Too Dangerous For Me

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It wasn't right. Something wasn't right. The fact that everything went well at the birthday bash. I was the center of attention which automatically gave the night a sentence of bad fortune and embarrassment. But it went smoothly. It just didn't make any sense at all. The universe didn't give me anything that made my life easier. Something was just off. And since the night was over, the

I wasn't exactly an antisocial, more like an introvert. I had my times when I was friendlier than necessary like most people do. But mostly, I cut people off. Literally.

Especially when they all laugh and act as if life was so happy go lucky. It always made me get angry because they could act and I couldn't think that everything was okay. Not even for one night. And that was why I hayed attention. Also part of the reason I hated him so deeply. He drew attention where every he was.

It was his birthday after all, but everyone seemed so genuinely drawn to him. Although that could be because he was the Alpha of the world's most powerful pack.

His hand never left my waist. All when they were talking about business and stock. Things I wasn't all that familiar with and couldn't exactly add anything else to the conversation except for a nod and a smile.

Was this how bring married to him be like? I would be his little trophy wife? Although if he really wanted a trophy wife, I saw plenty in the room. They were all glancing at him, those seductive glances that were used to attract. Oh, I knew those glances.

"Hey," he was in my ear, both his hands were now on my hips and the moved forward, traveling to my front. I tensed. My heart felt as if it was in my throat. I swallowed. I glanced at his Beta and third in command still conversing in front of us and I swallowed. Again. "You feeling okay?"

I nodded as his hands crept back up to my belly button. I saw some of the women giving me death glares, even the ones I knew were mated and probably twenty years Victor's senior.  My mind wasn't exactly focused in that moment. It was quite obvious since I barely spoke. I think that was a record for me. I didn't even push his deliberately wandering hands away.

"Then why do you look so stock still? I prefer you being you're usual sassy, miserable and irrational self, " He stated before nipping my earlobe and I shuddered, but that didn't stop me from turning to him with a death glare. One I wished would actually pur him six feet under. My life would be a lot easier about now. He chuckled. "And you wonder why I love to annoy you."

He rubbed his nose with mine and I was helpless to stop him. It was too cute and it would be majorly disrespectful to push him a way. He was showing his affection for me. Okay, maybe I didn't care about all that. I just liked it. Plain and simple.

He smiled at me. "Be here with me?" It sounded as if it should be a question, but I knew it was more of a command. "Don't get me wrong, you look hot even when you're silent," I rolled my eyes at. But I blushed all the same. Curse light skin. Shows every freaking thing. "But I know that isn't really you. You seemed too far away."

He leaned down for our foreheads to meet and the front of my body was officially pressed against his front. I tried to ignore the hardness there. The hardness everywhere. Damn, he had to work out. Werewolf or no werewolf, you didn't get that hard without training. Well, he was the Alpha. He had to train to always remain on top. Too much for a twenty year old if you ask me.

I fiddled with the top button of his open collar shirt a little. My fingers brushed the skin beneath as I slid the button in and out of the hole. I felt shy for some reason, unable to meet his gaze. Maybe it was because of his arousal. Perhaps my own arousal as well. But I couldn't find the power to look him in the eyes. I was quite enjoying the soft rocking though. The music was a little more upbeat now, but it was okay. It felt kind of good in his arms. Not like I wasn't going to hate myself for it later, but I liked it. I really, really liked it.

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