of the dark forest, she saw him as well. The boy that was wearing the black robes.

"You've grown.." Zeref whispered as he took a step forward towards Natsu with tears rolling down his face. It was him, the pink hair, the white scaly scarf from Igneel, and the cheeky grin he always had. It was truly Natsu in front of him.

"Who are you?" Natsu asked as he began to sit up and pick himself up. He then quickly got onto his feet and made sure Mirajane and Erza were behind him in case something goes wrong.

"Natsu, who is he? Why does he know your name?" Erza asked as she got up with Mirajane. They both stood to the side of Natsu as they stared at the man. From his black robes, his black hair, and red eyes, he looked like a boy out of a horror story.

"I don't know.." Natsu whispered as he watched the man walking towards him. Step by step his head throbbed. Had he seen him before? No.. he hadn't, but why did his head hurt so bad?

"It's alright, I'm not surprised you don't remember. It's quite alright." Zeref announced as he stopped. Now he was a merely 5 feet away from them. Now he knew. Now he knew that this man in front of him, was truly Natsu.

"What are you talking about, I'm confused." Mirajane replied as she stared at the black hair boy in front of him. She could feel it, the irking, the deadly, the black magic rolling off of the boy. A cold shiver was sent through her body as goose bumps appeared over her arms. She was curious, who was this boy?

"You don't need to worr-." Zeref began to again tell Mirajane but this time he was cut off. Someone.. he knew the man's name already.

"Zeref." Natsu replied as his voice went monotone and his mind went crazy. "Zeref, that's your name. But why.. why and how do I know that?" Natsu asked as right above his eyes began to tick. Pain pulsed through his head and it felt like it was going to burst open any minute.

"Zeref.." Erza whispered as she admittedly recognized the name and stepped back once. Her eyes were now wide open as she waited. All around was silent, the wind had died down, and no one was talking.

"Yes.. you know that name. That's good, so maybe it is time..." Zeref whispered as the tears began to start up once again. The rolled down his cheek as he finally knew it was time. It was time to undo the magic.

"Time for you to answer my question. Why do I know you?" Natsu asked as he demanded an answer. Something was weird, something was off. His mind was in pain and the dark world around him was beginning to change.

Erza, Mirajane, and Natsu began to look around. As they did the world changed. Cracks lined the sky, trees began to turn into dust, and the ground under them simply disappeared. The world changed, now.. they were in nothing.

The Tenrou of Fairy Tail RisesΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα