The truth?

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Two breathtaking blurs clashed against each other. The sound of a sharp edged sword scraping against a claw on a demon was heard as both figures rushed at each other once more. The demon used her claw to block the swords women blow again as they repeated there actions and huffed. Sweat poured down there faces as there eyes showed how much they were both determined to win this fight.

The red headed armor clad women who was duel wielding her swords graced across the sky with a scream as she rushed the women who she had fought once in the past. She was sour at what the demon had turned into from her previous form, now seeing this form made her want to how strong she was. Erza Dragneel was going to do what ever she could to return the demon she was fighting again back to human.

"Erza!" The demon roared with lust as she felt her muscles shake. Her blood was pumping and breathing was taxed as once again she thrusted forward her hand that was now her claw. She didn't care about the pain, she only thought of winning, and ripping apart the women that stood between her and victory.

'Minerva..' Erza thought as she sighed and prepared herself. How could someone so mighty, so strong fall to the depths she was at now. Letting Tartarus change her into a demon? How disgusting and vile that was. 'I will!' Erza thought once more as her brown eyes lit up, a new goal arose as it took priority over going after Kyouka. "Minerva.. I will bring you back!" Erza roared as she soared straight towards the demon. What had driven that women to do that, she didn't know but it seemed she might be finding out soon.

Metal against claw struck as white sparks flew all around them. There attack broke the ground under them as the pillars that Kyouka had stood on began to crumble and crack. Brown dust flew into the air as they were blanketed by the dirty mist that know clouded there vision. Erza closed her eyes without a second thought as she perked up her ears and focused them.

Only the sound of wind already blowing the smoke away could be heard at first. But in seconds she could hear a faint breath. Crack. With a smile on her lips Ms. Dragneel turned to the right as she went towards the right and felt pressure of a sharp claw aiming for her side with her very sword. As they did so the wind finished flowing the smoke to reveal Erza's swords locked between Minerva's struggling claws.

"It's Neo Minerva!" Minerva screamed as she pulled her claw out of the lock and brought the arm back to thrust it back towards Erza.

With a glance she already knew Erza was going to block so she decided to start using her magic. "Territory!" Minerva suddenly yelled as her and Erza's body began to glow as they disappeared and switched places. Under the confusion Minerva quickly broke through Erza's defense and let her claw drag away at her sweaty dirty skin.

"Gah!" Erza yelled as she winced and pain ran through her body. Minerva's sharp edges claw dragged along her skin as it made long cuts. Red ruby blood slowly dripped form the new wound as Erza gave another huff of breath.

Erza didn't let the new wound stop her, she quickly retaliated with her swords as she thrusted one at Minerva's claw and the other towards her chest. She watched as the demon jumped back to dodge the attack but Erza kept pressure up as she took a step forward herself and brought her swords against Minerva's claws. A scraping sound was heard as both human and demon growled at each with there equal strength trying to push each other back. Neither of them budged as a smirk appeared on Erza's face.

"Why.." Erza muttered under her breath as she arms shook violently. She was using all her strength to hold back Minerva as she saw her eyes light up for a second.

"Because.. I am the ultimate Mage!" Minerva screamed as she pushed up with her claws and both of them pushed back to dodge each other's attack.


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