Laxus's redemption?

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"So.. this is not what I expected." Natsu sighed as he stood there surprised. The two beautiful looking women who stood to either side of him were thinking the same thing.

As they arrived at Crawford Seams house they were suppose to locate and find anything they could use to find Tartarus. Luckily for them they wouldn't have to worry about Crawford himself as he was locked up away in a jail cell due to being known he was working for Tartarus.

In front of them was something they hasn't been ready for. A Japanese looking home in the middle of a clear patch in a deep forest. From the light oak wood walls to the nice looking porch, and the large circle dome like roof. It was a bit twisted between styles of Japanese and modern. From afar only the dome was visible so it blended nicely into the forest and it's lush surroundings.

Squeak. As Natsu, Mirajane, and Erza walked up to the house they first grabbed the bronze knob and let the door slowly open. With a squeak the door open gently and inside was dark as no one had been inside for quite some time.

As soon as they first entered they saw a reguler living room with three tan couches sitting around a red brick fire place and multiply doors going to others places.

"This.. it looks like a normal home for any regular person." Erza said aloud as she observed Crawford's home and walked around. Her black thigh high boots made a knocking sound against the hard wood floor as she walked around. As she kept moving around, her blue skirt swayed as her silky thighs were revealed and her white button down shirt that accentuated her cleavage was threatening to bust out and radiate her beauty everywhere.

"Oh.. my. I guess your right Erza." Mirajane giggled a little as she quickly agreed with her best friend's observation about Crawford's home. Mirajane walked around in her yellow tight dress that wrapped around her waist and very exotic body. A single black line ran down her dress on the left side and all of the edges of the dress was black as well. A split in the dress started right at her thigh and where her white Fairy Tail mark was once at. Now the slit in the dress showed off her amazing thigh. The dress's arms were sleeveless so her red Fairy Tail mark that matched Natsu's and Erza's was clearly seen.

Instead of responding Natsu hummed a sigh as he searched around for papers hoping for a clue. Things were not adding up. The only thing he did figure out was that Crawford was the person leaking where the ex magic council members lived. Now he had to find the connection between Crawford and Tartarus, why Taratrus was after the magic council, and what the hell Taratrus was trying to do. So many things.. all unanswered.

"Erza?" Natsu asked aloud Erza's name as he left Crawford's desk and saw Erza just standing there at a doorway not moving.

"No." Erza simply replied without moving. Her brown eyes were stuck on a table sitting there inside a kitchen that was through the door she was at. On top of that table was the problem.

A cup of tea.. normally tea wasn't a problem.. but this cup of tea.. had steam coming off from it. It was warm.. they weren't alone.

"Oh wow.. it seems one of you finally noticed it." A large mans voice began to laugh through out the house as Natsu, Mirajane, and Erza all began to spin around looking for the voice.

Now all three of them were on high alert as they braced them self for anything.

Sniff. Sniff.

"What's with the weird smell?" Mirajane asked aloud as she began to wave her hand in front of her nose and began to cough. The smell was terrible and made her mind feel very weird. It was if the world was tipping to the left.

Sniff. Sniff. Natsu began to sniff the air as he heard Mirajane's question. "No! Mirajane, Erza!" Natsu suddenly screamed as he pushed forward with all his might and grabbed Mirajane as she swayed over and quickly caught Erza as she fell towards the floor. Now both women were out cold in his arms as he bursted through a wooden wall of Crawford's home.

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